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Everything posted by Dissidia

  1. Duruji released, all Eight Marbles characters updated (06/01/2024)
  2. That's due to the songs being on the same folder as the stage since I'm using Ikemen GO now. You'd need to move the tracks in the sounds folder in MUGEN and readd "sounds/" under [Music] for each def.
  3. Four stages from one of my favorite RPGs, converted by yours truly. Enjoy! DOWNLOAD
  4. Been awhile since I've worked on a mottif.
  5. Rim released, Eight Marbles characters released (04/22/2024).
  6. Momoka released, Three Eight Marbles characters updated (04/09/2024)
  7. Do you have the SFF already written in the def file? Share what you have so far.
  8. You have it as "stages\Mountainside - Day.def " when it's suppose to be "stages/Mountainside - Day.def".
  9. Depending on what exactly are you trying to get it working for which version of MUGEN. Indexed stages will have to be 256 color while 1.1 only stages support 32 bit.
  10. Luce released, all 8 Marbles characters updated (04/04/2024)
  11. This is due to too many effects going on screen and could be slowing down the engine. Which stages are you talking about?
  12. You could've just reuploaded Whiskey and call it a day. But instead, you've shared an IKEMEN compilation with 8 unreleased characters that weren't suppose to be out there...
  13. Been awhile since I've released any stages. So here you go. They all originate from the NSFW 2DFM fighting game "Sperm Ward Fighters"... Please don't ask... DOWNLOAD
  14. Please share your throw code.
  15. SkyScraper24's Lily/Lilie Edit by IgnitionGrimmy http://ignitiongrimmy.weebly.com/downloads.html
  16. Itachi released, All 8 Marbles characters updated (07/31/2023)
  17. The spam bots have been put on retirement. I'm hoping that the nightmare is over.

  18. The original Viuda Negra and the others can still be found on Borghi's original website via Internet Archive. https://web.archive.org/web/20060224073025/http://borghi1.free.fr/chars.htm
  19. Yeah. I was thinking about making a compatibility patch for XCB's Belphegor, but it looks like you did an fantastic job.
  20. So it's just a still frame of the show's title card? You know it's pretty easy to replicate this on your own.
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