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Status Replies posted by HelloMyNameIsAAA

  1. Well, looks like my interests for MUGEN is almost gone lmao


    The only reason why I still come here is that I love this peaceful, friendly community lol

  2. You know what's scray about some parts of the MUGEN community ?


    The fact that Idiot have a following, with Prgs111Magen, XboxRob11 and some others, that are entirely devoted into copying its style.

  3. Stefan Karl (Robbie Rotten)'s cancer is back and has reached Stage 4.



  4. I can't believe SJW's had the nerve to call Super Mario Odyssey rascist, all becaus of a Mexican level and Mario even don's a sombrero. Some even got offended (and I use that word very loosely) over a scene where Mario uses his hat on a T-Rex. 


    Just another prime example of a bunch of cry babies getting offended just for the sake of wanting to be offended. These people really need to grow a brain. I mean, if you truly are that easily offended, then check into a home, because your not sane anymore.


    Social Justice Warriors? More like Social "Just Us" Warriors, because they care about anyone but themselves >:-( 

    1. HelloMyNameIsAAA


      Social "Just Us"  Warriors ?



      I may save that one for later.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

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