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Status Updates posted by Flare-Gamer-64

  1. RicePig

    Flare Gam



    Super teletub

    Oliver as Lat

    The 14th doct



    wtf am I doing?

  2. Every time I click the home button I get signed out. WHAT.

    1. bluengineer43


      It happened to me too :/

  3. Thanks to NFKRZ I now know about VidLii and I'm going to join it this week. So if you know any good characters that were made in 2008-2010 please link them. Because VidLii is old YouTube so I would like to bring some Mugen content to it. Also I will be using WINMugen. So no 1.0 characters.

  4. I have next to no video ideas in The November to January period. It's only until February where I get back into the swing of things. I'm also working on a pretty important video but I'm working at a snails pace on it. After that video goes up I will likely do a bashing video and a video on the 24th and that will be December sorted for me. 

  5. After my next video I'm likely to go on break for Mugen videos. And it's gonna be an important one. 

  6. ?️ Vs ?️

    Which is ?️etter?

    1. Gaulbetti


      Everyone I ask doesn't understand Red B at all.


      Guessing Blue P is the same way.

  7. Who else wants a CNN punching bag? 

    1. RicePigeon


      Punching bag characters are still a thing in 2017?

    2. Flare-Gamer-64


      Yes, they are still a thing. Surprising I know.

  8. If Rare Akuma is cheap and Regular Akuma is powerful then does that mean a common Akuma is weak? #JustMugenThings

  9. If RoySquadRocks doesn't make a Cuphead character I will be disappointed to say the least.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RoySquadRocks
    3. 至高の妖怪


      roysquadrocks does not have to make a cuphead character, do not encourage them

    4. RoySquadRocks


      Confirmed for Future W.I.P!!!

  10. Pigeon made out of Soup is better then Pigeon made out of Rice.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RicePigeon


      Its a survival situation, though :p

    3. sonikun


      Are Pigeons edible, though?

    4. RicePigeon


      Anythings edible as long as its BONELESS

  11. I see MFFA has updated the icons on the home menu. Very nice stuff there.

  12. Just added some information about me. That's all :).

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