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Status Updates posted by Cayne

  1. Man the missus is killing dat twerk sht right now. Turn da fuck up friday

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Cayne


      Not to go off subject here but your white? I coulda sworn you were some form of latino.

    3. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      nope honky ans american Indian

    4. Cayne


      I'm mixed too. B/W

  2. No work tomorrow so I'm um jamming 2nite. Fck it.

  3. I like to ride down the street bumping that "everything is ours" while staring at people funny.

  4. Walking Dead Premier was ok

    1. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      yeah Bigsplot, is actually an old windixie grocery store next to an old walmart in Griffin GA, ive been to that store a billion times

    2. Kanbei


      Your lucky brock.

  5. Just watched my TiVo'd episode of Agents of shield. Its growing on me i guess

    1. Kanbei


      Man I have not seen that yet. I want too.

    2. Cayne


      U should check it out when you get a chance. A lot of post-Avengers references

  6. Just finished my second campaine in RE 6. ( I know I'm late) Fuck the haters this shit is epic. If you comment on this please no spoilers.

    1. Flowering Knight

      Flowering Knight

      vader was luke's father

      i did a spoil

    2. MugoUrth


      Sorry, but I'm asexual.

    3. Cayne


      TAW............ You BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Major fight game session just went down. UMVC 3, SF X tekken, MK 7, Injustice, SSBB, DBZ BT 3, Naruto UNS 3, SC 4 & 5, so much money changing hands

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Laharl


      umvc3 and sfx tekken are pointless to bet on lol. same with naruto and soul calibur they should never be taken that seriously.

    3. Gaulbetti


      Lol, you did Injustice....... But why Smash Bros?

    4. Cayne


      @ Laharl. So your saying that Craps,blackjack, and poker are technical marvels full of counters and reversals? No but ppl bet on them. Most of those games listed are their because their easy to pick-up........duh.

      @ Diffbok. lol I try to tell my homies that Smash bros isnt traditional but that always say "fuck dat, big bowser vs dat nigga on the cover soooooooooo my hands are tied. I litterally have 100's of fighting games brah lol.

  8. Real Nigga Roll Call!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. FlipSide



    3. Mister Fael
    4. Demitri


      Real nigga wassup

  9. Lol. Spent a hour lookin for a good ratio for mugen on a 16:9 widescreen 1080p. It looks decent but zi am open to suggestions from u guys....

  10. What up MFFA

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. yeah ok

      yeah ok

      More like, "Harsh"

    3. Xan


      Dis yo boy Alexlexus.

    4. Markpachi


      How's it hangin', Mugen Community. Mugenlord here.

  11. wolverines "killable" arc is reminds me of a terrible movie starring Hugh Jackman

    1. MugoUrth


      When is Cyclops going to get his own movie? Or Storm? Or any of the other X-Men? Wolverine now has two to his name.

    2. Cayne


      Hallies performance in catwoman killed a storm solo and well Cyclops died cause bryan singer is a duech

  12. Ah Saturday, no work....no school...... oh wait still have pshco children

  13. scarlet spider 21......... FU Marvel

  14. Got da case of budwieser's. Da homies is over. Mugen party. Betting dubs or better. Fuck ya

    1. SuperCatMeow


      Budweiser's FTW

    2. Cayne


      woo woo woo you know it. lol

  15. Hope everybodie friday is as good as mine because I am spaceship crashing smashed lol. My wife is killing the freestyles. WOOOOOOOOOOO.

  16. Laughinh at people starting beefs in mugen. You put specail stepulations on dL a creation ppl wont want it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mr. KOtik

      Mr. KOtik

      Mugen drama is alot less serious than it used to be in the earlier years. A website like this would caused alot of commotion and disorder. As for putting special requirements for downloads, that's just the person being an elitist.

    3. Laharl


      mugen drama is fun to read as long as you don't get involved.

    4. Cayne


      I'm a man who stands by his principals. I was just involved with some b.s. ova at IMT the other day. Instead of jus messageing me private dude sends somebody to troll me because he was band from the site. All this for spelling his name wrong by accident.

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