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Posts posted by Modo_ekitz

  1. Eh no.. Not really - google is kind of garbage these days that doesnt bring up anything as easily as it used to, And lots of sites and links are missing from there anyway. It has 2 main hubs that are generated with regards to this: Mugen free for all, And mugren archive, If one is lucky anyway. The usual only way to find any of these things is to go to one or two of those sites and pray that whatever used to be there is still there. What you  said is like saying 'bing it'. Same thing except slightly better.


    Im not even sure if most mugenites are aware of just how much is gone now from the net concerning mugen. .

  2. 0_0 Is that wisdom i hear?.. Its rare these days from humans, I commend you for having it.

    I will do that from now on, And theres plenty of content missing from other places. But those levels will do for now, Thank you.

    And im itching a little more every day to commission someone to recreate the entire game maxiumum carnage via mugen.. (any character playable from mugen that a player wants allowed though)

  3. Now available onsite, If theres someone out there with the skills then i can pay and depending on certain details.

    Please contact me if your interested, As i am anyway.

    There is an issue that im.. Not entirely certain ALL of the sprites have been ripped yet, The stages at least are more than whats available,

    So id pay someone for help with that too.




  4. Well those are definitely good placeholders for certain MIA mugen things.


    I try and use the forums, But most of the time only one person answers. So..

  5. Hi interested here in downloading 'scopedog'.. But it either seems to be missing from 'onedrive' or its misnamed. RSC which is AI-only seems to be different from that scopedog, I wanted to see where just 'scopedog' is since it looks like a metal slug character.. But no idea where it is. : / Could you rename it pls?

  6. Hi -


    One of your 'tatsunami' characters has a severe problem with its .cns file. Now normally its no issue but this character only has 2 builds (that i know of) and unlike others which have 1, 4, 10 edits to use pieces from to potentially fix.. This one doesnt. Its really aggravating. Just thought someone should know. Last i checked it was the ''updated'' version, hopefully not, But if so then thats one messed up update

  7. Kamui no ken, Guyver(Fuck those cinema-rotting live action movies though)Fist of the north start(Moreover the animated movie) And fatal fury the motion picture(Its prior movies too, Minus that HORRRRRIBLE ''another day'' thing that came much later)

    Characters as favs include: Rosenov from sf alpha the animation, Jamin from fatal fury, And Masane amaha from witchblade

  8. Rikishi is that weird wrestler who (supposedly) would leap backward off the ring and land ontop of others with his booty-cheeks. He did this before spontaneous-bootay from south park, And i mostly only know because the other kids from school would never shut up about it(Then again i always suspected they were attracted to dudes)

    Point i was making was about that missing wrestling character. ?: .

  9. Daamn dude.. SOo close to seeing and HAVING Rosanov the cyborg from street fighter alpha the animation! How awesome it would be to have satsui-Saddler in HD in all his craziness in video game form..

    And gotetsu.. A man very close to the dark hadou who's family members either died from the dark hadou or went crazy or died in the mountains from it! 😄 Per the SF live action youtube series anyway..

  10. Yeah?

    Why cant it ever be an edit that WORKS. ?

    And why do these guys always have to be frankensteined together just to avoid that awful swoosh jump-sound or to have.. Anything in them? Theres baarely anything in this kahn either! guhh.. .>,<

  11. Ooo good one!

    And its true. ... And all because peter was too short-sighted to not leave the symbiote behind during the secret-wars, He just ''had'' to bring it back to earth. Bringing it back enabled venom, Venom enable carnage.. And carnage enabled EVERY horrible thing that the other symbiotes would, Shriek, Etc. xD Peter is guilty of some nebulous super-crime these murdering out of control symbiotes are there on earth because of.

  12. 2 minutes ago, GeorgeMP said:

    FUN FACT: This very site used to have the same Cloudflare thing as MA, but thet removed it around the time they started doing the whole "CLICK ON THE BICYCLES/AIRPLANES/TRAINS/CARS/DEMONS/WHATEVERS" thing.

    You know, It makes me wonder what they see when m. archive sees their handy-work: Theres people walking in streets about to get hit by cars, Planes at a distance, Planes up close in presence, Theres bicycles, Bicycle seats and a half, Bicycles with people taken without their permission, Guys on planes, Guys getting off planes, Guys getting on planes, Street lights on, Street lights off about to be turned on, Pictures of skies, Pictures of traffic lights in skies, Blurry people waking near bikes, Blurry bikes with half corners of streets with people walking on them, Cars about to hit the camera-guy, Locations with no names, Bicycles in locations with no name, Planes in runways, Planes being refueled for takeoff, Planes about to take off, Zoomed-in-pictures of bikes, Zooming-in pictures that will be about bikes, Guys driving old cars, A lady driving a new car, Train photos taken at bad angles, Trains pictures taken for no reasons, Guys on streets near cars, Guys walking away from cars near bikes and cars, Theres locked bikes near grass, Security-risk pictures for terrorists of planes at a distance flying away fast, Bicycles with seats, Bicycles about to be stolen, Bicycles near other bicycles, Blurry planes landing on the runway lanes, Pictures of planes that dont work anymore, Peoples hands on bikes near cars, Locations at a distance, Locations too blurry to make sense of, Mountains near planes, Bicycles about to drive away, People shopping for shoes near cars, New cars with old people in them driving near parks, Pilots driving planes at a quarter-distance, New bikes near people who dance, Custom cars on a six highway lane, Traffic lights that just turned green, Guys on bikes colored the same, People who were just inspected boarding planesbikesandthecarsandpeopledrivingtogetnewsneakerstrafficlightpoleswhosfuckingwithmyymeds


  13. So today after visiting that site and after years of being on it.. banned. For having a somewhat mature login-name they CENSOR the cussword part out of anyway! And it wasnt a preferential-thing over this site or something - The personal goal was and is to see, Collect and compile an extensive mugen collection, Wherever and whenever any of it was available. The login name was obviously done in a humorous way and not in a mean one but god - what fragile PRETENTIOUS losers they are! And i say all this not just because of something so tremendously douchy like what they did there But also:


    - Countless stupid ''security'' checks - Before entering their website where these loons over there FORCE everyone to click on pile after pile of pictures of bicycles, Planes and cars - Over, And over and over AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN! @ D Why cant it be something easier?! THAT is some sadistic bullshit.Theres not many places ive seen this done at to this degree, Yet they act like mugen arcrap dot com is the black marbled entrance to the UN assembly building or something! They arent area-51 but sure seem to think they are! For people using the internet.. Its POINTLESS!!!!!!


    - regressive-politics -These guys allowed politics into that site to taint it when they made this big, Huge deal over etika and a character made of him no ones ever even going to use. etika. Of ALL people who should be receiving such boons, They could and should  have done all that for: Robin williams, Issac hayes, Stephen William Hawking (Itd be funny but could also be scary strong) Prince the singer who has SO much personality that was also added to thanks to dave chappelle or others of real life or anyone related to characters of fiction who havent been mugenized yet.. So the SANE thing to do of course was to choose (no offense to anyone who happened to be a fan of his here) A quite boring attention seeker like etika! : D Brilliant! They should have also made another of equal value in the form of the 'brick' from timespliters!


    - Their site is HARD to navigate: There is so much uploaded shit on there so poorly organized that one could look up one genre of mugen and yet theres another unseen SLEW of the same content not being accessed all because the search-name doesnt have 'edit' in it. Which has a 20 second FORCED ''wait'' requirement! 20 seconds. Theres nothing more infuriating than for people strapped for time who just want to search for things quickly and are made to wait 20 seconds after every slow, Ass, Search. And you exit out of there to google/bing whatever or stay on site and remain inactive for a little while.. PICTURE-CLICK security checkpoint!! 😄 Stop it!! And i havent even GOTTEN to the weird, douuchy ''download limit'' they have placed on their content! Sometimes you can only download some and then bam ''youve reached your download bandwith'' for today please come back later'' .. Even though 12:00 AM comes and still.. ''download bandwith limit-lock''. .. Which turns off and on, On and off seemingly randomly when you justwantotdownloadalittleandnothavetoseethatstupidpaaaaaaage! x D So EFF that there too! There are so many pre-beta/beta-alpha and half-working projects that its a complete sloooog to pick through what is garbage or what works. It is SO god damn bad that it almost looks as if whoever was in charge of organizing gave up for the most part!


    - So many banned people on there they left there but never removed: Guys.. There are so many ''banned' peoples accounts on mugen archive for obviously silly things like ''uploading the wrong way'' but they are obviously left there like heads on stakes as a ''warning'' for everyone else to ''daare'' not violate the ''sacred (cow) rules'' of whatever millenials are running m. archive. Because once again.. It is just some insecure people gone mad with power running some site like theirs who do those sorts of things. Im extra sick of them doing THAT. They dont respect their users n e a r enough, It disgusts me. How about you all. And as ive seen firsthand.. You can be on there for YEARS and then one day after everything youve done for them or said and invested your time in - Pow, banned. Probably by some psuedo-philosopher-failed-highschool wannabe techies


    - Their site seems dead: While this one seems to have activity on it.. Theirs seems to have been left barren in some aspect, If that makes any sense. As if people... Take their efforts elsewhere. Probably for everything ive mentioned or am not aware of yet.


    - (One more time because its double true) Their site suuucks to navigate: Every






    PAGE is done in that outdated google-format. You all know what i mean.. The Page 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20  thing- aaaaaaagh!

    WHAT is it with this! To see everything requires clicking and clicking clicking those numbers clicking and clicking some more with no idea how long it goes for instead of a list! How is it that large anime PORN sites have had this vastly improved upon since the early 2000's buut ohh - NOT mugen archive! Theyre too good for that, Or is it incompetence? >.< Guess what - Theres nothing efficient about that! And this never, Ever, CHANGES there!



    - You cant edit comments once theyre posted: And this goes for every site like twitter and everything else.. In their text-fields, If you were half-asleep and decided to type and god forbid if a correction or series of them is needed.. Too bad! Theres no undoing anything misspelled once 'posted' because the method to do that is MISSING! Its never been there! I know coding is hard but its like they never update anything there, Like its stuck in the worst ways in the early 2000's! Theres no erasing comments if theres a need to withdraw and redo them because.. gaah! Nothing allows it! It felt every time like sensory-deprivation and its sooo BAAD!


    - If someone hates you there: IF someone or some people didnt like what you said and leave scathing comments in the 'rating-comments' section in your profile? You erase.. And why why oh why are stains left in the form of ''such and such erased this comment''. They just sit there, Theres NO getting rid of them! People.. Why does it seem like the overpuffed mods behind that site are so heavy into shaming for seemingly everything? Jesus man.. If i was to let go and cuss them out from here on out well it would go on for pages and pages and pages because THATS how awful an experience it is to be there at least if anyone tries to have even a little of an active presence and slime archive mods dont like you. What is wrong with them!


    - The site crashes constantly. Ohh GOD, It crashes con-stant-lyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!: And never at convenient times. But with that place.. I REALLY mean it. Im dead fucking serious. Most other sites dont have this problem so what is wrong with them - WHAT, WERE, THEY, THINKING! When they built that sites infrastructure!


    - This one is especially for you all, Not that id wish that websites problems on my WORST ENEMY: (If youve ever had the 'experience' like i and many others have at slime archive.com) What ELSE have they done to make mugen tiresome, Arduous and a pain in the ass to work with? Did they cause you bowel-interrupting annoyances or complete unbridled planet-destroying fury? 


    All in all.. UP THEIRS at slime archive! I hope everyone understands that what i said isnt just trolling but was experienced for days months and years at that god awful place. I turned a blind eye for years to everything wrong there out of nostalgia for the game characters they store, And the spirit behind what they do.. But all that is OVVER! I hope thewaybackmachine.com forgot to catalogue them when they crash for the last god damn time at mugen archive dot com. I hope Their characters and shell-sprites turn into missingno's and EAT that damn site alive until nothing is left until an evil bunch of self-aware coding that is just one notch under SKYNET, It infected my brothers gameboy hardware taking over it and not allowing saves AND I HOPE IT HAPPENS TO THEIRS TOO BECAUSE THE PROBLEMS THEY ALLOW PISSES ME OFF! : D They make me feel sick.




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