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Posts posted by LegatoSkyheart

  1. I don't know if I have anything that can be considered "Valuable" in the Gaming World. I have a Soul Edge Arcade Cabinet. It doesn't work at the moment, but I can try to get it to work. I have a couple of Special Editions of Games from this Past Generation and I guess the Rarest thing from that has got to be The Metroid Prime Trilogy. The Game was only made for a couple of months and Nintendo had only Printed out so many for the system and when they were gone, they were gone, Just Finding a Used Copy at Gamestop is still at the Launch Price for the Game. I was so lucky to get it. But Anything else like an Old Super awesome Rare Game? I doubt I have anything like that. I wish I knew about Earthbound when I was a kid. That thing is VALUABLE.

  2. It really does suck to lose pets. I love all of my cats, but it's just been awhile since I've had one I really liked pass away just like that. Thanks for the Support guys, and I'm sorry for your losses. We all lose great pets as well as great Human Friends and we should always remember them and move on. It's the least we could do. :(

  3. Just found out a couple of minutes ago one of our Kittens got Ran Over. It makes me sad to see this one go, since I was just petting it and I saw it go outside and play after trying to let some of the bigger cats go inside and out. It must have saw one of the bigger ones cross the street and followed it and got done in by one of the cars that come by our street in the morning. It was small and it didn't stand a chance, just seeing it looked awful, I didn't want to let it go since it was one of my favorites. Losing Pets is hard, but I can survive, He wasn't the first of my pets to die, it's just been awhile since something like this has happened.

  4. dude, I used to do Mugen Intros, and believe me when I say this. DON'T DO THEM. Here's a Video with an Intro. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVTY7FKYk_I You see You just lost 30 seconds here. Now I don't know if you can see this cause it's blocked in some countries apparently, but http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-e3z6RPqY34 HALF OF THE VIDEO IS THE DANG INTRO! I don't know what I was thinking. So if you WANT an Intro. Do something like this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riftXmcbo-s 10 seconds, doesn't bull crap around. otherwise just do something like this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D440UtT4hTQ Pure Mugen Fight, No Intro, But that's my two cents. as for your video, too much Anime in it IMO and not enough Mugen. and Dang man you can run ExShadow's Colosseum Stage? that stage Lags on me.

  5. Feel Free to Rape Pillage and Ponder on the (Re)Release of All of my Stages.

    (also move if you want to.)


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    (I WAS ALSO THE FIRST GUY TO COPY MY STAGE! 4th of July Edition!)


    (I'm Legend!)

    Suzaku Temple

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    http://www.fileden.c...zaku temple.zip

    Moon Fleet

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    http://www.fileden.c.../Moon Fleet.zip

    Blue Dock

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    http://www.fileden.c...7/blue dock.zip

    Field of Ara

    (my first REAL Stage that used Layers. I don't remember if the others used layers or not, but I remember this is the one that Ryon Taught me on how to make REAL Stages and not just 1 layered crap.)

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    Planet Weird

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    (this stage sucked)

    http://www.fileden.c...lanet Wierd.zip


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    and I think that's it.

    And I think these are all Low Res Stages so sorry, maybe when I get Fight Factory up and running I'll start making some HighRes ones. Have at these!

    Oh Also If you're wondering who that Guy is in the Last Pic. That was a W.I.P. of mine a few years back.

    I lost interest and moved on. If you want him here's the Download.


    He's just a swap of KFM. I planned on giving him Fireballs and more stuff, but like I said I lost interest.

    Look he even had a bit of a Sprite Change.


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    For those of you who have known me for years, there was a 1.5 version. I'm going to say that never happened, but these two did. Only 1 was actually made as a character. (and he's crap too.)

  6. Police asked what his name was and he told them "The Joker"

    BTW, its 59 hurt not 69

    The way they described him, he seemed more like "Bane".

    Tall, Kinda Muscular, Wearing a Gas Mask, Wearing Body Armor, Could have mistaken as a man from the Military.

    It's days like these you find out why movies like The Avengers, Spiderman and Batman get big box office hits.

  7. Alien vs Hunter. Reused Scenes....Bad Dialog....Terrible TERRIBLE Acting........bad location......horrible characters......bad "twist" at the end..... The Man who Saved the World (Turkish Star Wars) First half of the Movie is straight Star Wars. Story also makes no sense. Rubber. This Movie sucked, but at least it admitted it.

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