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Dark Spirit

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Posts posted by Dark Spirit

  1. I checked everything online and.... Music:9/10 Characters:6/10 Gameplay/8/10 Downloads:N/A On PS3:7/10 Vita:7.5/10 XBox360:7/10 Overall:6/10 Online:9/10 Wow....Probably my least favorite thing right now....Just another game to go online to for people who have favorites on the game...Get it if you are interested....Since not every download is avaiable yet I can't say anything about that and online plays okay....There are so many things better worth....Skullgirls sounds pretty interesting...For a fighter....I think it might be better than SFxT....

  2. Amazing...I really can't draw on the computer....I just can't....I am practicing though and I am coming along...Jeez...I am a fairly good artist and I thought a drawing tablet might be cool and it is just I need to get used to it being on the screen... :confuse:

  3. I think the reason this game is so unheard of is because It has no sequels or prequels and it didn't reach out to many...Everything started from somewhere and the ones who came first have the easiest time getting many fans quick....Since it looks like Tekken which I agree to this alot of people thought it might have been a rip off or they liked Capcom better and didn't get it...This looks really fun though and I would like to try it out...Ryon....you are making me buy games....Alot of games....you are too convincing with your little reviews... :confuse:

  4. I have gone from 4 mains in recent games so that isn't my problem...My problem is the music...If I can't listen to it I won't play it for long....It's the music that makes the ocasion of the fight so if the music sucks then so will alot of the climax of the game and the fights...Another thing that I worry is how much I will be spending on the dlc's....I WON'T spend $100+ on a game that might not be worth it...Unless the dlc's are EPIC...

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