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Status Updates posted by Flare-Gamer-64

  1. Is it me, or is MFFA just not very functional at the moment? 1/3 times I've used it in the past week it's ether been down, there's been bugs or it's just crashing. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RobotMonkeyHead


      Yea no it's definitely not just you.  I don't want to go to far into what the problem's but bluehost's host side caching keeps kicking back on randomly every time their servers get too much traffic, and that causes problems on the site.  I disable it on from my end, they disable it from their end (supposedly permanently 3 times) and it just keeps kicking on.

      I've been the scourge on their freakin tech support over the last 5 days, but we've yet to figure out what can be done about it.  They're having an admin look at it at the moment.  Once I get somewhere solid I'll update everyone on the full story, but that's all I got right now.

      And yea holy shit is it annoying. 

    3. Flare-Gamer-64


      Thanks guys. Good to know I'm not alone in this situation.

    4. GarfieldfanMUGEN


      Like everyone else is saying, you're not alone. I've been dealing with this problem myself.

  2. I missed this place. Glad it's back.

  3. Something important that needed to be covered: 


  4. What? Sonic's fighting Mario again? Even after all these years? C'mon Sonic, Smash for Switch isn't even out yet! 


    Btw awesome character as always Mr @RoySquadRocks

    1. RoySquadRocks
    2. Gaulbetti


      Lol, Mario Maker. And that stage. Both pretty have on the random aspect.

  5. Me: What's a good way to use my Thursday?

    Also me: Me_and_Mugen_creations.jpg

    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- LOL!

    2. Doomguy


      Goddammit, not again

    3. bluengineer43


      Remember, Blamers kill the memes. Not BTM.

  6. I originally woke up at 9AM today but because I was so fucking sick I had to sleep for 4 hours. Now I'm properly getting up at 2PM. Yeah that's not a great way to start the day is it?

    1. Oliver As Latias

      Oliver As Latias

      I just can't even get out of bed when the clock hits 7:00 in the morning, because I'm just so tired to wake up.

    2. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- I Hope You Get Better Soon Flare-Gamer-64!! ^_^ Daylight Savings...I Want My Sleep Hour Back! LOL! T_T

  7. I feel bad that I don't post status updates much.

  8. "Space Raccoon versus demon squid. Yeah, this isn't weird or anything" - UMvC3 Rocket 

    And he thinks that's strange.

    Boi do Mugenites do strange battles.

  9. The Spaghet meme is dead, but whatever. Here's a video of B.B Hood beating up the bear. 


  10. This might be the best SSBB Boss mod I've ever seen. 


    1. Lillie's 音MADs
    2. StrongestPotato


      alternate palettes would include Yandere-chan and Junko Enoshima?

    3. Superkingkong65


      And this might be the best normal character mod. No... it IS the best normal character mod.

      Hell... it was the reason why I got into Smash modding in the first place. XD


  11. In XMEN: COTA you had to fight Juggernaut by a spaceship port to get to Magneto. This makes sense since Magneto's base is in space.


    MSH did the same boss thing as XMEN: COTA. But this time you fight Dr Doom on a submarine. Where's Thanos? Well he's in space... How does a submarine get people to space exactly?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Auditor

      The Auditor

      Ah yes...Children of the Atom...the only time that Akuma appeared in a game about X-Men...No I am not kidding...look up at the gameplay videos of Akuma in that game, i'll wait

    3. Flare-Gamer-64


      @The Auditor I've seen Max's Akuma Legacy series so I know about him being a hidden character.

    4. Noside


      I sooo love Psylocke in this game.

  12. Happy born day to you.

  13. This video about EVO is a masterpiece.


  14. Can we delete messages here? I would very much like to remove some.

  15. I somehow ended up listening to Colress' theme for 20 mintues. Help me.

    1. Gaulbetti


      I had to sleep with (the same) Punch Time Explosion music playing through headphones because my nephew was next to my room. Hopefully no one made you...

  16. Status Update.doc

    1. GarfieldfanMUGEN




  17. I wish I could sprite what I see in my brain.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Xiristatos


      If I, Xiristatos, were to ever be able to do just that, I think most likely this will come out of my rectum:



    3. RMaster007


      That's god-tier work. Beautiful. 11/10

      But seriously, if I was able to sprite what I see in my mind, I'd be just as great as Warner.

    4. Xiristatos


      Honestly, so would I, Xiristatos. We all have this potential in us and we know that just about anything is possible, but getting there is the real part. All I can say is... who knows?

  18. First week of College back and already I'm dead inside.

  19. MFFA's list of words that will give you an ass whooping here.


    Number 1: Mugen Archive

    Number 2: Kong

    Number 3: Photo bucket

    Number 4: Kuromaru

    Number 5: Vore edits

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RMaster007


      4. Logan Paul

      5. Kuromaru

    3. Xiristatos


      Logan Paul has absolutely nothing to do with MUGEN, therefore he shouldn't be included in this list at all. Fuck Logan Paul with a jackhammer, but he does not deserve any special attention, especially not here of all places.

    4. HelloMyNameIsAAA


      5: Chicken nuggets  Vore edits

  20. Three videos for you guys.

    My Christmas video featuring @Ricepigeon's Suika and @RoySquadRocks's Keen: 


    Mecha Dragon vs Grim Matchstick: 


    The last video of 2017, a bashing video: 


  21. This is the first Christmas where I haven't made a Christmas list. Looking forward to Keen's release. Courage is also looking good. He had better not disappoint me.

    1. bluengineer43


      Im also looking forward to keen's release!

  22. (This status update was removed by RicePigeon for the following reasons: Being fake and gay)


    Mods response: Download my characters or I will give you a spanking. Good day sir.

    1. RicePigeon
    2. Masterhand128


      You shouldn´t defend of MA, even Google confirmed adfly is an ad system which uses a lot of Malware.

      Also, "good job"(irony) for insulting a mod who doesn´t deserve it because he is doing his work.

    3. Flare-Gamer-64


      @Masterhand128 Adfly gives me no problems because I got an upgraded account. And besides before I got that account adfly gave me zero viruses. And I didn't register for 3 months. 

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