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Ultra Fatality

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Status Replies posted by Ultra Fatality

  1. Release an edit of Barai's Mima and nobody cares. Release an edit of Cyclops and everyone wants blood. Why arent the angry mobs outside my house yet?!? :(

  2. Released My First Stage

  3. I really hate to burst your bubble yet once again, but since you didn't pull out the stacks, there aint no way in hell you getting any of my snacks.

  4. I really hate to burst your bubble yet once again, but since you didn't pull out the stacks, there aint no way in hell you getting any of my snacks.

  5. Check the new video guys

  6. Who here has GGXrd and wants to challenge me?

  7. Requesting that certain individuals be banned for "Conspiracy against MFFA".

  8. go to google translate, translate from somali, type in shit like "ooga booga mooga looga", translate into english. you get legit words. I shit you fucking not I am crying over how hard I am laughing about this.

  9. go to google translate, translate from somali, type in shit like "ooga booga mooga looga", translate into english. you get legit words. I shit you fucking not I am crying over how hard I am laughing about this.

  10. I see meme's.......lots of Kung Lao Meme's lol

  11. go to google translate, translate from somali, type in shit like "ooga booga mooga looga", translate into english. you get legit words. I shit you fucking not I am crying over how hard I am laughing about this.

  12. I see meme's.......lots of Kung Lao Meme's lol

  13. I'm dead now! Don't remember me anymore!

  14. I'm dead now! Don't remember me anymore!

  15. Tried out OmegaPsycho's Baraka had me like...

  16. So... about to get my first win via insta-kill in GG Xrd on ranked. Unfortunately, my opponent rage-quitted in the middle of an insta-kill.... I'm at a loss for words for what I just saw.

  17. Dude WTF is going on MFFA isn't letting me paste anythinig no links words hell even a single letter what is up with that >: (

  18. ran out of toothpaste had to use toliet bowl cleaner. Now i feel dizzy

  19. i need something to record videos with any ideas guys i tryed camtasia but i dont know how to convert the videos so i can upload them

  20. I was the only one to pre-order the LE of GuiltyGear Xrd from my Gamestop.

  21. Oh Crapcom...you know fans want a DMC5...and yet you re-released both DMC4 and DmC for PS4/XBOne...Capcom, you guys are King of the MilKing!

  22. Every single day, stress comes in everyway, I ain't got no time for nobody, my style is rich low phat in which, we'll make a cake today that looks rich!

  23. Yo whats up everybody Im new here and ready to be amazed with mugen stuff thanks Ultra Fatality for the invite

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