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Ultra Fatality

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Status Updates posted by Ultra Fatality

  1. God my work would move so much faster if i had some help ugh

  2. At long last i have returned v_v finally

    1. Doomguy


      Oh my god...

      my Childhood has just Reincarnated itself as another person again!

    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      YES !!!! EMBRACE IT

  3. At long last i have returned v_v finally

  4. At long last i have returned v_v finally

  5. Someone needs to make an A.I. tutorial video i need a better A.I. i'm sick of KFM A.I. :(

    1. llyyr
    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      Alright that helped now i just have to stop being lazy and read and try this shit out maybe on one of my days off

  6. Does anyone know somewhere to record because audiocity is not working for me anymore

  7. I Need some good lifebar designs who wants to make a killer bar for me

  8. I Need some good lifebar designs who wants to make a killer bar for me

  9. 3 jobs shit mugen is moving slower and slower :(

    1. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      RL comes 1st buddy

    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      right reality sucks

  10. Is there anyway to rip sounds from games i dont know how to do it i need some mortal kombat sounds other then the classic ones

  11. Robot Smoke or Human Smoke ????

  12. anybody know how to make a good trailler/movie to preview there wip

    1. Zemilia


      Well, maybe either do some kind of combo vid for it, or some "progress" vid on the w.i.p.

    2. Zemilia


      However, if you really want to do a trailer for this.. "w.i.p".. ^^' Ask someone else. I haven't done that sort of thing in a while.

    3. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      i'll do a combo vid later right now its just a reveal trailer

  13. Fulgore or Spinal

    1. Thrillo


      MvC Spinal FTW

    2. Egnaro


      Spinal though for me he is hard to use

      Fulgore is for noobs...

  14. This will be my final name change so yeah you guys will now know me as................

  15. I am requesting a field of workers for my newest project who wants to earn some cred for making one of the best mugen projects ever >: (

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      the greatest full game ever..............for about a month or 2 lol just need a bit of help with my characters to speed things up

    3. Ryon
    4. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      Dude your totally sandbagging me don't sandbag me bro :(

  16. With the help of zombiebrock i can get back on track with all my wips yay him^_^

  17. I need pals done someone do my bidding........please

    1. Ryon


      please don't make it be Jago?

    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      No it's not...........................yet >_<

  18. I need yet anothere new name this will be the last it must be something that matches killer instinct and mortal kombat

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Winmugen11


      Mortal Killer Kombat Instinct?

    3. Darkflare


      Mortal Kombat: Ultra combo edition.

    4. Cayne


      Ultra Brutality

  19. Are there any artest out there who's willing to work with me

  20. I have the "Killer Instinct" to fight in "Mortal Kombat"

  21. Who wants to make a full game with me ^_^

  22. My internet is back yay

    1. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      welcome back,that reminds me,if i dont call att later today i woNT HAVE ANY NET LOL

  23. Just got back from my anime convention youmacon and i got to say it was a fucking last

    1. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      lol meant blast but ok

  24. My anime convention starts tomorrow yay so excited

  25. One of my biggest wips just got corrupted got to love life v_v

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      it was Gideon wasnt it?

    3. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      Fucking sucks all that work gone

    4. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      and no it wasn't i still have gideon bro no worries still need those other sprites tho o_0

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