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Everything posted by Gamer251

  1. Dude, it's a secret. No one wants it put on BunBunMaru, Aya. All I will tell you is that I keep fixing the game system, updating, adding, and patching characters, and adjusting lifebars. And I need a Soku Lifebar now. All I need is that I'll release a Soku-Like game and the lifebars are 10.5
  2. Do you have a KON Rinnosuke AI Patch by Somuee? I needed that AI Patch because Rinnosuke is easy to beat~
  3. Anyone wanna request a Touhou Fight? Like for example, Mokou vs. Kaguya! Tell me here and I'll create it.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Gamer251


      Okay then~

      Gonna do it tomorrow though, Ryoucchi. And pretty much late, too.

    3. Gamer251
    4. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      Thanks Gamer ^^

  4. Can I Post a Download Link of Touhou here? Seems like you missed it :3 And have you gotten past Satori in Touhou 11?
  5. Probably too late, but: http://gamer251.deviantart.com
  6. Well, since Mugen Fighters Guild insult me, underestimate me, and make fun of me, and I can't even contribute here, much less make a font, I'm taking my leave after I complete the final version update of Touhou All-Stars. It was very nice to meet you all, especially you Touhou Fans~

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MugoUrth


      I wonder if they can help me with Uppercut moves. Ryon was helping me and now he said he'd code the uppercut move for me, but I'd really rather do it myself. But through all he's taught me, maybe I just suck and learning how to code.

    3. Starrz


      Well, I actually think you are good... Don't let them get to you. they are probably just trolls...

    4. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      the words, the guild was right should never be uttered by anyone

  7. Here's a nifty tutorial: 1) Open up Gu's character (e.g. Tenshi) 2) Open up "Tenshi_ETC.def" 3) Press "Ctrl + F" 4) Type in the box "[state -1];霊撃" 5) There we go, now type at the value box how many cards you like 6) Change the value until you reach "[state -1];全人類の緋想天", her final Spellcard 7) After changing the value of that, save it and close, then test Tenshi
  8. Yes, they are cool And Kurogane's 1.0 lifebars are only the SWR ones. I can't adjust the UNL one 'cause of my limited knowledge :3 (And you're the one Ryoucchi-sama said that's been creating a game too, da?)
  9. Ah, I had that problem before, and it's quite easy to fix: 1) Rename your Stage DEF File (Clock Night.def) and remove the space 2) ONLY CHANGE THE DEF, NOT THE SFF 3) Your output should be either (In my opinion) Clock.def or Clock_Night.def This always works, that's why when you look at my stages folder in my game, some only has one word (The DEF ones)
  10. What Shanghai is better? Aotsuki's Shanghai or Shanghai by gu?

  11. Thanks for the Mediafire Links! Gonna edit them later on~ Answers to your opinion: No one ripped the credits from Hisoutensoku.... Yet... Can't find one ripping software, too. Plus, it would be copyrighting. I could get sued by ZUN, and I'm a kid! I don't have money, I'm broke! It's easy. Here's the format, hope it helps: ​Format: "Reimu_SWR, stagesShrine.def, music=sound/Ancients.mp3" (Character, Stage, Music) Sorry about that I wanted my characters to be 10.5/12.3 ONLY. I strive to find 12.3 characters, though. And pretty much I only put 7.5 characters there because those are the ONLY characters in existence that are nice. And I don't want Aya to be 7.5, cause the combo's will be different, and the attacks. That's why I substituted 12.3-Sprited 7.5 Utsuho by f*******7, and replaced it by 12.3 Utsuho-B.S. (Before Soku) Sprited by aonashi. I'll pretty much see if Aotsuki Aya is better~ Lastly, can I have your opinion? Which is better? 1) Aotsuki's Shanghai 2) The Shanghai in my game EDIT: That's why Aya is hard because I applied an AI patch by Sekt to them. It affected Aya, Youmu, Komachi, Suwako.
  12. I dunno if true, but my friend said that there's a Hourai Doll character out there. He says it's unknown who created it. There are all broken links.
  13. Okay then~ I'll find some solutions... Or investigate...
  14. Still can't, because my SkyDrive is pretty much being a nuisance, too :/
  15. It looks like it's Minoo's site?
  16. Sadly, no... Because: When I upload on Mediafire, it always interrupts, therefore I can't upload there. When I upload on 4shared, it's a mess. I mean, you need an ACCOUNT to download there. And pretty much I like to try the new MEGA and its capabilities
  17. And Ryoucchi, here's a preview vid:
  18. Welp, here's the changelog: ------------------------------------------------------------------ CHANGELOG ------------------------------------------------------------------ - Version 1.0 (1/30/2013) - Initial Release of Touhou All-Stars - Roster of 19 characters - Version 1.5 (2/4/2013) - Replaced 7.5 Suika with 10.5 Suika - Added 12 characters to roster, with a total of 31 characters - Fixed the problem when you go fullscreen, and it becomes slow - Updated the readme - Version 2.0 (2/5/2013) - Edited Select Screen and System - Edited text on info screen (F1) - Fixed no BGM error for Rinnosuke - Changed stats of Goliath Doll and others - Adjusted Spell Card System of Gu's Characters (Reimu, Patchouli, Yukari, Sakuya) - Updated BGM for some characters - Updated Yuyuko to 12.3 - Added 16 Characters, with a total of 47 Characters - Changed Netherworld Stage - Version 3.0 (2/16/2013) - Added 42 Characters, with a total of 90 Characters - Updated Readme - Changed BGM of some characters - Changed stages of some characters - Added Gameover Screen - Adjusted Select Screen - Stable release - Version 4.0 (3/1/2013) - Added Ending Scene - Adjusted Select DEF File - Changed some of the characters and stages - Added 15 characters, with a total of 105 characters - Added new stages I do >:D Flandre will rule all of the Galaxy! You're welcome~ Download it while your brother is away (Why doesn't he like Touhou?) Added you
  19. Updated my game to v4.0 Update for v5.0 coming at the end of March
  20. Updated the game to v4.0 More updates expected after March
  21. http://mugenfreeforall.com/index.php?/user/1547-flandre-scarlet/http://mugenfreeforall.com/index.php?/user/1547-flandre-scarlet/ :) He has the cheapest characters (or should I say she)
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