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Status Updates posted by ArtistofLegacy

  1. I'm not going to be around the forum much anymore because of school starting either tomorrow or Tuesday. But I will occasionally check at some points.

    1. LightFlare_Da_Realest


      Handle you biz, Aristo.

    2. Sir Lord Alpyne

      Sir Lord Alpyne

      it's kool Sin. ey, you & i WILL get a battle in 1 of these day, i hope xD

  2. "If you try to save everything, you will merely end up losing everything."

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ryon


      if you try to save everything, youre gonna end up with somethings.

    3. Noside


      Burn it into M-Discs they last at least 1000 years, i'm not kidding :3

    4. RAMza


      if you try to save everything your harddrive is gonna be full in no time.. :D

  3. So the new TWEWY game ended up being an iOS port...

  4. http://www.square-enix.co.jp/subaseka/ Teaser site for what is most likely a new TWEWY game.
    1. llyyr


      TWEWY? What is that?

    2. ArtistofLegacy


      The World Ends With You

  5. "A fantasy program granted by God"

  6. If your spirit suffers too much, you will soon start to hallucinate... And in the end, you will be destroyed. And more worrying yet... Is that you will not even be consious of that fact.

  7. New Blazblue.
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. NeoGeoKitsune


      Bullet reminds me of Zenia from Arcana Hearts; love the new visuals though.

    3. TheYukiKonata


      if bullet plays klike zenia that would suck cause now there will be two boxer characters

    4. DartzPie


      lol the the title reminds me of Carnival Phantasm

  8. Death is the tyrant of the imagination.

  9. My glasses are broken now. Now my eyes hurt...

    1. Ultiɱℯciɑ


      Last time my glasses broke I put on my sunglasses and stepped out to find a place to fix it. Did I mention it was 7 at night and it was dark?

      Good luck, buddy

    2. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      sucks i only get 1 free pair a year & my daughter broke my prescription reading glasses & now i have to squint to read small print until next year

    3. RAMza


      u dont need your eyes.. just learn the art of Sonar seeing like daredevil.. haha my eyes are starting to lean towards the blurry side as well.. sigh

  10. Persona 4 Arena character sprites are already ripped. Oh yes....

    1. O  R I O N

      O R I O N

      this is the dawn of a new era..jk this is awesome

    2. Okami


      Now I need to buy the game o-O

  11. JP PSN is reasonable. I got a free Gundam game. >w>

    1. ArtistofLegacy


      Mobile Suit Gundam : Battle Operation

    2. DartzPie


      Gundam vs gundam np is neat also...

  12. Oh God Laharl, what have you done?

    1. Laharl



    2. ArtistofLegacy


      No such thing.

  13. New PV for Project X Zone.
    1. Laharl


      FUUUUUCK YES this had better come to the us.

    2. OskeinO


      freakin sweet I need this game now :)

  14. Just noticed that my laptop has 1.24 GB of RAM. Shit.

    1. Dark Spirit

      Dark Spirit

      Same with my laptop.

    2. Sir Lord Alpyne

      Sir Lord Alpyne

      i take it that's not a bad thing?

    3. ArtistofLegacy


      It is bad. I can barely play anything on this laptop because of that.

  15. I wanted to use Signavatar to use a rotating avatar here, but it wouldn't work. WHY.

    1. Laharl


      ryon has it disabled i believe.

  16. I hereby title my schoolmates bitches and whores. Just because.

    1. PowerWave


      I can't stand most people I have to be around in school. It sucks feeling like an adult trapped in a kids body. :/

    2. Dark Spirit

      Dark Spirit

      Pretty similar situation here.

  17. Finally able to play the Anarchy Reigns demo. Whoever has a PS3 should play me online sometime.

  18. Another week, another interesting episode of Deadman Wonderland.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Laharl


      i loved tonights episode :)

    3. DBScourge


      Dog Races.

    4. von_doom20


      I died when he said, "This game & this place can suck my DICK!"

  19. The "New Tales of" is Tales of Xillia 2 for PS3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R35xRU2zU2A

  20. After watching the first episode of Deadman Wonderland, I really want to watch more.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. DartzPie


      ^ What this person said I agree and also the show :3

    3. von_doom20


      Lmao just realized I said shoe smh! Show* Lol

    4. DBScourge


      Same Here, Sin

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