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Kaguto Shin Sabaki

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Everything posted by Kaguto Shin Sabaki

  1. Great job man this is the best link in mugen though I have one issue but it's small and nit picky that starting stance of his is kinda awkward lookin I really think he'd look cooler with less joint movement and more of a firm stance I looked through the sprites and the first two sprite frames to that stance animation would look just fine with a loop kinda like ryu or ken only has the same three sprite frames looping for their stance but other than my nit picking the character is on the up and up.
  2. Thank you all for understanding I feel a lot better now that I know you guys understand.
  3. Hey guys I wanted to come out and apologize to everyone for just up and vanishing like I did but a lot of sudden personal things have been happening in my family and I haven't had much time to do most of the things I planned on doing so I come before you all and humbly apologize a million times over.
  4. So sorry guys! My internet was cut off but I am back now.
  5. I'll get to work on that Brock. Now I need a link to him cuz from my experience it's really hard to find a download.
  6. Ok I'll get right on fixing it btw how does this color separation look so far?
  7. SORRY FOR THE WAIT! I've been busy making color separations (Which I'm not releasing any until I have a good amount done I've only gotten 3 done so far I wanna atleast get 10 done for my first pack then I'll release atleast one every other day after.) Request by Win for Omega Zero by Duck. (Also a requested fix for the golden Iori palette I did.) Golden, Reverse Mime and Golden (Fixed) Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/1fmf3vai2h1vavg/Another+Win+Request.zip
  8. Well I have to get some color separations done before any of that they take longer to separate than to make actual palettes cuz I have alot of characters I wanna do it for.
  9. Every father should remember that, one day his son will follow his example instead of his advice.

    1. LansingWolverine
    2. Cook4251
    3. Winmugen11


      And as such, Charles F Kettering had spoken some of history's wisest words.

  10. *EDIT* Hey guys I wanted to make a video for those who are interested in palette making and wanted to dive into color separation.
  11. I salute you sir I don't care how many jokes are said about me being the new you we could both learn alot from each other me learning more from you of course but you could make palettes I wouldn't even think of until you already made'em xD
  12. That is freaken awsome I never would've thought of making a Skeletor one.
  13. NEW! Palettes for ZVitor's Spiderman. Reversed, New Mugen, Black Suit (Movie) and Pandora's Rage. Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/hdmqe6no3ecb2zp/Spiderman+Palettes.zip
  14. New Mugen & Pandora's Rage palettes for Darkwolk13's just released Strabimon. Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/njo89tncdpsbspr/Strabimon+Palettes.zip
  15. No problem man I enjoyed making these for you guys.
  16. As for the Goku I am gonna go back and edit some of the palette's I first uploaded cuz I have better versions in the works but for now I'm just trying to get as many palettes out as possible.
  17. May I ask when your going to fix the belt of your Super Vegetto pal for SSJ Goku Z2? Oops knew I forgot something Don't worry I edited the post and the palettes were already in the download so no need for me to re-up go take a look ^^.
  18. Starting another little project aside from taking requests now with my new mugen and pandora's rage palettes I'll also be making alot of reverse palettes using my new mugen scheme here are my first three. Ryu by Infinite Nameless by K.O.D & Vans Goku Z2 by Balthazar & Cybaster Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/5ieh7jvjvzyall3/Reversed+Mugen+Palettes.zip
  19. Request for some Taskmaster palettes from Brock and Sham. Batman, Superman, Assassain's Creed Black, Assassin's Creed White and The Spectre. Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/7zfygv34c6ffaza/Taskmaster+Palettes+2.zip
  20. XD Well sure I'll just send you a message with the fixed version tough I don't remember reading that part in your request then again you gave a lot
  21. Sure man I was planning on doing more for him.
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