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Everything posted by GTFoxN6Y

  1. GET READY TO DUEL! The OFFICIAL PROJECT WARZONE WEBSITE is here: https://projectwarzone.constantcontactsites.com/ Also the soundtrack is now on soundcloud: Please note the soundtrack is in WIP.
  2. Bad news: My project WarZone Collection has been deleted. Good news: Since i build a new website, New download link to all characters is now downloadable here: https://gtfoxn6y.constantcontactsites.com/mugen-hud P.S: I'll be planning to remake the collection soon.
  3. My character collection is gone! I need help recovering my collection. How can i restore my page? Plz reply to me ASAP.
  4. This is my first time registering to mugen free for all! If you want to support me on my other mugen characters, visit my Gmail at GTFoxMUGEN@gmail.com!
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