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Everything posted by Kazagami

  1. um, I don't think that's the correct usage of "good riddance" there, lol.
  2. Update: - Alien Metron (+ Ultraman Max Alien Metron) by Kirbey - Ultra Training Dummy by Jalu_Joestar, originally by Bakisimu
  3. Updated Riki Naoe's link and preview image.
  4. Update: - Ultraman Dyna by Gainer y'know how the saying goes, the more the merrier :p.
  5. The link doesn't seem to work, it takes me to a page saying "access denied" when I click on it.
  6. Added Yukito Kunisaki by RGM.
  7. https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=!AJrjSlm0LORJOEg&id=5B613A4B6F32F277!104&cid=5B613A4B6F32F277
  8. Never fear, for I've got new links for 'em right here: Gaestick || Pivoty Matt || Fancer || Violet || Escalope || Dark || 700 || Xiaoxiao
  9. Added francis-zabi's EX Tyrant and fixed the link to Orb-dg's Zero Darkness.
  10. When Shin Getter appeared on screen and Heats started playing in the background...........that was easily one of the most intense fangasm i've ever had
  11. Added Metron Jr., changed Darkness Zero's status to offline.
  12. https://onedrive.live.com/?id=5B3F61EA4138A29D!235&cid=5B3F61EA4138A29D
  13. No such problem on my end, but here's an alternative link.
  14. Ryouma Nagare is nothing short of badass.




  15. You don't even need the patch anymore because the creator themselves released a MUGEN 1.0 version of the lifebars shortly after I went through the trouble of converting them, lol.
  16. 16:9 is one tricky aspect ratio to play MUGEN because 90% of the stuff made for the engine is designed with 4:3 in mind. Anyways, you could try adding "localcoord=1280,720" in the .def file of each character under [Info], but this'll result in them appearing too small for the stage they're in, and you're gonna have to adjust that, too.
  17. Oh yeah, NNS did a Soku Reimu. I'm such a dummy for forgetting that, lol.
  18. Updated Ultraman Z's link in the first post.
  19. Marked with red box is the download links for their characters.
  20. Um. Fureimu's link's still alive and kickin', last I checked. Unless you want me to put yours up as an alternative or something. Thanks for the rest of the stuff, though.
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