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Kaguto Shin Sabaki

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Posts posted by Kaguto Shin Sabaki

  1. Great job man this is the best link in mugen though I have one issue but it's small and nit picky that starting stance of his is kinda awkward lookin I really think he'd look cooler with less joint movement and more of a firm stance I looked through the sprites and the first two sprite frames to that stance animation would look just fine with a loop kinda like ryu or ken only has the same three sprite frames looping for their stance but other than my nit picking the character is on the up and up.


  2. so can i ask as a new found friend for a color seperation patch for any Cvs Benimaru im so sick of his shirt & pants having to be the same colr 

    I'll get to work on that Brock. Now I need a link to him cuz from my experience it's really hard to find a download.   :hmm:

  3. It's looking good aside from the ugly combo of colours you used but that's for demonstration purposes so I understand. XD


    A bit more of working on it and you'll have soon mastered the colour separation technique!

    :=D: Yes!

  4. I did not mind the wait anyway. Now your 3 palettes look good and I thank you for the Golden Iori fix however regarding the 2 Zero palettes I got some issues :


    - Reverse Mime does not look bad however I had more of a bright white color in mind to make the black more noticable. Now it looks white-purple-ish (is that even a word lol?)


    - Golden Zero looks, believe it or not, too golden in my eyes. Contradictory with Golden Iori, I can barely see Zero's individual body parts. I'm not sure how to explain it other than to compare it to Gold Iori to hopefully see what I mean (like now I can't see Zero's face all that well e.g.)


    Aside from that I don't know if you took note of my updated request list. I shall put it below again and this one should be my final batch of requests :


    1) Legend Iori (Lewis Legend inspired palette for Quickfist's Iori)

    => specifications : White skin tone. Black hair and black clothes. Brown shoes. Golden chain and necklace. Golden eyes.

    2) Omega Aqua Zero (palette for Omega Zero by Duck)

    => specifications : Dark blue armor (same as the blue you used for Omega Zero's Wolverine pal). Light Blue (as in ice blue) hair, bracelets and leg rings.

    3) Omega Shin Zero (palette for Omega Zero by Duck)


    => Specifications: palette based on this sprite : Akuma-shin-cvs2-stance.gif


    Ok I'll get right on fixing it btw how does this color separation look so far?




    I've been busy making color separations (Which I'm not releasing any until I have a good amount done I've only gotten 3 done so far I wanna atleast get 10 done for my first pack then I'll release atleast one every other day after.)


    Request by Win for Omega Zero by Duck.

    (Also a requested fix for the golden Iori palette I did.)


    35k29dz.jpg 2egg27b.jpg 9sggv5.jpg

    Golden, Reverse Mime and Golden (Fixed)


    Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/1fmf3vai2h1vavg/Another+Win+Request.zip

  6. i am a massive MOTU nerd so yeah its kind of were my brain goes alot of the times when i do pals lol 

    I salute you sir I don't care how many jokes are said about me being the new you we could both learn alot from each other me learning more from you of course but you could make palettes I wouldn't even think of until you already made'em xD

  7. just wasn't to proud of it , plus u know me , i usually roll out anywhere from 6 - 11 pals per set & it just didn't seem right to release one pal for a rather popular character , heres a Gif  . its based off of Skeletor From MOTU in his Toy color scheme 



    That is freaken awsome I never would've thought of making a Skeletor one.  :omg:

  8. Goddamn it Brock, just release the damn palette already. :=D:


    Nah in all seriousness, why did you never release it?


    So believe it or not but I got MOAR requests. This time the amount of palettes is much less than my first one.



    1) Iori Mac Yagami (Ronald Mac Donald inspired palette for Iori by Quickfist)


    => specifications : Red hair. White skin. Yellow jacket and pants. Red short. Red cuffs. Red shoes and red chain (the thing between his legs). Red collar.


    2) Legend Iori (Lewis Legend inspired palette for Quickfist's Iori)


    => specifications : White skin tone. Black hair and dark clothes. Brown shoes. Golden chain and necklace. Golden eyes.


    3) Omega Mac Zero (Ronald Mac Donald inspired palette for Omega Zero by Duck)


    => specifications : Basically the same as your Wolverine palette except everything you made blue in that palette becomes red



    4) Omega Light God Zero (palette for Omega Zero by Duck)


    => specifications : Bright white armor. Gold hair, bracelets and leg rings. Gold soles and gold forehead gem. White helmet.


    I'll get to that soon my friend.

  9. Those are some visually stunning Taskmaster palettes ya got there pal. I don't know if I should be happy or worried that you're as fast as the dickens in regards to making palettes and replying in this thread lol.


    I'm sure you have not forgotten the 2 other palettes I requested for Duck's Omega Zero. I'll just repeat them just in case you had forgotten about them (since indeed it were a ton of palettes and I don't blame you if you forgot them) :



    Omega Mime Zero : White armor (includes shoes) + Dark black hair, bracelets and "leg rings". Of course this is for Duck's Omega Zero.


    Omega Zerorine (Wolverine palette for SvC Omega Zero by Duck)


    => specifications : Red armor becomes yellow, hair and similarly colored "rings" on his arms and feet become blue



    May I ask when your going to fix the belt of your Super Vegetto pal for SSJ Goku Z2?

    Oops knew I forgot something Don't worry I edited the post and the palettes were already in the download so no need for me to re-up go take a look ^^.

  10. I have to agree with Sham here, you did a very good job indeed. You have proven yourself to be more than capable regarding palettes and I'm proud of you man!


    A slight correction regarding the golden Iori palette, could you give him a red crescent moon on his back? That's all I can nitpick about lol.

    XD Well sure I'll just send you a message with the fixed version tough I don't remember reading that part in your request then again you gave a lot  :confuse:

  11. can i give u a quick tip , since your posting your pals over to sendspace , back them up in a folder on your Comp,because after 30 days if no one DL's them,they whipe them out of their database 

    Alrighty Brock. Also don't worry Sendspace is just back up since my mediafire is going bonkers.

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