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Everything posted by Dissidia

  1. So did everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving? Turkey was too expensive for me to afford this year.

    1. LittleFox777


      I enjoyed my thanksgiving. My family had the usual like turkey and dressing, but we also had several different kinds of pie, mainly Apple, Pecan, Pumpkin and Sweet Potato pie and some chocolate cake. Also we some double eggs and cranberry sauce. It sucks that you didn't get a turkey this year. So what did you have instead and what else did you eat?

  2. So you're the one who created that Kara / Colon edit and working on a MUGEN version of Chigusa. Nice to see you here and thank you for the response!
  3. Kara Aviva released, all 8 Marbles characters updated (11/15/2022)
  4. Just a friendly reminder, please do not use the Status Updates area as a request section of any kind. If you're requesting something from a user, you can always send a private message.

    1. RicePigeon


      In addition, don't use the Status Updates area to bring up drama that happened off-site. We've had to suspend Status Update privileges for several users in the past few days because of this and what Diss just outlined above.

  5. Welcome everyone to those who've recently join the MFFA forum. Please enjoy yourselves.
  6. Hi there. 🙂

    1. GreatFunk


      Congrats on getting the admin role.

  7. I wouldn't want to fight giant sized Survival Arts characters, and I think The_None did a great job with Viper.
  8. Azusa Nakano released, all K-ON! and 8M characters have been updated!

  9. Azusa Nakano released, All K-ON! and 8 Marbles characters updated (07/20/2022)
  10. If this is your way of "respecting" others by acting like an ego-driven jackass, then I don't think you're going to be earning respect from anyone here. Have a nice day.
  11. That's fine and dandy, but next time, please don't use the content request section for this. Moved to Introductions
  12. Do you even have that kind of amount?
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