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Status Replies posted by Flare-Gamer-64

  1. April 1: I celebrate Easter, but watch a Simpsons episode celebrating April Fools' Day.


    April 7: I find out there's a new batch of joke characters done on that day ("Monika", Sniper Sans, ROM Hack Sonic, and "King Dice").


    April 9: I find out there's another joke Monika.

    1. Flare-Gamer-64


      I didn't mention him since it's basically a rule at this point that The_None has to make release something for this day. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. April 1: I celebrate Easter, but watch a Simpsons episode celebrating April Fools' Day.


    April 7: I find out there's a new batch of joke characters done on that day ("Monika", Sniper Sans, ROM Hack Sonic, and "King Dice").


    April 9: I find out there's another joke Monika.

  3. April 1: I celebrate Easter, but watch a Simpsons episode celebrating April Fools' Day.


    April 7: I find out there's a new batch of joke characters done on that day ("Monika", Sniper Sans, ROM Hack Sonic, and "King Dice").


    April 9: I find out there's another joke Monika.

    1. Flare-Gamer-64


      Okay then:

      Broken Sonic

      Sniper Sans

      Romhack Sonic

      "King Dice"


      Strechy Limbs but he went insane (You should know the one)


      Android 21

      Tyren update four

      Mekei (Makai's April Fools update)

      Austin's Megaman self insert


      Super Mario Maker Guile

      Dank Kung Fu Man

      The Sonic 3 barrel

      Terry Hintz

      Sleeping Popuko

      TouHou looking Monika (It's in my small WINMugen roster)

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  4. April 1: I celebrate Easter, but watch a Simpsons episode celebrating April Fools' Day.


    April 7: I find out there's a new batch of joke characters done on that day ("Monika", Sniper Sans, ROM Hack Sonic, and "King Dice").


    April 9: I find out there's another joke Monika.

    1. Flare-Gamer-64


      Boi, I have like 15 characters from this year's April Fools.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  5. Hey Oldgamer.

    Is it possible to make a IKEMEN Plus screenpack out of M.I.C.A Final Version cause I tried making it and I got so many errors of it when it comes to making this kind of stuff.
    And I know it sounds like a screenpack request but to be honest with you IKEMEN Plus doesn't have a lot of screenpacks out there that I need to try without causing any errors.

  6. Well... looks like I don't need to finish that edit now:


    The edit being Monika, at least.

  7. December 2017: Courage will be released on Chirstmas/New Year's

    January: Courage will be released on my birthday

    Feburary: Courage will be released in March

    Now: Courage will be released in Spring and updates will be released in June

    Stop delaying your creations. >:(

  8. Something important that needed to be covered: 


  9. ・ 。

    ☆∴。 *  


            ・ *゚。   *  

                ・ ゚*。・゚★。    

                   ☆゚・。°  * .  ゚

            *  ゚   。·    * ・  。 ゚   *   

                         ゚   *.  。   ☆   。  ★ ・  

                              *  ☆   。  ・゚  *.  。    

                                      * ★ ゚・。 * 。     

                                               ・  ゚☆ 。


  10. Dumb question: what is with Exclamation_Question and his obsession with Guile especially on April Fools? I mean there's "Guile?" (Which is just Clite), Guile of Guile (Which is probably my favorite so far) and Super Mario Maker Guile (or Mario if called in-game)

  11. I hate april fools day when it comes to M.U.G.E.N.. Most creations released on it aren't really funny (except for Icon of Sin, that one will never get old) and just waste your time by getting your hopes up for something thats not going to happen.

    1. Flare-Gamer-64


      The_None also does something at this time of year. What that ends up being is a surprise to us all. It's fun in a way.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  12. Important!

    Do NOT go to Justnopoint's/Insanius'/None's site or any of their sub domains. It appears that their site has been hacked. If you've been there on the last 2 weeks, it is highly recommended you run a system scan.


    1. Flare-Gamer-64


      I took a look at the MFG post, seems as if it was sorted out. Thank god they got it covered now.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  13. Important!

    Do NOT go to Justnopoint's/Insanius'/None's site or any of their sub domains. It appears that their site has been hacked. If you've been there on the last 2 weeks, it is highly recommended you run a system scan.


    1. Flare-Gamer-64


      @Darkflare I gotta tell my YouTube audience. But I'll wait a bit to see if it is a joke in the end. 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  14. Important!

    Do NOT go to Justnopoint's/Insanius'/None's site or any of their sub domains. It appears that their site has been hacked. If you've been there on the last 2 weeks, it is highly recommended you run a system scan.


    1. Flare-Gamer-64


      I can't even make any jokes about this. This is mega important. And April Fools is coming up. But wait... Is this a April Fools joke? Is there any ground proof? I can't tell for the life of me. This is The_None we are talking about. As in the same guy who made Omega Tiger Woods. Any known victims of the hack?

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  15. Thinking of making my own version of Skullgirl's Squigly. Not a fan of Ryutaro's because of the lack of damage damping and moves/mechanics like her stance changing.  

  16. Some sprites i made before  and forgot to post them.


    Not exactly style accurate tho.



  17. Me to myself: I should do something, guys. What should I do?

    Also me: Work on a Stan Smith edit!

    Also me: We have no good Sayoris, why not start a Sayori character?

    Also me: Isn't there a Joel edit you still need to release?


  18. mugen archive is highkey trash for this rank = download system..

    1. Flare-Gamer-64


      But hey, at least you still HAVE an account. It could be MUCH worse. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  19. mugen archive is highkey trash for this rank = download system..

  20. mugen archive is highkey trash for this rank = download system..

    1. Flare-Gamer-64


      It's only for 3 days once a month. It isn't even that hard to rank up. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  21. which would you rather make - screenpacks or lifebars

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