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Everything posted by Kazagami

  1. Hmm, weird. Probably has to do with some states in her .cns files. I ain't no coder, so I wouldn't know which one. Try asking around in the Help board, maybe?
  2. Wonderful. At long last, a Kaiju from Cosmos! I loved that show growing up, might even give it a re-watch some time. Added him to the collection, BTW!
  3. Nobody's done a Soku-accurate Reimu that I'm aware of.
  4. Before. 123THchars_M/Marisa.def, stages/(the name of your stage).def
  5. I see, figured as much. Well, when dealing with a case such as this one, you're gonna have to make a little adjustment in how you edit the select.def by typing the name of the folder followed by a slash and the name of the .def file of the character you wish to use. Simply put, this is how it's done: 123THchars_M/Marisa.def
  6. It wouldn't hurt to be a bit more specific. What exactly are you trying to do? Much appreciated.
  7. VPN is your friend. A lot of them come free, so you shouldn't have to worry about paying.
  8. My buddy tako, what would we ever do without you? I shall never cease to thank you, man.
  9. https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=aad5c2dc3037997d&id=AAD5C2DC3037997D!1721&authkey=!APruyGU6zxyZtwU
  10. https://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/released-silver-light-tagor-bonus-character-193582.0.html
  11. Yes, yes you are. My gratitude to you is endless :P. (Also is it bad that I've known about Sitiyou for years without realizing she's meant to emulate Potemkin, hence her absence here?) I must've forgotten to update her link when you switched host xD. Fixed.
  12. https://www.mediafire.com/folder/j3uzehwycge5c/CHARACTER
  13. Hate to burst your bubble, but it looks like someone has beaten you to punch.
  14. Great? Not really. Fantastic, now that's more like it xD. Thanks for helping recover these gems!
  15. This release is the very definition of awesome. Thanks!
  16. Lovin' the finds. Thanks folks.
  17. I follow him on Twitter and yes, he's still in the game. He's currently working on a couple of MonsterVerse Kaiju, but I'm 100% certain we'll be seeing more Ultraman content from him soon. Just give it some time, it was only a week or so ago since his last Ultraman-related release, after all.
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