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Everything posted by LegatoSkyheart

  1. of course not Bruce, I do this to try to get us pumped up and more active. Plus it's fun to see you guys fight. TOURNY STARTS TODAY! and the bracket has changed! Check the bracket to see who you fight! You have till Septemper 22nd to finish your fights! Have fun!
  2. Yes, you'll have to wait till bracket D is complete. The Winner of "D" will be your opponent. AS FOR THE DATE(s) OF THE TOURNAMENT I have just came back from Vacation and I will now announce the dates of the Tournament. The Tournament will start on SEPTEMBER 7th, 2013 This Saturday 1st Rounds should be done by the 10th (Losers by the 16th) 2nd Rounds should be done by the 14th (Losers by the 17th) 3rd Rounds should be done by the 17th (Losers by the 18th) 4th Rounds should be done by the 19th SemiFinals should be done by the 21st Finals should be done by the 22nd. IN OTHER WORDS ALL FIGHTS MUST BE FINISHED BY THE 22ND OF THIS MONTH These are your Dates Combatants! (I'm giving you all a lot of time) THE FIGHTS START THIS SATURDAY!
  3. 2/3 one round of Wolverine & Chunli vs Bison & Spiderman (examples) then after that match is over then you play another Wolverine & Chunli vs Bison & Spiderman depending on who wins that match determines if you have a 3rd match or not. Finals you double it. winner must have 4 wins out of the 6. (or is it 7? I can never convert it correctly.) and also if you lose your match you're not out entirely, you still have the losers bracket to go to.
  4. I looked through both the threads (now locked) and took consideration of everyone who remotely looked interested in the fights. HERE ARE YOUR COMBATANTS! NeoGeoKitsune Kamau Aster Reigizuo_78 Brucelee41126 Tousen kaname (Djhero35) Bjay kyblackflame Gamer251 Abusive House Wife Yuyustars iori yagami Black Chaos tohnoshiki Fire_Break_Kannon_Alp Noside Prodigal Trailblazer LightFlare_Da_Realest MugoUrth SeSsHoMaGoKu23 The following link was provided by YuYu. I believe it's all you'll need for the tournament. (Thanks YuYu.) http://www.sendspace.com/file/uo33n4 THE RULES ARE SIMPLE 1. There's no official Emulator, just get online somehow and play your matches. 2. Video is not required (but it's recommended), but Screenshots of your victories are required. 3. All Fights must be done by (TBA). As for the Tournament. The Bracket is right here. http://challonge.com/MFFANEXT as you can see we have a Winners and Losers Bracket this time so just because you lose your First set of Matches doesn't mean you're completely out. The Matches will go as follow. You each will play 2/3 rounds. The Winner of the first match continues on the Winners Bracket and The Loser goes to the Losers Bracket, So on So forth. IN OTHER WORDS THIS IS A DOUBLE ELIMINATION TOURNAMENT. Finals will go differently than the rest of the Tournament, the 2 Finalist must go from 2/3 matches to 4/6 matches (resets if Winner of Losers Bracket wins). I hope this makes sense for everyone. If there are any Questions to be asked Ask them here. The Dates the Tournament Will Start and End are (TBA). AND REMEMBER THIS IS FOR FUN! SO ENJOY! Also The Game is Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter! NEW BRACKET AND SET OF RULES ON THE 5TH PAGE!
  5. Thanks YuYu for the Downloads since I'm sure those emulators will be the ones we'll be using the most. Remember Sign ups close on tomorrow so Sign Up while you can!
  6. I am taking consideration of everyone who said "HERE" or "I'M SIGNING UP" or "SIGN ME UP" in both this thread and the other. Tomorrow I'm closing up the threads and making a new thread detailing how the tourny will go. If you want to sign up you MUST say "Here" or "Sign me Up".
  7. GGPO and Mame is still up in the air. Just as Bruce said. I might have the Tournament go as when people get to it (meaning Time wouldn't be an Issue too much since you play at your own time though you still have to finish all matches by a certain date.), but I would like for there to be Video Footage and I remember Mame had a Video Recording thing. Also what I want to do is to see if Streaming is possible so people could see what we do or something, might make a Mock Fighting Game Night Test sometime or something.
  8. I feel like the First Thread is a bit cluttered with all the Q&A so I'll just make that the FAQ thread and such, but here Is just STRICTLY for Sign Ups. If you want to be in the MFFA Tournament just say "Here" or "SIGN ME UP!" I know some of you have signed yourselves up in the other thread, but I would like for there to be a clearer list of people rather than hunting down for people's "Here". So here ya go and remember the games is Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter and the Deadline for Sign Ups is the 25th. GET CRACKIN' AND HAPPY GAMING!
  9. The Requirements at the Moment are that you would need a Mame Emulator of Sorts, I had GGPO listed as the Default since it's so easy to use, but considering the fact that you would need Open ports for you to go online I would allow other means of joining the match. Just like the Last Tournament if you can record the matches please do so. The Tournament won't start till sometime in September because I got some things to tend to from now to the end of August.
  10. Oh? well then that could be a problem. I used GGPO just a while ago and it was fine, Never thought about that being an Issue. Would everyone like to switch over to Mame then? If peeps want to keep going with GGPO then head over Bruce's Thread. If ya want to go Mame then we shall, I never thought Ports would have been an issue, sorry.
  11. Updated. Sign ups for the Next MFFA tournament are today till the 25th. The Actual Tournament won't happen till early September so it should give you guys a decent time to brush up on your skills. Also The Game is Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter. Good Luck.
  12. So far a total of 7/8 of you want a tournament. 3/3 of you want a Versus Capcom game. and 2/3 of you want it to be on the Weekend. I'll see what I'll come up with and will post results soon.
  13. Smash is a fighter. It was used in the first ever Mugen Free For All tournament. Which was appropriate because the winner got a Wii Gift from the Wii Store. However the rules have changed to fit everyone's needs. We use Mame and one of the fighters in Mame like what Bruce has mentioned. Shall I update the poll to the game options? It seems people are interested.
  14. This was the last game and last tournament we did. Also is Killiara or whatever you use for Mame still up? *UPDATE* The Tournament is now under way! You have all had time to speak and it looks like most of you are in agreeance with each other that we should have a New Tournament. (11 Yes vs 1 No) Seeing that Most of you want a VS. Capcom game I have decided to go with Sign Ups are from Now till This Next Coming Sunday, (the 25th). The Actual Tournament date won't be till early September, but ya'll have plenty of time to hone your skills by then. We will be using GGPO for this though We could go to other means if necessary. Hope this is ok for you all. All you need to sign up is to go to and say "Here".
  15. If they get rid of that 24 hour check in and the mandatory Kinect I'll be interested. but I'll stick with WiiU and PS4 here.
  16. MEGAMAN SMASH GET HYPE. btw who has Animal Crossing New Leaf?
  17. It'll take a awesome exclusive to get me to buy the system. But I may not even get it because of it's Kinect system scans.
  18. You should look at my other Posts. I've had Melee, what you see is Code Veronica.
  19. 1 thing I don't like about P4 Arena. THE STORY DOESN'T LINE UP AT ALL

    1. Reigizuo_78


      tf u mean it dnt line up??? lol

  20. omg Guilty Gear Xrd!

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