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Status Replies posted by HelloMyNameIsAAA

  1. POTS style is trash

    1. HelloMyNameIsAAA


      Tl;dr version of why ''POTS'' style characters can be hated.


      Lack or originality and banking off someone else's success just for the hopes of getting attention.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  2. Spoiler



    (Possibly NSFW) I personally wouldn't reward someone you hate with candies.


  3. Just have Akuma get dark powers and you got DarkFlare

  4. Small reminder that this thing was shown in a family-friendly cartoon.


    It's Puffy Fuffy from ''A Pal for Gary'' if you wanted to know.




    1. HelloMyNameIsAAA


      The toenail screen was very infamous and a sign of Spongebob jumping the shark. Did the show recovered from the grossout humour that was present in past seasons ? For more disturbing content from Spongebob, there is also The Splinter and possibly One Coarse Meal. The latter have Plankton wanting to commit suicide and the other characters being a jerk at him, so it could be disturbing to some.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  5. Marvel: “Infinity War is the most ambitious crossover event in history.”



  6. Why uploading shitposts to imgur is a bad idea to start things off. 20 mins in and I'm pretty popular if you ask me.


  7. If you are an hockey enthusiasm like me,  you might have seen that the Vegas Golden Knights, this brand new NHL's expansion team, is one of the best team in the entire league.


    The previous record for the most points done by an expansion team was 83 by the 1993-1994 Florida Phanters. The Golden Knights were already past that with 22 matches left to play. (They now have 89 points.)


    Man, this could be the Quebec Nordiques.  *Shudders*

  8. ...The Szechan sauce riots at McDonalds. Anyone heard about that lately? Or, even better, seen one?

    1. HelloMyNameIsAAA


      Because it was a ''good idea'' to do a single day promotion about releasing a sauce that become a meme in a very popular cartoon.


      That event alone made the entire Rick & Morthy fandom looks bad.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  9. XD I was just permanently banned on a game-specific forum on steam (A game called Cute Monsters Battle Arena). ...For exposing that game of copywrite infringement. XD

  10. MFFA's list of words that will give you an ass whooping here.


    Number 1: Mugen Archive

    Number 2: Kong

    Number 3: Photo bucket

    Number 4: Kuromaru

    Number 5: Vore edits

  11. Thank god the site is back.


    Now I have to remember what I was gonna post before the site went down

  12. tumblr_p1ac5jVXBE1qkvbwso1_400.png

    Or you could just not be on Facebook at all.

    1. HelloMyNameIsAAA




      Basically the only reason why I use Facebook.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  13. Imagine being so overprotective of sprites that weren't originally yours that you end up intentionally making ransomware should anyone try to modify your game.



    1. HelloMyNameIsAAA


      It may took one hackjob like this to burn the bridge between Sega and fan-creators. Hope this ''ransomware'' will get hit by a takedown strike before it lays eggs.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

    1. HelloMyNameIsAAA


      I remember the SOPA/PIPA/ACTA craze that happened back in 2012 and 2013, which included ridiculous shits like ''you can be 5 years in jail for singing a song on the Internet'', which may be an human rights violation. When politicans try to mess with the Internet that way, shit's going down, and mass protests ensued. It took a blackout from various websites such as Wikipedia  and more than 10 millions signatures for these bills to be down. The insane display of the anti-SOPA movements marked the birth of various Internet rights movements in the US, against other bills like CISPA and free-trade agreements like TPP. As for fighting for Net Neutrality, please reminder that ISP providers are among the most hated companies not only in the US, but in the whole world. Comcast winning The Consumerist's Worst Company in America (R.I.P) two times reflected the massive hatred against ISP. They could pull the bullshit censoring and throttling if they wanted with no Net Neutrality to keep them in check.


      The fighting for Net Neutrality if perfectly valid. Deal with it!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  14. I find the lack of Thrill Kill characters in MUGEN quite disturbing

  15. Welp, tragedy news for me. Last week, people raided my main server several times now and it happened for a few days. They are long gone now, but I chose to delete my server because the raiders might start coming the longer I kept the server. So....I made a new one. Hope you guys understand. What did I ever do to deserve this anyway?


    Link: https://discord.gg/Sqbwqra

    1. HelloMyNameIsAAA


      Did people actually raided a Discord server just because of the results of 1 MUGEN match ? If they do, JFC!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  16. To this day, I still cringe at my DeviantArt days. As well as my Wikia Wiki days. I know I said it before, but I want to say it again. 

    1. HelloMyNameIsAAA


      TL;DR Spamming Internet memes (Including some that are MUGEN related !) in some gaming forums, to the point of getting hated and mocked by half of its members. I was only 12 years old and I eventually got better, so this his excusable.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  17. To this day, I still cringe at my DeviantArt days. As well as my Wikia Wiki days. I know I said it before, but I want to say it again. 

    1. HelloMyNameIsAAA


      Don't worry ! You're not alone ! I also hate my past Internet antics.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  18. Random gripe... Do we really need a OC collection...? It defeats the entire purpose of the OC character section, to be honest... We could just put the ones not in the OC section from the collection in the section...

    1. HelloMyNameIsAAA


      I personally think that this collection should mainly focus on the most known original characters , such as Andres Borghi's.


      If done right, this collection can coexist with the OC section.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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