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Everything posted by Dissidia

  1. My apologies, but this is one of the most hideous things I've seen in a long time. The sprites, the dreaded gameplay, everything just feels wrong here... And that's why I love this Lumine.
  2. There's also other MK MUGEN based games like Blood Storm Vs. Krossed Realms and MK: Solano Edition.
  3. I was playing on Versus mode, I never play Simul Mode.
  4. Although you managed to fix some of the problems, I've found another one. Forward, MP followup to a QCB,HP creates an infinite.
  5. If you still have the sprites unindexed, index them as 255 colors. Open the color palette table and the first box should be blank. Add a 0 color on that (255,0,255) whichever preferred and you should be good to go.
  6. Telestial Solice by Saiyajin Mui
  7. What it means is it's trying to look for a root that's nonexistent on particular moves inside the custom CNS'. Check the state numbers on debug that it's triggering it. It may have something to do with kill = !(root,var(58))|| 1*p2stateno=003 Also, you have the hitflag on several moves as "MADF", which should be "MAFD". There's apparently more bugs that I've found, so I may add more to my feedback laundry list.
  8. Wonder Woods (Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure)
  9. Here's a simple stage I whipped up in a couple of minutes. From "Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure". DOWNLOAD
  10. Welcome to those who recently joined. Please enjoy your time here.
  11. I don't think location matters, but it's really not a problem. I was able to obtain both of them. Now onto feedback... Hoh boy, this is going to be somewhat long and painful... ***DISSIDIA'S FEEDBACK LAUNDRY LIST*** - The player regains control of Blair Dame Kitana once the intro sequence begins. Sometimes she will be hovering on air after the "Fight" sequence starts. - Kitana's intro voicelines are all over the place. There are moments where she refers her opponents as one of the "elderly". - Most of Kitana's hitboxes are unsatisfactory and require more work. There's so much priority. - Constant debug flood due to unnecessary ROOT triggers that aren't being used. - Her gameplay feels extremely clunky and not exactly a fun character to use. - The hitbox for her forward/backward air light kick still remains on screen. - Kitana's AI is absolutely busted. There are moments where she will end up standing on air, or break entirely. - Kitana's hypers tend to miss the second attack on shorter characters. Not only that, they also give back power. - "Slow motion" moves really do not work here. I find them very annoying. - Kitana's standing launch kick has unnecessary pause slowdown. - Both Crouching light punch and crouching kick triggers Kitana's hitsparks twice, while crouching strong punch triggers her hitsparks three times. - Standing strong punch has envshake delay. - Perhaps it's best that you remove mentions of pronouns on Kitana's voicelines, unless you want to go even further by adding name triggers for every male and female character out there, lol. It's weird hearing male opponents being referred as "her" or "sister". - This also applies for Kitana's finishing moves. Even facing against herself or any other female character in existence, the text "Finish Him" still shows up. - Kitana's fan projectile do not interact with the opponent's projectiles. - The way QCF,z behaves looks clunky and choppy. - Everything from her B,F,X special looks choppy. Nice ass though. - Kitana's QCB,x+a has some messy colors on that tornado FX. - Speaking of her tornado FX, it uses a sound of one hitting the ground for some reason. - Her tornado FX triggers twice after making interaction with a projectile. - Kitana's fatality is just absolutely laughable. Yes, I understand due to the lack of head decapitation sprites on the opponent, but perhaps this could be reworked into something else? I just find the opponent suddenly exploding after being sliced by a fan hilarious. - Kitana's Babality triggers the opponent's KO voice. - Some of Kitana's sprites are not sharing with their palettes. UPDATE: February 1st, 2023 - Back to Kitana's QCB,x+a, if far distance, her followup doesn't trigger. Not sure if that was intentional or not. - The aforementioned above also creates problems during "Finish Him/Her". Performing the hyper again lets the opponent regain control and thus no longer possible to be KO'd. - Forward High Kick does not trigger the "Finish Him/Her" event, simply KO's the opponent. - Weird how Kitana has a Jump Light Kick but not a Medium nor Strong version, unless she's moving forward or backwards. - Combo follow up to an Air strong punch looks really odd for the opponent sliding forward like that. Not only that, there's no possibility to get up from that unless Kitana is standing on ground. - The air combo sound effect keeps on playing after three aerial hits. - The tornado's blocking sound is Kitana's own running voice. Overall, not one of THE BEST Kitanas out there, but perhaps not one of the worst either. However, she does require a lot more work. There's probably more that I might've missed, but that's my input from what I've tested thus far.
  12. Unfortunately, no. The link you provided just leads to a white page. Okay, apparently one requires a Mediafire account in order to access the link. I'll try out Kitana.
  13. Link provided doesn't seem to work.
  14. Though I no longer watch this outlaw mudshow garbage rasslin' program, stage looks nice.
  15. Welcome to our new friends of MFFA. Enjoy your stay.
  16. A new year begins...

    Let's hope that 2023 will be better for everyone.

  17. Fighter Factory Studio never deletes files, nor have I ever witnessed using THAT much cache.
  18. So there's nothing special about this? Better off staying lost.
  19. I've seen this stage by someone else back in the day, but it was in low-res. Either way, cool release.
  20. Collection updated.
  21. Long time no update. Collection has been updated.
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