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Everything posted by Gamer251

  1. How can I increase the limit in "Turns" in the Survival of MUGEN?

    1. Dark Spirit

      Dark Spirit

      In the System.def you can look up with ctrl+F and search survival.It should be there where you change how many you last before getting the win pose.

  2. I may be young, but I'm no pushover! Got that?

  3. Hetyo updated all his characters. His characters here should be linked to his SkyDrive so that downloaders here can use the new version.
  4. How can I make voices for MUGEN Characters? I'm planning to make voices for Touhou Characters.

  5. Question: How can you change the attacks of Yukari and Suika by nns?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gamer251
    3. Laharl


      by learning to code chars idk how much easier i can explain it.

    4. Gamer251


      I mean the skills. 'Cause Yukari uses Wings of the Chimaera, which is annoying

  6. Dude, check it yourself. And pretty much change it And please (not in a rush) change the 10.5 Mikage Pack link? ONLY the 10.5, not 12.3
  7. Also, could you change (again...) Hong Meiling from Barai to Frule? 'Cause the Meiling by Barai has no pants... That is so awkward... Anyway, the file is on Frule's site. Get the link from the Cirno 12.3 character. Or just this: Frule's Site Google Chrome: 1) Ctrl + F 2) Copy & Paste "g”ü—é‚̓RƒRByÅIXV“ú‚Í7/23z" 3) It's the Meiling :)
  8. It's not updated. It's only the full one. It's old, though, the file. Not updated.
  9. Another thing: You know Mikage's Characters, right? You might wanna change the 10.5 Link with this one: Download (10.5 Version) (New Hyperlink) (The old Link "105THchars_M-1" doesn't have Suika and Meiling in it)
  10. "...Soiled it. Soiled. Soiled it. SOILED IT!"

    1. MugoUrth


      Errrr... Spongebob reference. ...I've got nothing else to say.

      ...That's right. Nothing at all.

    2. Kanbei


      Heavy: keep kryin baby!

    3. RyGuy176


      You should see me. "Woohoo! I'm Playing My MUGEN! AT NIGHT!!"

  11. Oh hell no... PLease, not 10.5 Make it 12.3
  12. Include Barai's Yuyuko and Meiling. Nice characters, the are.
  13. Barai's Characters: Just scroll through the pages and you'll find some nifty characters ^^ Shortcuts: 12.3 Yuyuko and Meiling:
  14. I now regret crashing (accidentally) Windows Explorer while browsing my USB

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ryon


      sounds like it got wiped out?

    3. Liberty Prime

      Liberty Prime

      Oh. I thought you meant something else.

    4. Gamer251


      Liberty Prime:



      The USB's files, yes. Most of the files are still in our PC, and I remembered them

  15. Oh, I forgot... I can't download the intros on the website. 404 error.
  16. So... Many... Games... *shivers* Must... Get... One... *sees if someone's around* MY PRECIOUS!!! XD Wow, so many games. Where'd you get them? PS: Where'd you get the Infinite World for PS2? (Dragon Ball Z) I ALWAYS WANTED THAT! ;_;
  17. My own blog: http://kawashiroincorporation.blogspot.com (Still isn't done though, haven't got much time because of exams)

  18. Could anybody who haz them reupload?
  19. It's kinda hard to set up ^^; I'm trying to get my game on Netplay, but I can't change the screenpack. Can you do that, I mean change the screenpack?
  20. Are there any Voice Patches for the characters? If no, could someone create one from the Hisoutensoku Voice Patch?
  21. Sunflower fairy? In what part?
  22. Going to create a MUGEN Game w/ all characters in it, which would take some time ;_;

    1. RyGuy176


      what exactly do you mean by "all"? If you mean EVERYTHING, your not going to have a good time. It's going to be a couple 1000 GBs at my guess xD

    2. Gamer251



      Not ALL all, but 1 sprite per character.

      Example: Miku has 4 sprites or more, I'm only going to pick 1.

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