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Posts posted by Gamer251

  1. Wow. There hasn't been yet ONE comment about the update.

    I'm just here talking to myself ;w;

    So, if anyone doesn't want the game anymore, just tell me.

    I'll lock the thread and just continue to update somewhere else.


    (No, I'm not emoting. I'm just shocked by the lack of people bombarding me with questions here :awesome )

  2. Updated the game to v6.3

    Told you it would come ASAP after v6.0

    Many fixes are on v6.3, as well as new content.

    Comes with this is an SFF file.



    • ​Download and Extract the game first
    • Download the SFF file and put it in "Touhou All-Stars v6.3 > Data > TH_12.3"
    • Replace the SFF file

    Voila~ All done.

  3. Oh, and that's just one sprite, since you only need one sprite for it. There were 2 sprite files. One for the regular logo, and the other for the "glow". It does just the same. The "glow" flashes, then the logo appears.

  4. I'm using GIMP, so I don't really what you mean, Alice ^^;

    Yes, I am finding a yellow pale color. But I'm afraid I can't do it anymore. I'll do from scratch since I need to create a path that follows the shape of the icon.

    I'll have to do from scratch, so anyone interested in helping?

  5. Wrong.


    Tsukumo Benben - Tsukumogami of an Aging Biwa

    Tsukumo Yatsuhashi - Tsukumogami of an Aging Koto, and Benben's younger sis.

    Seija Kijin - An Amanojaku and NOT an oni. That isn't a horn lol

    Sukuna Shinmyoumaru - a Kobito, descendant of Issun-boshi

    Raiko Horikawa - Tsukumogami of a Taiko Drum, but replaced her body with a drum that drifted from the outside world.

  6. Yes, HM is kinda broken, but it's fine :3

    Oh, Nenmin eh? Well, let's see what this results.

    NO. SOKU-STYLED WILL NEVER DIE. Just like Suimusou-styled ones.


    And DAMN, Seija Kijin is hard ;w;

    Inverts your screen ;w;

  7. News from Yesterday, 8/10/10, 00:00 UTC +8:00


    Touhou Shinkirou ~ Hopeless Masquerade, patch v1.20 has been released.

    New features have been introduced.

    Like new Character Select Theme, Character Select Transition (Outside Story Mode), New BGMs, Last World BGMs for each Character (remixed theme of the character), and finally.



    Yes, you can now play as Hata no Kokoro, the famed Menreiki, outside Story Mode!

    And of course, deck~

  8. I'm going to try a new approach to acquiring the game.

    I'm going to try to use 7zip to make an SFX file for the game.

    I tried this approach and the SFX file is only 1.4 GB

    And when I compressed it to a RAR file, it was only 7 Parts.

    1 Part less though, but it's a start.

    So I'll be doing the SFX approach throughout the updates.

    This will be convenient for all, since only 7 Parts, so obtaining the game will be faster.

    I'll be reading to the remarks, criticisms, and notes that will be posted here, regardless whether it's negative or positive.


    And you're free to throw bricks at me :awesome

  9. Well, I'm a bit done with the system editing. I just need a glowing effect like that of the Soku logo at the main menu.

    Nevertheless, I'm done with the necessary changes~


    In-game Pics:




    Posted Image


    Main Menu:


    Posted Image

  10. I watched Nachel & Sunakuzira's version at one of Xenomic's videos.

    Konngara moves like Reimu at the Nachel and Sunakuzira one, but at the one by NAGI (another style), it's basically another character.

    In short, both links (NAGI and NAGI + Nachel and Sunakuzira) link to konngara_another_style, by NAGI.

    Ask Xenomic for her. the Nachel and Sunakuzira one only, not the NAGI.

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