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Status Replies posted by Flare-Gamer-64

  1. (This status update was removed by RicePigeon for the following reasons: Being fake and gay)


    Mods response: Download my characters or I will give you a spanking. Good day sir.

  2.  What resolution you guys using in MUGEN?

  3. Also can we all agree that this is the best reference Garfield and Friends ever made?


  4. The logout bug returned momentarily, but should be solved now.  Can anyone confirm the fix?

  5. I'm done with the R.I.S.E Program and for my efforts I received a 250$ gift card! What a fantastic day I've had! With it I've:

    Bought Pokemon Ultra Moon (It may be surprising as I've always loved Pokemon as a series but never played the games aside from spinoffs and this is the very 1st game I've gotten. )

    A Princess Daisy amiibo (I love many characters but Daisy is my #1 favorite overall , 2nd is Rachel Wilson, 3rd is Zangya.)

    A  $50 Nintendo Eshop Card (Get some more old games I had in the past.)


    and a little something for a friend...

    I also found out that Gumball's last season starts on January 5th 2018, all the while I'll be worried about Rachel's fate... I've got high hopes for her though.


  6. Ummmm.... Okay? Why was I signed out all of a sudden?

  7. Imagine being so overprotective of sprites that weren't originally yours that you end up intentionally making ransomware should anyone try to modify your game.



  8. A meme (Oh No/ Knuckles From K.N.U.C.K.L.E.S) vs A creepypasta/trollpasta (Sonic.exe) (Also an edit i try to do)




    Dead serious, I'm freaking scared by this. I really hope Mugen stays clean of Beter from Bamily Buy.


    Yet, I kinda want to make "parodies" of this. I must resist...

  10. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - The Champions' Ballad DLC (2017)


  11. Because flare was doing bad reputation in my collection i changed my username

  12. Well this came as a surprise. I recently got IP banned from the MUGEN Archive, so I may have to go somewhere else to update to Undertale collection. (I still am updating it, but most of the stuff came from the Archive, so if there's anything there (like older versions of characters), I would like you guys to help me supply them.)

  13. Well this came as a surprise. I recently got IP banned from the MUGEN Archive, so I may have to go somewhere else to update to Undertale collection. (I still am updating it, but most of the stuff came from the Archive, so if there's anything there (like older versions of characters), I would like you guys to help me supply them.)

  14. Well this came as a surprise. I recently got IP banned from the MUGEN Archive, so I may have to go somewhere else to update to Undertale collection. (I still am updating it, but most of the stuff came from the Archive, so if there's anything there (like older versions of characters), I would like you guys to help me supply them.)

  15. That feel when you have a very shaky hand and can't even sprite...

  16. After I saw that my internet allowed MUGEN Archive again, I started downloading Undertale characters like crazy. I bet you all know the reason?

  17. Master Mecha Sonic has been updated V2!

    What's new?
    -Added two new attacks:
    -Added a new counter attack
    -Lowered stats
    -Replaced Ground slam move with something else :P
    -Tweaked and buffed AI
    -Tweaked some damages
    -Adjusted some hitboxes
    -Mecha Sonic now teleports less often, I think...






    Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B40sSanLRu4bd3ZvM3RzUnJNX3M?usp=sharing

  18. I died for memes and lewds.

  19. Happy Thanksgiving!!! Here, have a turkey!


  20. Master Mecha Sonic has been updated V2!

    What's new?
    -Added two new attacks:
    -Added a new counter attack
    -Lowered stats
    -Replaced Ground slam move with something else :P
    -Tweaked and buffed AI
    -Tweaked some damages
    -Adjusted some hitboxes
    -Mecha Sonic now teleports less often, I think...






    Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B40sSanLRu4bd3ZvM3RzUnJNX3M?usp=sharing

  21. Happy Thanksgiving!!! Here, have a turkey!


  22. Who else wants a CNN punching bag? 

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