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Everything posted by LegatoSkyheart

  1. I'm not sure. I think it only takes what is official.
  2. ADDED! Hey Ryon over at Neogaf it's completely fine to transfer your crap to the WiiU, the Transfers don't take your homebrew junk just the official crap you downloaded through the Wii Shop. Also you can back up EVERYTHING on your Wii before hand so you can transfer everything and when the Wii is done deleting your saves and junk, you can reboot everything back to your Wii like it never transfered. It's real neat. My question now is will my transfers stack.
  3. Going to be serious here man. If you have Gamecube Games then Chances are you have a Gamecube AND/OR a Gamecube Compatible Wii. Why would this ever Hinder your option of Getting a WiiU if it doesn't play games 2 generations ago? That's like saying "I ain't getting no 3DS cause it don't play my old Gameboy Color Games." Anyway. What Zackfair said is true, They're thinking about Releasing Gamecube Games on the WiiU eShop like they do with the 3DS eshop and Gameboy and Sega game Gear games.
  4. Nerf Armor is awesome, but no, my WiiU is unprotected.
  5. anyone have a WiiU? Add me:LegatoSkyheart.

  6. Fanboys, also lots of people freak out at launch. I think everything has died down a bit.
  7. Bro that's because Virtual console stuff doesn't transfer like that. man I bought a lot of Vitrual Console games for the Wii too! I need them on WiiU.
  8. ...my Downloaded Games to it, I want to know is can it brick my System if my Wii had been Hacked before? Like if the Wii was Hacked, but I still had Legitamate downloads would my Wii brick my WiiU because it had been Hacked before?
  9. elbow is cracked! dang it!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Demitri


      thought everything was good?

    3. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      told u masturbation was dangerous , but did u listen? NOOOOOOOOOOO

    4. llyyr


      ouch, that will be more painful then my fractured Finger.

      @ZB What?

  10. Read somewhere that the PS2 version of Japan's CvS2 had Online, while the American version had Xbox Live. Oh well, if CvS2 hits the states it might actually get the Street Fighter 3 treatment I hope.
  11. So far my Arm seems to be alright, we think it's brusied and swells up.

  12. Fell on Arm today, think it's messed up.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Markpachi


      Last sunday, it was my bday. I rode my scooter to buy more beer (I was already intoxicated) then suddenly, I fell down. I brokemy ankle, badly.

      Go to a hospital, a good one.

    3. PlasmoidThunder


      The CORE will be pleased...

      ...but seriously, get it checked out.

    4. BlazEdge21


      that sucks..:(

  13. Japanese version of CVS2 for the PS2 had Online Play. Chances are this game has it.
  14. Playing Mugen in 720p is a pain in the Memory. going 480

  15. not to mention the 640x480 stages can also be stretched to 1280x720. However for whatever reason 1080p and 720p Mugen Resolutions just crash my Mugen at times. Even on Stages that it runs very well on.
  16. I will play the heck out of it. the Picture was taken from my iPod and man, iPod cameras SUCK.
  17. Dead or Alive 5 Collector's Edition. Sweet huh?
  18. That's Great News Ryon! Now they don't have to ask permission! lol Good news that the Site is back! Now I can post pictures and junk!
  19. A DDOS attack? right? Why would they do this? Guess some men just want to watch the world burn....
  20. crap. I just bid on a lame auction on ebay. Hope no one else bids on it!

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