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Posts posted by Modo_ekitz

  1. Never got to do this, So no better time than now -

    ~ How do you do mugen-users and abusers! : D I am modo-ekitz - Games suck  these days and one of the few that unifies everything good in every ~ film and media franchise (or that has the potential to anyway ) is mugen! No dlc nonsense and theres no 'jagex' to strut their overfat unelected guts in it, Just the endless forces of light and darkness ruthlessly fighting eachother in countless settings of gaming until the last beaten and bruised victor wins in this game!(and decides the faate of everything lol)


    A game connoiseur and avid archiver, It was inevitable that being so bored and disgusted by mainstream gamings devs and downward-spiraling practices would lead me personally here! Spiritually. : D

    No thats only half true, MUGEN the spectacle that it was lead me to this site, And also with a vomit-disgust relationship with mugen archive. But 'free for all' in a good way. And through here through mugen - Theres no 10-character roster only, No online-only or wishing there was more to it.. Noo theres kind of even TOO MUCH. How does one discover the vague storyline and collect EVERYTHING from this game into one collection? Thats only half the challenge. Anyways, I recognize the  (still) untapped potential in this type of thing and have worked tirelessly to doo my part to preserve it for the forces of light(mugen free for all) to keep back the slimy forces of darkness (mugen archive)


    My goals and stakes in this include:


    - Contributing to its all-around preservation including by re-releasing (previously) broken characters ive fixed and sorted so no one has to download or access these with freeze/kloning and text-errors that prevent basic game play that plaaaagues the rosters especially in the mortal-kombat section

    (As of now still have a lot of mugen content to sort through)


    - Helping others to access it easier due to file-sharing websites being mostly unstable and totally at odds with legacy-goals for even 1 generation and a half to experience all of it without something like a stage or group of characters missing (HOW to do that is harder than it seems) because lord knows ticking time bombs like mediafire arent going to do it for everyone or very much anyway


    - And it is my dream to someway, Somehow host mugen tournaments, For the sake of charities and bringing gamers together. Actually bringing them together. That last part is more important than ever given how backards and rotting politics-injustice among everything has ramped up their attacks on gamers NOT so much through the mainstream but by sleeper-cells acting as ''jouranlists'' etc to bring it all crashing down as it serves none of their leash-owners goals of power and money, And legitimate gaming like this has always been the cure. ^_^ I have a feeling though.. That to host such tournaments in venues that wuhan-virus and not strictly relying on this game to its maximum is going to be an issue to overcome


    - To TRULY add to the game's rosters and levels by commissioning, Though i dont agree with how high the pricing has been set.. Still.

    I have so many ideas though, I hope to bring them out into reality. There are whole games yet to be mugenized, Let alone sprite-ripped


    May the gods of order-mugen and darkness-mugen bless mugenphiles always ^__^


    - Modo Ekitz



  2. While taking a break after long periods of working on mugen characters.. A burning question thats been personally shelved for a while concerns characters like these




    Ive tried using fighter factory to figure it out, Ive tried switching their SND files which doesnt seem to be the root of the problem, It seems the only thing there is (without knowing advanced coding) is to transplant them into another who functions close to them which is a tall chore to get through .. I consider characters like that one in that link who make a stupid swoosh-noise when they jump to be broken since that sound is irritating to hear and see them do this as can be without the context of being used with an attack-move anyway, Because it happens with every jump. Someone, is there an easy way to remove it and why do they do this?

  3. Problem is, If you oh say want to make most of or some of those mortal kombat characters out there work ( Most are released broken as hell) Youl NEED to edit them. That requires someone who knows coding or more and frequently easier.. Taking parts from other characters to make your one character that needs repair to function again (or ever) And as youd notice if you ever got into that.. Theres so many characters in need of fixing that theres too little time to ask first..

  4. .. But no matter what you choose, Thousands of fighters to assemble if your ADHD about that sort of thing like some are. Its going to be a monstrous effort, Many of them dont even work because theyre just 'shells': Generally good looking characters with nothing inside their folders meaning missing critical files, Or that only work on 1.1, Some stages only do as well on 1.1. Mugen is gaming definitive as 'everything', Able to surpass anything available by mainstream game developers.. But though 'mini games' are the holy grail of potential in mugen, They exist but they (the good ones) are hard as hell to find and more than anything are needed for someone to add to mugen. Thousands of characters and stages.. Very few places to take them to. 

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