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Kaguto Shin Sabaki

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Posts posted by Kaguto Shin Sabaki



    Iori by Quickfist


    15n0wn7.jpg 2j1kf9z.jpg 2ec0jnd.jpg ivybr9.jpg 2mea3kn.jpg oa0luh.jpg


    Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/1f81i4


    Broly by Infinite


    91azbd_th.jpg 2u787ia_th.jpg lel2c_th.jpg a2aouf_th.jpg 2qkmjpk_th.jpg


    Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/vxjrb4


    Goku Z2 by Balthazar & Cybaster




    Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/mxmgzu


    Zero by Duck


    2iuqeye.jpg 2d5afn.jpg 2qjhrva.jpg ilw0tj.jpg 2m6907p.jpg


    Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/xj5v83


    Cell by CHOUJIN (I call him Arcade Cell cuz of the style the creator was going for)


    ippmp5.jpg zwddub.jpg i2w1a0.jpg


    Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/wrs3sj

  2. I think it's more logical if it are color separated sprite sheets. I just thought you could use it. Anyways you do not need to provide a palette for Asura anymore should that not have been clear already. Just saying that to make sure you don't spend your professional time doing something unneeded. ;)

    Well I tend to feel bad if I can't provide but if you're ok with it I'm fine.  :=D:

  3. Is this of use to you ?


    http://www.mediafire.com/download/4hh07tbqpm0pbv7/Iori.rar => Color separation for CvS Iori (there was no author mentioned so I'm assuming this one works for all Iori's who use CvS sprites)


    Here's the thread I got it from : http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/color-separated-database-151698.0.html

    Are these for the actual character's that have already been made or just sprite sheets? Cuz I'm not really good with swapping sprites and stuff I only stick to what I actually know in terms of doing things though I would like to learn without having to go through really long processes cuz I know a lot of creators change up the order of certain sprites when editing a character.

  4. A shadow like palette with blood red trimming is what I mean, if by shadow like you mean black skin color. I'm curious if you're making all the Iori palettes for one version (and if so I'd like to know whose version it is, Quickfist or Infinite's) or just making them according to whatever is possible (as in if one palette does not work for Infinite's version, you make it for Quickfist's version and vica versa).

    Pretty much that last part if I can't make it on infinite's I'll do it on quickfist's since in my opinion his is the second best CvS Iori out there plus he has good color separation now for infinite's I read that someone was making a palette color separation for him but I never saw a release for it.

  5. That's kind of you but as you can see below, Brock has already made an excellent Pandora Palette for Asura :




    So it won't be needed. Care to elaborate on the linked palette problem regarding the Wolverine palette?

    His skin, shoes and the brim of his jacket are linked so it's really difficult to pull off a wolverine palette at this point also I wanted to ask for the evil Iori palette that you want in the specifications do you want a shadow like palette with blood red trimming or just a standard darker default palette with a skin tone like evil ryu and ken's?

  6. Don't worry Brock, me and all the others still love you! hug.gif


    That being said, remember when I said I was out of ideas? Well as it turns out I got 2 more :



    Omega Mime Zero : White armor (includes shoes) + Dark black hair, bracelets and "leg rings". Of course this is for Duck's Omega Zero.


    Mime Broly : Dark black hair, eyes and eyebrows. White skin tone. Dark black bracelets with white gems. White necklace with black gem.  Black thong. White belt with black gem.  Black pants. White shoes with black gem and ankle.



    I know once this is all done and over with, you'll have made a ton of phenomenal palettes but I do hope you'll have just as much fun making them as I had coming up with and requesting them. Here's a little bit of motivation from me to keep your spirit high :



    Yeah I'm having a blast now before I forget unfortunately the wolverine palette for asura can't be done for this version (linked palettes again) but to make it up to you I shall make a Pandora's Rage palette for him instead. As for your other requests I'm getting that done with as we speak I'm just getting idea's while I'm doing them so it's like "Oh I gotta make this kinda palette for him." xD I'm gonna blow a fuse at one point but whateves I love it.

  7. I see, well if you can not do that if you do not have PS, nevermind then.


    Alright here's my request split into 3 parts, to finish at your leisure. I'll even provide links and specifications to make things easier for you. ^_^


    Part 1



    Wolverine Set


    1) Wolvasura (Wolverine palette for Asura by Buckus, get him here : http://www.mediafire.com/download/pbbnjqhyz6a42b6/Asura.rar


       => specifications : Yellow jacket and pants, blue shoes, gloves, shirt and hair, skin may stay dark or be turned caucasian depending on what looks better. Preferably make one with keeps the dark skin and another with caucasian skin.


    2) Wolvoku (Wolverine palette for Goku Z2)


     => specifications : Everything that is orange turns into yellow, all the things which are blue already turn into a darker shade of blue. Skin tone stays the same and black hair becomes blue.


    3) Perfect Wolcell (Wolverine palette for Perfect Cell by Choujin)


    =>specifications : Green body becomes yellow, if possibly the black spots get turned into blue spots. Black armor becomes blue (including the black orb between his "split" head). Skin tone changes into caucasian (the grey face only) or stays the same. Preferably two versions withone having the regular face and the other the caucasian face.


    4) Omega Zerorine (Wolverine palette for SvC Omega Zero by Duck, get him here : )


    => specifications : Red armor becomes yellow, hair and similarly colored "rings" on his arms and feet become blue.



    Part 2



    Iori Set


    1) Heavenly Iori (White palette for Iori by Infinite/Quickfist, depending on what's possible)


    => specifications : Basically all his clothes become white, including his hair. Crescent moon and "thong, which is the thing between his jacket and pants" become black.


    2) Iori Bogard (Terry Bogard palette for Iori by Infinite/Quickfist, depending on what's possible)


    => specifications : Jeans blue pants, red jacket with white crescent moon and blond hair. Red shoes.


    3) Wild Iori Bogard (Wild Terry palette for Iori by Infinite/Quickfist, depending on what's possible)


    => specifications : Jeans blue pants, brown jacket with white crescent moon and blond hair. Brown shoes.


    4) Sparking Iori (Gold palette for Iori by Infinite/Quickfist, depending on what's possible)


    => specifications : Gold colors for the entire pal except his eyes, who are turned red. Gold is not equal to yellow. Take this palette of Brock as an example to know what I mean : YELLOWASURA_zpsa113616f.gif


    5) Jokiori (Joker palette for Iori by Infinite/Quickfist, depending on what's possible)


    => specifications : Purple jacket and pants, light green hair and "thong", white shoes and white skin tone


    6) Eviori (Dark palette for for Iori by Infinite/Quickfist, depending on what's possible)


    => specifications : Dark black jacket, pants and skin tone, light red hair, "thong", shoes and crescent moon on his back.  Red eyes would be preferred if possible of course






    Part 3



    SvC Omega Zero Set


    1) Omega Zeroker (Joker palette for Omega Zero by Duck)


    => specifications : Light green hair and "arm and leg rings", purple armor and "underwear"


    2) Omega Pandero (Pandora Rage palette for Omega Zero by Duck)


    => specifications : Black hands, legs, stomach and arms, white hair, arm and leg rings and light purple armor


    3) Omega Hellish Zero (Dark palette for Omega Zero by Duck)


    => specifications : Light red hair, arm and leg rings, dark black armor



    Part 4 :



    Infinite Broly Set


    1) Broker (Joker palette for Infinite Broly)


    => specifications : Light green hair, eyebrows and "thong". White skin tone and shoes. Purple pants, belt and bracelets. Also I'd love it if the "gems" on his shoes and bracelets could be turned light green in color. Finally his ankle would preferably be colored purple too. Additionally, a purple necklace with light green gem would be much appreciated.


    2) Devoly (Dark palette for Infinite Broly)


    => specifications : Light red hair, eyebrows and pants. Dark black skin tone with red bracelets and dark black gems. Red pants. Dark black shoes with blood red gem and ankle. White thong with blood red belt and black gem. Blood red necklase with black gem.


    3) Wolvoly (Wolverine palette for Infinite Broly)


    => specifications : skin tone stays as it is.  Blue hair and eyebrows. Yellow necklase and bracelets have blue gems.  Yellow pants and blue boots with yellow ankle and gem. Blue thong with yellow belt and blue gem.



    I know this is A LOT, I'm fully aware of that but like I said, you can finish them at your own pace as none of these pals are all too urgent (does not mean I want to waith a month before they're all finished lol). The main two reasons why I request this of you is to test you so I can see how good you really are and because I have faith inyou thanks to your previously made palettes which where impressive to say the least. ;)

    I'll get right on it.

  8. Oy Kaguto,


    I've come up with a good request for you which I may split up in 3 smaller parts but first I'd like to know if you are capable of changing the colors of character FX's? (like e.g. any character's projectile or flames/ice etc....)

    I've never tried it out before and with a lot of the FX's being more detailed and a lot more time consuming Idk if I'd be successful without photoshop.

  9. Actually it's Wolveriori, you forgot an "i". It's my own totally original name so I at least expect you to get it right lol. But maybe we should give Kaguto a break, I mean he's got a real life to live too, ya know? :)


    Well I've got plenty more characters I wanna have a Pandora pals for now, I'll be back again!

    Well gentlemen Trust and believe that I'll be chucking out more palette's but yes I need a small break I did make a page an a half worth of these xD

  10. I'm sorry Kaguto, I should pay more attention to such details... stupidme2.gif


    But could you please replicate that copy for Choujin's Perfect Cell? Like I said, it looks great and I'd love to use it.

    Sure I'll DL him and make the palette for him when I get the chance man.

  11. Nice work, thank you so much for the fix Kaguto. You made my day !


    Btw, please tell me your Cellza palette is for Perfect Cell by Choujin as it looks very impressive and I'd love to use it if it's for him.


    Tip: if you include the author's name for every character you made a palette for with each set, people would not have to ask things like I just did.

    Well it's actually by Neocide it's why I put his and teen gohan's name's together since they are from the same author.

  12. That Wolveriori looks really nice, you surely did not disappoint Kaguto! One thing, was it not possible to make his hair blue because his hair color was linked to another part of his sprite?

    I can make the hair blue if you want it's not linked to any to any of his clothes thankfully.

  13. While I would instinctively say that's wasting roster space, I can certainly see where you are coming from Sham. After all you can always start using his other palettes too and rename him back to Iori then. Still a fun idea, I'll definitely try it out next time I start up my M.U.G.E.N.!



    I actually have gotten a great idea thanks to you Sham. Here is the step by step procedure to make it work :


    1) Activate your "True Troll Mode"


    2) Take a character, use only one palette for it and rename accordingly (in my case Wolveriori once Kaguto has made that palette)


    3) Make a video of it


    4) Upload it to Youtube


    5) Wait until people start asking "where can I get that character"?


    6) Reply by saying it's a private edited character and that they only get it if they're willing to trade for it


    7) Get loads of rare characters for your ever growing M.U.G.E.N. collection thanks to tons of trades coming your way


    8) Continue doing it and have fun for as long as it lasts before you're found out :=D:


    Additional steps :


    9) Wait a couple of weeks untill your scam has faded from people's memory


    10) Use another character and repeat steps 1 to 9

    Or if you have various screenpacks you can use one for the characters you don't have in your main mugen it's kinda like having two different games from the same series ya know?

  14. Your attempt at Pandora Rage Infinite Iori is nearly perfect, I do wonder why you made his hair pink instead of white as I feel the latter hair color looks and suits him better. You did it with the PR palette for Quickfist's version so I'm just curious as to why you changed that.


    P.S. If you could change his hair color from pink to white, it would be perfect! ^^

    Well as mentioned his SFF is limited unlike quickfist's his hair and pants are linked so I unfortunately had to work with what I had and a lining of the shit is linked with the top of his jacket for some reason so that's why I couldn't do the wolverine one for you though I could do it on quickfist's if you want.



    Thanks Brock.

  15. Alright, I want to request Pandora pal for Kamen Rider Kuuga (same Kuuga that you have), Batman by Alucard, Superman new 52 and Madara by LegendTTA

    Ok I'll get right on Kuuga and I believe I have the batman have to check but if not I'll just DL him I have the superman and I'll DL Madara

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