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Status Replies posted by HelloMyNameIsAAA

  1. can someone tell me whats the most iconic super startup sound i need something everyone would instantly recognize 

  2. Yesterday, I just found out that ProJared cheated on his wife. What a scumbag. I'll never watch any of his videos ever again because of this. I admittedly did the same thing with JonTron when I found out that he was a racist Trump supporter. If you still watch their videos, that's fine with me. It's just I feel dirty watching them after the bad things they've done. Then again, Mega Man is still one of my favorite video game franchises of all time even after Kenji Inafune's whole Mighty No. 9 Kickstarter fiasco (I know he didn't actually create Mega Man but...) and I still watch the Nostalgia Critic sometimes even after the whole #ChangeTheChannel controversy so......

    1. HelloMyNameIsAAA


      I can't care much about cheating on his wife but soliciting nudes to minors is what pissed me on.

      The entire resulting shitshow had to be seen to be believed.  Multiple streams with the sole purpose on mocking ProJared's losing subs (He have lost 200k by now), the /r/ProJared mods literally demodding him and focusing the subreddit on shitposting before shutting it down for good, and there's FantomeK, the composer known for having one of his songs being ProJared's main theme, have written what I can call the equivalent of a middle finger in musical form. 



      Good luck recovering from that. At worst, you might as well prepare your metting with Jared Fogle in jail. At best, people might forget that you ever existed in the first place.


    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  3. There are some mistakes that cannot be erased. The Emoji Movie is an example of one of them.

    1. HelloMyNameIsAAA


      We are sorry about cancelling the animated Popeye movie and focusing on emojis instead. Please, for the love of God, accept our apology video.





    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. I honestly don't get why people want cannabis legalized. It kills brain cells and makes you dumber for crying out loud! We should just be lobbying for the legalization of Kinder Surprise eggs (they're banned in my country, the US thanks to dumb overprotective parents) instead!

    1. HelloMyNameIsAAA


      Laugh in Canadian weed, but too bad we are out of stock.


      Jokes aside, there is a varying state of marijuana legalization depending of the state but I should not think that simple possession should be criminalized, since being caught in those places could lead to major life repercussions, up to actual jail time. It should not be a problem with the law, only with you health.


      As for Kinder Eggs, it has something to do with a law that forbids putting non-edible things in foods.  There was some Kinder Eggs related fatalities in the world but there is a big plastic shell that contains the small toy to prevent that from happening. I am pretty sure that this ban should be lifted as this is just ridiculous.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. next april fools the forum should be purple so we can say thanos forum thanos forum

    1. HelloMyNameIsAAA


      This is not a Thanos April Fools unless half its members got randomly banned, or at least, without removing half of something.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. The Tampa Bay Lightning....


    Most wins in a season in NHL history, only tied by the 1995-1996 Red Wings. 128 points player in Kucherov. 100+ goal differential....


    Got swept in the first round by the Blue Jackets. This is some insane choking right there.  Call the ambulance !

    1. HelloMyNameIsAAA


      This is probably the greatest UrinatingTree video and that's saying something.



      Congrats, Tampa Bay ! Now time to do my part ?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. i've asked before but, does anyone have a good bill cipher character?


  8. Good news everyone! I got my Steam account back thanks to Steam support. From now on I'm gonna be very strict with who I come into contact with on Steam. As of now it's on friends only mode and I'll probably keep like that for a while till I feel totally safe again. I've learned a lot of valuable lessons through this awful experience. And I know to never let this happen ever again. 

    1. HelloMyNameIsAAA


      Let's hope that you don't get your TF2 stuff emptied out.



      Consider yourself lucky that you got your account back to begin with.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  9. I had the shock of my life last night. My Steam account got stolen with all my TF2 items, games and more on it. What happened was a steam friend of mine sent me a message that I had an account warning on it since he reported me by accident and I needed to speak with an admin to get this (fake) warning removed. He lead to the admins account (named [SR]Botochix23) and I sent the admin a message. He said I had duplicate TF2 items on it and I needed to send him proof that I didn't cheat. So after talking for a long time and showing proof (that was fake) that he was an admin I sent him a steam Email verification number and next thing I noticed was my account was stolen. It was a huge shocker to me. I was freaking out and everything. I even sent Oliver a message in this huge shock phase. I was in utter disrepair. I felt like the world's biggest idiot. I was cry-screaming. Then my younger brother called my mum and dad up and we settled things on my brothers steam account. After that I had to spend 30 minutes calming down. Thank god this fuckhead didn't have my passwords to any other of my accounts on other platforms I'm on. So what did we learn today? Don't be an idiot like me, and send people your verification codes. God was I an idiot! I'm going to try and get the account back today, but for now, please be very aware of the account Flare64. As of right now, it was stolen by someone else. Please don't follow it till then. And I pray to god that I can somehow get it back.

    1. HelloMyNameIsAAA


      '' He said I had duplicate TF2 items on it ''


      There is the problem. There is no such things such as people contacting you for having duplicate items or shit like this. It seriously reminds of of that ''Your computer have illegal stuff in it and you have to pay 200$ to have it unlocked. (If there is a problem they would sent a raid right away.) ''  I am fully aware of scamming techniques on Steam since a very long time.


      I will copypaste the warning sent in the Canteen Crasher discord server. You can sent it to anyone you like.


      ''Casual reminder for everyone because I've seen this happen twice now. Do not fall for the "Your items have been duped" scam.


      1: Items cannot be duped if they're in the inventory due to how the Steam database works and verifies itself.

      2: Staff will not approach you in-game or through the client under any circumstance. If someone claims they are staff through these means, they are not staff.

      3: Staff, friends, it doesn't matter. Do not under any circumstances give out your login details.

      4: Use common sense. If they're asking for your items under pretense of verification or other reason, it's a scam. If they're asking for your login details to fix an error in your account or other reason, it's not staff, it's a scam.''


      If someone who try to pull this shit at me I would instablock him. Also, I will never accept friend invites from someone I don't know.




    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. i can't believe i found the worst inital D game ever made
    it's like a nightmare, is unreal

    (the game is initial d mountain vengeance btw)

    1. HelloMyNameIsAAA


      You know that an Initial D game is bad when it doesn't feature any Eurobeat songs.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  11. DLC-COM - i mean, Cash-com- i mean scam-COM- i mean,  CAPCOM  has really changed over the years.

    1. HelloMyNameIsAAA


      I think ADS-COM is the word you're been searching for.

  12. Apparently, the new Spider-Man movie is very acclaimed, getting raving reviews all over the place by both critics and the general people.


    Maybe this will prevent Sony Pictures Studio from doing a sequel to the Emoji Movie.


    Go see it... I guess ?


    P.S: This movie had Spider-Man, a black Spider-Man, a blacker Spider-Man,  a Spider-Woman, a younger Spider-Woman with a mech that made otakus goes squee, and even a Spider-Pig. For God's sake this movie had a more diverse cast that most movies with ''cast diversity'' as a selling point without even trying.



    1. HelloMyNameIsAAA



       Clever joke or not, have you tried REDHOT's version ?


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  13. Which magical girl franchise is more bad***? Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha or Senki Zesshou Symphogear?

    1. HelloMyNameIsAAA


      Puella Magi Madoka Magica is to the magical girl genre to what Spec: Ops the Line is to FPS games. A total deconstruction of the genre where the world is grimdark instead of the usual sunshine and rainbows, and also where the hero is not mighty at all, and will not be able to save the day.



      I can understand why people don't like this anime but it was popular for a reason.



    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  14. Doesn't it feel strange that.
    Sometimes you have the sudden guts to do something (Basically you want to do it in the inside) but you are lazy on the outside (I sometimes get this)

    even when I stood up late sometimes it still occurs for some reason

  15. Types of movies that everybody has at least one of on DVD and/or VHS:

    • Disney movies
    • Scooby-Doo movies
    • Barbie movies
    • Direct-to-video The Land Before Time sequels


    1. HelloMyNameIsAAA


      You forgot this one;


      A shitty comedy movie that you liked as a kid.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  16. One sign a series has gone on too long is when they add a "vulgar" character.

    1. HelloMyNameIsAAA


      Or when they add a writer's self-insert to have a cruch with one of those underage protagonists.


      Yes ! I know ! That series went on for too long since the first episodes.



    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  17. This is surreal, I can't believe a live action Pokemon film is a real thing. This stuff is something people would make mock-ups off back in the 2010s. Jesus Christ man. And this actually looks pretty good. Of course I haven't played the detective Pikachu game itself so I have no idea if it's accurate to what happens in the game but still this movie is looking pretty great. Even some of the CG Pokemon aren't the best (Looking at you Psyduck.) I'll defiantly watch it when it comes out.



    1. HelloMyNameIsAAA



      This stuff is something people would make mock-ups off back in the 2010s.


      Pretty sure you were referring to this video.




    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  18. I got in trouble for wanting Baldi in Smash after YKun's masterpiece showed me the sheer potential. Ruler Rush for days.


    "What's wrong with you? Thinking emojis"


    Well I like outlandish concepts... Just none of what Nintendo has done after Smash 64. Could be worse, could have thrown out the Mugen OC ideas.

    1. HelloMyNameIsAAA


      Could be worse. You could be those guys who sent death threats to Sakurai because Waluigi isn't a playable character.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  19. Calling gaming a disorder is just a bit dumb.


    1. HelloMyNameIsAAA


      *Any human behaviors that scientists and doctors don't like* is a disorder.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  20. Someone actually made a M.U.G.E.N.-based world for VRChat.

    1. HelloMyNameIsAAA


      That's not a surprise. VRChat is basically MUGEN but as a VR game.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  21. Ya know, i'm actually happy how well the Knuckle Fighter X/Alpha collection turned out :)

  22. So, the NBA went into its fourth Cleveland-Golden State finals in a row.


    What kind of league is this ?

    1. HelloMyNameIsAAA


      This is EXACTLY my thought about the Cavaliers. The team is fucked is LeBron leaves the team. Remember ''The Decision'' ? The entire team felt apart as soon as he moved to the Heat. Their fans should consider themselves lucky if he ever managed to come back and won a championship for them.


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  23. Anime makes my eyes hurt.

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