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Ultra Fatality

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Status Replies posted by Ultra Fatality

  1. My anime event just ended so its back to work i guess :(

  2. Kazuma Kuwabara vs Sabrewulf!!

  3. Although my internet is throwing ads at me left and right pissing me right the fuck off you guys surprise is still on the way and will be uploaded in a couple or mins so try to enjoy i did my best but cant show off everything just yet ;)

  4. Although my internet is throwing ads at me left and right pissing me right the fuck off you guys surprise is still on the way and will be uploaded in a couple or mins so try to enjoy i did my best but cant show off everything just yet ;)

  5. Hath thy eyes witnessed the splendor that is Boku no Pico?Truly a work of masters

  6. What if every series had a Micheal Bay Version?

  7. Oh shit my Killer Kombat topic just became an hot topic im hype :)

  8. Looking for a crew of beta testers and helpers any takers

  9. Computer went to Death Row. DOOM SEEKER had to bust it out.

  10. working on the next charcater video right bet everyone gets it wrong on who its going to be ^_^

  11. ICE,SLEEP,GAMING,MUGEN, So much to do

  12. Someday My A.I. coding will be great :(

  13. Someday My A.I. coding will be great :(

  14. Sorry guys i missed my do date to release another character video gaming to much i'll upload asap in the morning

  15. Sorry guys i missed my do date to release another character video gaming to much i'll upload asap in the morning

  16. So I just found the main character of Catherine in a club in Persona 3 Portable lol

  17. RIP Robin Williams :(

  18. I once said hi to Naruto and instead of saying Hi back he had like 200 flashbacks

  19. New character video tomorrow hope you guys enjoy

  20. Few More Days Till My Next Character Showcase I hope it builds up the hype I been looking for or at least some of it you know o_0

  21. Can't Beileve i cant find Liu Kang Voice files freaking sucks

  22. Can't Beileve i cant find Liu Kang Voice files freaking sucks

  23. Want character Ideas? I have all kinds.

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