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Status Updates posted by Wargame-kun

  1. woot my ban has been god damn lifted :v

    1. Dan


      wait, you were banned from here?

    2. Wargame-kun


      yea due silly ax thread

    3. Cook4251


      I didn't even notice...

  2. well shit my main FB account went disabled for no reason

    1. DartzPie



      maybe u where hacked?

    2. Noside


      FBI investigation.

    3. Wargame-kun


      hax no my account has been disabled 


      in short some idiot reported me


  3. remember imbeciles i use some names for fun and never do shit roleplaying if i did that it will gives me a damn brain damage seriously :=D:

  4. Imbecile! Do you think that coding is a easy thing to do?! Well You're wrong you need go through hell of practice before you get it smooth! I hope you understand of i mean (or not) imbecile!


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

      ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

      Egnaro give a little of respect to Sima Shi and Sima calm down a bit man, what happen to you?

    3. Wargame-kun


      if you ask me i have no idea why he got mad?


    4. Egnaro


      I meant the Character Sima Shi from DW7/8 lol....

  5. currently bored dont know what to do atm.. -leave le chair to find something to eat-


  6. i shall reign supreme!

  7. is bored...i think i should upload the mugen vids soon

  8. the moment the imbecile saw me he's hating me.

    1. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      Obssession detected!

    2. Wargame-kun


      lol you know who it is

  9. once you become an imbecile you will always be an imbecile for the rest of pathetic life

    1. Erroratu



    2. Wargame-kun


      mwahahaha indeed

  10. Run , hug and win?! that imbecile chicken won the fight..

    1. Galvatron


      LOL! its funny the fact back during my High school years when I had alot of Hentai animes I almost did those exact steps. Except for the put the vid in the archieve part. XD

      Good old memories. :-)

    2. 00EccoTenshi


      I saw the word hentai in the link so I avoided clicking it.

  11. the nightmare of terriblely made characters are still on going... iwonder why :v

  12. bored..

    1. JokerintheButt


      well just like this Year.

    2. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      I can pretty much list the bored people in here.

  13. Merry Christmas You infidels

  14. keep calm and start nukem!

  15. ah shit! GDI for some reason i want to drop fuuka manga now... damn feels

  16. Keep Calm and start beating Some garbage

    1. The Unexpected Visitor

      The Unexpected Visitor

      now my fists smell like garbage.

    2. DartzPie


      Be glad its not seafood garbage

    3. Gaulbetti


      ...Or baby garbage.

  17. man iseen enough hate for this day itseems ax got a fan here i feel sorry for his terrible shit taste.....

  18. finally electricity back at my place :v

    1. Erroratu


      Somewhat ironic cause you have a Kojiro avi

    2. TimeWeaver


      Lol they had electricity in date's place

  19. power sabotage! (low power) well there no power in my place :v damn it!

  20. currently bored i dunno what to do..

  21. Damn it why i cant find a decent stage sprite rip of MBAA/MBAACC curses!!!

  22. Damn it why i cant find a decent stage sprite rip of MBAA/MBAACC curses!!!

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