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Ultra Fatality

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Status Updates posted by Ultra Fatality

  1. Been posting a bit much in the mugen help forum but i need all the help and brain power i can get for my latest project trust me it will be worth it

    1. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      long as its for legitimate reasons u can post all day n night in their ya little monkey

    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      lol awesome and i been seeing your post man you wanna do some pals for me

  2. So many WIPS so little time

    1. DuckAzz


      sadly yes...

    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      why am i just now seeing this lol but yea man its crazy i got so much to do ugh

    3. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      why am i just now seeing this lol but yea man its crazy i got so much to do ugh

  3. I have not been online in awhile well posting at least and im sorry to all my fans if i have any lol i have a job now a i barely have time to show all my stuff but I promise after i release Altair I'll show you guys something fucking amazing seriously im planing something huge and you al will love it or else >: (

    1. Staubhold


      Oh, can´t wait for it!

    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      Trust it will be worth the wait i just need a crew to make it run faster ryon to busy and my other buddy doesn't know that much about building stuff on FF3 just pals and CLSN boxes lol oh well i'll find a faster way some how

    3. Staubhold



      If you need any feedback, count me in...

  4. Got some good news for once finally

  5. My Next wip has to fucking much argh oh well its worth it

  6. Anybody know a good broly or akuma im looking for some special characters to make the battletoads have a crazy intro with them or somebody that would fit well with them anybody

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Laharl


      you do not have to ask permission espescially when its just intros.

    3. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      You sure man i don't want no bullcrap coming my way because once i put the intro in there i want other people to be able to see in for them selfs you know which means i must re upload there creations

    4. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      lol just heard that battletoads rap shit was funny as hell lol i can use them as some win sayings

  7. Rash and Pimple already released tomorrow the leader himself will join the battle if downloaded please tell me what you think of the toads well see ya guys

  8. Its Friday friday gotta get down on friday everybody is looking forward to the weekend friday fridaty getting down on friday somethin somethin looking forward to the weekend yea !!!!

    1. Erroratu


      Wait its seriously friday?I thought it was saturday,not kidding.

    2. SeSsHoMaGoKu23


      Oh Lord.... Facepalms... WHY???!!! lmao

    3. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      Rash drops today thats why :)

  9. Well its back to my Scott Pilgrim wips don't what to do still for these requiered sprites :(

    1. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      which ones? u can always use existing sprites and do your best to edit them to what u need them to be, and im not talking about spriting, but like tweeking the motion, like tilting a sprite for a hit or throw,ect,ect

    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      I planed on it man but these people i know there going to have lots of shit to say about these characters Its Gideon man i restarted on him i wanted to wait for Basara Kun's help since he said he could sprite and my god he can i seen his new scott pilgrim aand damn idk if i should start without him maybe i should and just call it like and early release or somthing then when he comes back i can give him a huge update idk

  10. Waiting on the results of my last few testers until release for the mean time go check out my thered in the WIPS Section videos of all 3 toads are up

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      Glad you think so thinking about just releasing them man ryon said i should just do it so thats what im going to do im going to work out a few known bugs them there out bro ready to play so yup

    3. Laharl


      make sure you read my feedback before releasing any of em.

    4. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      I Saw it and im still working out a few things anyway so i got time

  11. Someone please code my god damn throws PLEASE DAMN YOU PLESE ARGH I HATE IT >: (

  12. Got my first friend request i feel special lol ^_^

    1. FlipSide


      Good For You !

    2. Forehead


      Hmm? You have a friend request restriction. I let anybody be my friend (as long as I don't despise them)

    3. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      Yea i know i put that on purposely because i really dont want just anybody adding me i want people i know who's cool and likes what im doing you know not just some new guy besides only got 2 and which means i got to get more popular among the pro creators here its only a matter of time >: ) MWAHAHAHAHAHA

  13. Got my first friend request i feel special lol ^_^

  14. Finally i have Returned !!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GuyZero32k4


      Yo. Ever choose a new name man?

    3. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      Thanks my friend

    4. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      and yea i have actually just dont know how to change it tho

  15. Don't know who really cares to rememeber me you know the battletoad guy and Gideon dude well my internet been down and still is so guys cut me some slack i'll come back beast its not stopping me from my work so expect greatness when i come back

    1. SuperCatMeow


      Do your best man. Hope to see you back here soon.

    2. LansingWolverine


      Thanks for letting us know :)

  16. Its all or nothing now just waiting on the word of my tester to see if he's good enough for release if anyone want to test my wip leave a comment or post in the thread

  17. So annoyed trying to test my wip see the problwems fucking ssucks finding a problem everywhere something small or big ugh need some testers so i can fix him right on the spot

  18. So annoyed trying to test my wip see the problwems fucking ssucks finding a problem everywhere something small or big ugh need some testers so i can fix him right on the spot

  19. Thinking about just releasing my overpowered Rash lol everyone wants him idk xD

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      Go to the thread to see his basics i can tell you right now he kinda isn't but he still is a combo based character and stuff just go check him out i'll upload his combo video soon

    3. Laharl


      i alredy saw ryons video it was hilarious. OP is a good word for it though.

    4. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      OP ? come on just tell me what you thought '/_' and that was just a test it wasn't the actually demo >_> don't let that ruin your exceptions of him he's going to be great come release

  20. Yay I've done it at last 100% complete my character up for download asap after a few test now i just got to worry about the updates '/_'

    1. SeSsHoMaGoKu23


      Congrats Joker, best of luck to ya

    2. Laharl


      I shall test w/e char you made when I get home and give you plenty of feedback on fixes.

    3. Staubhold


      Great to hear that!

  21. Trying to upload my character demo no luck anyone know the bbc code for that

    1. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros


    2. Okami


      Lol zombie =P

    3. Noside


      Brock lol.

  22. Trying to release my first character i need a cool creator name any suggestions people '/_'

    1. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      i personally like your forum name , u want something that people will be remembering

  23. Anybody want to code my characters throws -__-

  24. Excited to finally finish and release my first mugen characters cant wait ^_^

  25. Taking a break off Gideon to work on my next WIPS sorry guys oh well no one really cared anyway '/_'

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