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Status Updates posted by Cayne

  1. Shout out to all the creators bringing these extreme butoden chars to mugen.

  2. I guess Stating that Toe Jam and Earl is racism is offense? I only said it because of the fact that Toe Jam and Earl are just as bad as the Pokémon Jinx, which is Racist lol.

    1. Show previous comments  28 more
    2. Cayne


      Logic doesnt apply to the dense Mimir. or Cyber Stalkers, or people with no valid point especially being irrelevant. Being butt hurt makes people contradict themselves as well. So I know now that referenceing mega man and TJ & Earl are grounds for immediate stalking. Any who...................................

    3. Trinitronity


      I'm not dense and not a cyber stalker. Also your comment pretty much shows that you are the biggest idiot of all time! Now I'm out, for real!

    4. Cayne


      And thats the 3rd or 4th time you said your done? I think you maybe confused on what done is exactly. My point is just getting clearer and clearer lol

  3. It sure does suck that Yugioh has become such a fucking Meta now you don't even have to be good to win anymore. There are three decks almost everyone is using in the ranked matches that it is almost a rock paper scissors format. Shaddoll, six samurai, and Nekoz decks can kill a deck in 1 to 3 turns. Yugioh used to be about strategy and counters. Now its just "I wonder what structure deck this opponent is gonna use". Fortunatly I have built a friends list of players who don't use these decks as a crutch and enjoy using decks they made themselves. It is almost 7000 cards in the game man, a rank on the leaderboard isn't that shining of an achievement lol.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


      "Syncro eliminated having to have actual skill"

      Actually you would need more skill to pull out the synchros since technically works as the Fusions except that instead of a Fusion Spell you use a Tuner Monster WHICH means you have to summon him too which at the end makes it more slow/hard plus you need some maths and stuff since you have to have the correct number of stars and monsters to get out the synchros you want BUT that asides the game has been always more of luck (to draw what you need) and brain (To know how to build the deck) than skills at all IMO


    3. Mimir


      I thought having strong monsters in the extra increased skill because you didn't have to rely entirely on drawing outs to anything, but people see differently.  Seems to me having to draw ways out of problems would make you rely entirely on luck to do anything, which seems less skilled to me.

    4. Cayne


      Syncro monsters are so easy to summon the regular deck is barely used. Theirs the same amount of math involved for ritual summon so that is not increasing difficulty at all. most require 1 tuner monster plus other non-tuner monsters to equal the level of the monster you want to summon. star dust dragon can be summoned in the first turn using Yusei structure deck and six samurai will have the whole field full of monsters including the syncro one. I see this every single day. I use to play 10 duels a day just to stay consistent. I would see one of the 3 above mentioned decks 90 percent o those duels. (unless I was playing friends of course)

  4. Super Saiyan Videl........................................WTF. How does that happen? Can Bulma and ChiChi do it?

    1. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      i think it was supposed to represent the part in the movie when her stomach was blue from the half saiyan baby , so this time they just made his power change her hair , since shes obviously not saiyan 

    2. Cayne


      Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm that's some sound logic. It was cool to see a female "Super Saiyan" even for a little while.

  5. That moment when your significant other realizes one of her homegirls is fucking gross......................................."Fist Pump"

  6. I refuse to give Capcom 15 more dollars of my money for a inferior version of a collection game that they already released 12 years ago. Next they will attempt to pawn off Megaman X legacy collection. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. If you wont make a new Mega Man, Mega Man X, or Mega Man Legends (Fuck those other Spinoffs, Zero,ZX, BN) at least complete the Powered up and Maverick Hunter X remakes. It certaintly isn't hard to make a new game.8 bosses with stages, 8 weapon upgrades, 3 Wily Stages, and A wily Fight. Done! A new MMX is the same formula except add a Intro stage, Zero, and some armor upgrades. Fuck u Capcom.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Trinitronity


      Okay, will do. Arguing with a wall is useless anyway.

    3. Cayne


      I had already ended it Laharl.................. the part where I said I was ignoring that person, but thanks anyway (No sarcasm intended just in case)

    4. Laharl


      I didnt bother to read all of the posts just the insulting parts stood out to me thanks for understanding.

  7. Epic Dying light sessions. Finally found some guys who will go hunt violatiles with me.

  8. Kanye West just did they the most suicidal shit ever. I commend him for it, but he may have condemned himself. The Illuminati is joke everyone, its a ruse to deceive you, however the devil is real. I have mentioned it before that was just to associate the loss of Robin Williams with the principals most people know about.  Whether you believe in it or not it is real. The statues, the churches, the sacrifices are real. Whitney/Bobbi, Micheal, Robin, Trayvon. I've seen some shit from my time around the industry. I seen the fear in my friends eye's when he told me about the offer made to him to heal his eyes. He choose to let his vision fade away to protect his heart from his own mother. That same fear I just witnessed in Kanye tonight. I know a lot of you will probably just flame me for this, because its easier to do then to believe in something more significant then you. I also know that some of you have satanic beliefs as well and I don't judge you for that. Its your right too. All I ask is you not judge me for sharing my thoughts. Back to my usual self.

    1. PhantomBlack


      not the best place for this type of insight/knowledge/theory, if it means anything I know what you're talking about. I have my own beliefs about this as well. But i found it to be quite pointless to try to keep track with the devil or expose his doings to others. I rather keep my family and friends in the know/watch my steps and stay golden.


    2. Cayne


      Agreed. Sht just shoke me for a minute. I knew if I spoke on it on FB my inbox would get flooded. appreciate your advice brah.

  9. Finally stopped throwing up after seeing the Fantastic 4 reboot. Its time to make a deal Fox. You replaced JESSICA ALBA with a fucking goblin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So much  rage RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH this movie sucked so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Throws up some more) the literally had one fight scene that lasted 9 mins out of an hour and a half of boring as talking. Like a Bad episode of Naruto....................................... JESSICA ALBA was  perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. MugoUrth


      I don't know if I'd say it's so much a big deal, but I notice a lot of people made it one because they don't like it when media completely changes a character to something else.

    3. Trinitronity


      Of course. If you change a known character too much, then you might as well just create a new one.

    4. Cayne


      A skin color is not significant enough to be considered a drastic change. I'm mean look at it like this; This reboot essential changed one of the most prominent names in marvel lore (The Storms) and made them black, so what does Fox do? instead of the FF being embraced they are enslaved. Coincidence?

  10. Straight Outta Compton was pretty good....................even though a lot of dat sht didn't happen.

  11. Finally! Konami did something right with rage-quitting. I was wondering how I was rising up the leaderboard so fast. Its thanks to all those rage quiters running from a turn 3 ass whooping and giving me a free victory. I guess Blues eyes white dragons and Black luster soldiers still have what it takes. They keep this up and I will be number 1 by next Monday lol.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cayne


      My bad if I offended you brah.

    3. Egnaro


      No you did not offend me I was saying I bet people are gonna flag that video because a kid was killed in it lol.

    4. Cayne


      oh yeah lol shoulda stayed outta of da way

  12. Bitch better have my money

    1. SSBKing65✯


      My brother still has to pay me $18.00, even though I told him to only spend $10, you can never trust your relatives sometimes.

    2. Cayne


      IKR. My family leeches my pocket on  a regular basis. Even though I have a house and bills and a family of my own I have to support them too. Tragic

  13. Yo I have had very touching 1st time moments with my children and today was no exception when I seen my daughter play with her first Chao in Sonic Adventure 2. Its crazy the things they do that you use to do. I miss all lil homies lol.

    1. Egnaro


      That was the most addicting part of the game to me. I spent MANY hours in the Chao Garden making different Chao's <3

    2. SSBKing65✯


      I can relate to this, our whole family used to play classic titles like Smash 64 and Mario Party 2. Always exciting. I think that video games are a great way to bond with your relatives.

    3. Cayne


      She a sonic nut like me, even likes the genesis versions.......................... and Sonic 06

  14. Secret Wars sucks dick and it was nothing like it was hyped up to be. Epic fail.

    1. Galvatron


      Wow!that bad huh!?!..

      Its looking like Hollywood is running out of ideas...

    2. Cayne


      Speaking of Hollywood............. A lot of people liked age of ultron without realizing it was one giant wood slanging jab to Fox's ass. The original AOU stared Wolverine and Sue Storm trying to stop Ultron from existing since in the comics he wins and takes over the planet. Sadly Fox owns the rights to those characters so the movie was just copy/paste of the first Avengers. Now secret wars is here just to give marvel a new way to incorporate the FF and X men into future movies (Gaurdians of the Galaxy and Inhumans) that will diffintly happen when fox see the epic failure of the FF reboot.

  15. I am addicted to legacy of the duelist.................now I wish they would make the "Lost Connection" bs a loss because it always seems to happen when someone xyz summons a badass and I flip over magic cylinder. Weaklings

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Cayne


      For that game it was a red eyes deck with a Harpie lady leader (I cant remember why either) Blue eyes was hard to get in that game. I got three from the slot machine by getting three red eyes in a row after beating Joey. Took about 15 tries.

    3. Egnaro


      That game was awesome but pissed me off real hard..... I never could beat Pegasus who is one of the first few enemies.

    4. Cayne


      His board was super cheap due to those toon monsters, but Rex Raptor was one of the biggest assholes in the game with his whole stage being wasteland tiles and head on battles with his Dinos having the advantage.

  16. Yooooooooooooooooooooooo its Friday night ya'll lets have a good night and a safe one at that. Tuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn uuuuuuuuuuuuuuupppppppppppppppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Im gonna audition for the next season of Empire. Wish me luck.

  18. Fox and Marvel are irritating with this F4 shit. Marvel decides to disband the team and to put them on various other titles to support their own cinematic universe projects and fox wants to re-invent them and make Johnny Storm a step child. Would it have been that bad just to make the Storm's a black family?.They really need to stop letting their personal sht get in the way of great stories (X-men:DOFP and Avengers AOU) tragedies.

    1. GuyZero32k4


      Blame hollyweird.  Its on them thinking they want to put thier spin on things.  Costumes are the first thing to go.  Then the backstories. The best Fantastic Four movie made yet?  The incredibles.  That's how it should have been done these last four tries.

    2. Cayne


      I said that same thing to my son back when Rise of  the silver surfer came out. I would rather see an incredibles 2 before I go watch them destroy marvels first family again; especially in light of the Pixar theory

  19. If anyone wants to add me to their PSN friends list my name is Zyadyon. I challenge you to Mortal Kombat (Fierce eye glare moment)

  20. UUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH = the sound I make everytime fighter factory tells me "/$F, y" is an unrecognized command. WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME FF HUH (throws laptop out the window)

  21. Warning Warning Seizure is imminent if the Damn theme keeps changing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    1. Dan



      *Changes theme*

      *Days later*


    2. SSBKing65✯


      You should try changing the theme to something else. After that, it's back to normal.

  22. Anyone else surprised by the Goku vs superman rematch winner? No? Yeah there logic is flawed.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Uncle Dante

      Uncle Dante

      I thought the fight was still really enjoyable, though way too short to live up to the hype. I still prefer it to the original, honestly, even if they didn't use Goku's previous forms.

      However, I feel the analysis and reasoning was done just to try to stop this debate. It was just using the same reasoning as the last fight but rewording it so they don't have to make a 3rd fight. In other words, it was redundant, not needed, and there only to try to shut people up. The fight, however, was awesome, and while too short, is one of my favorites in the series now. The animation was great, and the voice actors gave even better performances than last time IMO.

      In the end, though, it doesn't matter who would win, the characters themselves are great in their own right, and that's all that matters.

    3. Cayne


      my only fault with it is that superman goes for the kill both times lol. this can easily be turned around with goku instant transmission superman straight too hell. KO.

    4. SSBKing65✯


      And that's your opinion, and no one should ever try to contradict that, people think they know everything about who can beat who, when there's no real solution, with everyone seeing things a different way, especially when it's about these two.

  23. Freakin Ermac is a beast in MK X.

  24. I don't read spoilers on movies that I really want to see and I will say that Terminator 5 took a huge gamble with the major plot twist in the film that was a pleasant surprise. It also puts clarity on the paradox that is Sarah/Kyle/John. It was great and I recommend it for fans of Terminator franchise.

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