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Status Updates posted by ArtistofLegacy

  1. Today is World Turtle Day? I still got a chance to go online in UMvC3 and turtle like a motherfucker..

    1. Yagami Brando

      Yagami Brando

      Turtle soup - my favourite >:3

  2. Reg, why do you provide the best Blazblue challenge for a noob like me?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Reigizuo_78


      lol well hold myself bck a tiiiiny bit, then go all out (yesterday doesnt count >_<) but on the other hand I NEED MY COMCAST BACK!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. TheYukiKonata


      maybe i need to bring DarkxTalon into this regi xDDDDD

    4. Reigizuo_78


      naw i cant fight him in lag period! lol xDDDD

  3. Well, now I can play Elsword KR somehow. Cool.

  4. I stayed up all night streaming random stuff. I'll probably do it again tomorrow.

  5. I have accomplished what I needed to accomplish because with accomplishment comes awards, and with awards comes WOLFGIRLS EVERYWHERE!

  6. The world deserves to end. If everyone died, I can have salvation.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. RAMza


      u have serious issues my friend..

    3. ArtistofLegacy


      BLah blah, I'll put something else.

    4. DBScourge


      Ahh now I get it.

      Your just venting

  7. I'm at school and I'm bored.

  8. I played through 3 chapters and didn't know what the hell I was doing. My friend told me about Transfer. ARGH GAME WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME

  9. Playing Valkyrie Profile on Hard Mode. No problems so far.

    1. RAMza


      Brahms the most badass of all :D

  10. PC version of Skullgirls to have Cross Platform play with PS3.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheYukiKonata


      thats a good and a bad thing. i remember Lost Planet did that and it was basically console vs hackers

    3. Ultiɱℯciɑ


      Of course it's possible, Larry. If it's a simple game, no problem. Usually they make different servers to don't overload them

    4. Dark Spirit

      Dark Spirit

      Better yet they should just make mugen characters of them already.

  11. Skullgirls confirmed for upcoming PC release.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ArtistofLegacy


      Probably at the same version as the Console versions. And I bet the extras will be DLC for PC as well.

    3. Ultiɱℯciɑ


      Arrr! Good news, mate!

    4. Arklegend Zinesis

      Arklegend Zinesis

      lol Mei I get what you mean

  12. "You saw her walking over poison ivy leaves. nobody knows her name. But something must have opened your eyes it seems. Cause nothing is quite the same.".

  13. And people ask me why I don't like to talk to people. I hate dealing with idiots.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. O  R I O N

      O R I O N

      when people like bubby show up its easy to see why

    3. Dark Spirit

      Dark Spirit

      See.I was a proffesional troll before and I quit when I saw where the concept went.People really don't try to find valid points and troll from there.It is more ignorant people troll.People who don't take their time to find info to do a perfect arguement to get them mad.Worst of all.People aim at the weak instead of hard to troll to show your troll qualities.They go to weak fan bases and attack them.They get mad and think they are trolls and they repeat.I salute the brave trolls who ca...

    4. RockRage8962


      I know the feeling. I have this kid in school who is a total know-it-all and you can't even talk around him without him turning into a human dictionary. I also have another kid in school who think's he's so cool with his dumb trolling and stuff. I'm not trying to sound mean or anything.

  14. Guise. Umineko is coming to US.

  15. Playing Super Robot Taisen OG Saga Endless Frontier EXCEED. I can play in full speed now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ArtistofLegacy


      I have an English patch, but only the menus are translated.

    3. Laharl


      bah yeah idc about that i want to know the damn story.

    4. RAMza


      i'v played it but the gameplay seems to linear..

  16. Erm, with that said, I say Kingdom Hearts 2 was the best one IMO. (This is based off of all of the KH games I have played)

  17. I hate Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded so much. The keyhole levels ruin everything.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dark Spirit

      Dark Spirit

      The problem isn't in beating it.It's the story and how it was fucked up.

    3. Ultiɱℯciɑ


      It was first released for mobile phones to make easy cash

      Heck, for every 5 KH titles, at least 3 of them are just easy cash

    4. Ultraboard101


      eh the keyhole levels are fun IMO, when it becomes turn based and also when it becomes a shooter, its refreshing

  18. Well, now I have enough money to buy Skullgirls, but I am considering buying something else (Cross Edge) because I am losing interest in fighting games.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Laharl


      that sucks i found mine at game stop for like 15 bucks.

    3. Laharl


      i mainly got the game for etna :P. plus its by nippon ichi so i knew it would be good.

    4. ArtistofLegacy


      Hmm, maybe I can look around for another interesting RPG (Maybe SO4 International)

  19. I've changed my fate. My result, I stand unopposed.

    1. Dark Spirit

      Dark Spirit

      So you stopped being emo now?Good.Now only I'm left but that won't happen...

    2. ArtistofLegacy
  20. Finally, with my exams (or rather the equivalent of exams in my school) finished, I can finally relax. The reason I have been acting "depressed" was partly because of stress due to my exams.

  21. I lived a false life which will lead to my true death. It just never came soon enough.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RAMza


      dude you'v been in a rut for weeks now.. wa's wrong wit yus?

    3. Arklegend Zinesis

      Arklegend Zinesis

      Sin I should be the one saying that

    4. raremew


      Hey man get out of that depressed shit..

  22. "What is the meaning of Justice?" - Ky Kiske

  23. Life is fun when you have autism and virtually no friends (like me).

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. RockRage8962


      I have autism!

    3. Laharl


      i have autism as well. i think of it as i woudlnt be me without it though.

    4. Okami


      I assumed autism was more serious, my cousin literally doesn't understand any of us. Sadly, he is at his own little world... =(

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