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Kaguto Shin Sabaki

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Everything posted by Kaguto Shin Sabaki

  1. This K is crazy DL for sure btw where'd u get those stages?
  2. Nice Link probably gonna be the best adult link scratch tht the best link in mugen btw did u use hayato as a base for this char?
  3. this patch is pretty dope i've always wanted just all out war between characters and this patch made it so nice job my friend very nice job
  4. i know it's not good with the color loss and everything else but until someone feels motived enough to make a better one this is the best we got it's an ok stage though
  5. Finally been waiting on this release love it
  6. Here u go guys all u gotta do is scroll down and give it a good ol' click http://before3d.com/mugen/ Edit: im kinda using a ps3 atm so i cant really screenshot but once u click the link u scroll down til u see pictures of some stages its one of reu's characters faded and standing infront of a piano its should be very noticeable
  7. i actually have the original stage of this edit the original is way better if i find the download again ill post the link
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