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Palette Guru
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Posts posted by Anastasia

  1. 5 minutes ago, Kaze No Ken said:

    For what this request section if you can not fulfill the request.

    No, what I meant was that, that black color in your screenshots, the white color in that wind hyper, it's included in one of his jail outfit so I cannot separate it. It's actually like that and like I said Kaze No Ken, I am not good at separating the colors together.


    Gladiolus Amicitia x Anastasia~


  2. 4 hours ago, Kaze No Ken said:

    Cody by Gou-San : http://www.mediafire.com/download/eegncl145u8cocw/Cody(Gou-San)_WinMugen%2610.zip


    I need this palette without color defects :




    This palette was created previously but with color defect, maybe you can fix it :






    First off, his colors were all over the place. Then, second, I'm not good fixing his files because I am not good with coding or any other stuff besides making palettes. I'm sorry about that Kaze No Ken.


    Gladiolus Amicitia x Anastasia~


  3. Hey guys. It's Anastasia.


    Since my old palette thread stopped being requested palettes, I am going to make a new one and just start fresh. However, if you guys give me a request, I have some new rules before making a request.


    Rule Thread:

    1. Make sure the character's colors are do-able and not all over the place.

    2. Send up to three characters (MAX), for request.

    3. Have fun and enjoy the creation of my palettes! :)


    Gladiolus Amicitia x Anastasia~


  4. Hello guys. I have another content request and I was wondering if I can have Fortuna by MichaelArmaros' AI removed?


    Because, the character looks awesome, however, when you begin the fight, Fortuna automatically begins the fight and you cannot control her. Please, can anyone remove the AI and make her playable and leave her hypers the way they are.


    Link to character: http://www1.axfc.net/uploader/so/2979511

    About Fortuna by MichaelArmaros: http://michaelarmaros.web.fc2.com/fortuna.html

  5. I don't usually take request, but I'll make an exception just this once. Whatcha have in mind?


    HOWEVER! I don't do 3D characters or characters that have messed up pals... they're really hard to work with.

    I agree with you. Sometimes 3D characters have so many colors and they are messed up all over the place and some characters have colors that are mixed in with other colors and I am like no. Too much and I am with you on this Squirtle.

  6. Ky, is a cool name. Mine is Mikayla, but you can call me Miki for short. Also, have you played Dynasty Warriors 8, sorry for asking and yeah. I love all characters in that game and if you checked out my profile here, I am role-playing as Wang Yuanji, and I know she is wife to Sima Zhao but I have a crush on Wen Yang. If you are wondering who he is, he is in my profile.


    Also, my deepest condolences are always to your family because I care about everyone and I never want to lose anyone, I love all people, but if you treat me badly or talk about me in a wrong way, I will never love you or treat you the same way. If you need anyone to talk to, you can always talk to your MFFA friends and I am one of them Ky or Squirtle, Squirtle is so cute (off topic again, lol)! Just remember, I love you all and all my mugen friends here, other mugen sites, and "Master Wen Yang" <3

  7. I am so sorry for your loss. I wish to be your friend Squirtle, and sometimes if I lost someone dear to me, I would feel the same way and take a break from life and spend time with personal matters such as family and most important situations such as yours. Also, if you have a request for me, please let me know. I have four request spots left open, and yes, I am here for you Squirtle or Ky.

  8. Holy ....... These Are Great! awesome Job , & i understand i have satellite internet, so my bandwidth sucks until my free time, i cant Dl or upload anything til after 3 am until it resets this month.......on the 28th 

    There is a download link up now, so I hope you like these palettes :)

  9. surprised not so much as just wowed by the color combo's u used , there great! , lets see what u can do with Goku Z , i was thinking of doing a new set for him, but id like to see your take on it 



    Here you go ZombieBrock, hope you like it. I tried my best, it was bit of a challenge, but I tried my best. :)




    First Row: First three are custom, Ghost, Kula Diamond, Pink Is For Men

    Second Row: Wen Yang (Sort of) Dynasty Warriors 8, Custom, Default (Edited), Last three are custom made.


    DL Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/m1v91sivb9aed16/GokuZ+Palettes+Miki+Style.zip

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