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Dark Spirit

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Posts posted by Dark Spirit

  1. Arrgghhh, this game makes me so angry. I was going on win streaks against top players yesterday on peaceful jay's stream, but today I can't even win a single match.

    I'm also mad that they made my sf4 main's main pressure tool unsafe on block (Guy's Hozanto.)

    Out of the DLC characters, the only ones that look interesting are Cody, Guy, Dudley, Sakura, Bryan, and Lars. I hope that we can buy the characters individually so I don't have to buy the other 6 I don't care about at all.

    Posted ImageProblem?
  2. Yeah I agree...They need to get together with other companies...How about they team up with Capcom to make a proper fighting game.Heck Namco or the guys behind SC.though I like their unique style it really feels out of place...I mean....The specials are charge moves and there is only one super move which is the final smash....Items should be there but shouldn't impact the game alot.

  3. The official games are the shit....Nothing better than blasting faries with a loli all while dodging millions of balls....But I do get hooked on fangames....In fact....here is one I haven't yet beaten but I like it alot already...


    Touhou Pocket Wars Evolution Plus is like Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh! with Touhou characters....You collect gachas and spell cards to battle and level up until you meet Ran and Chen and you get involved with Gensokyo...

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