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Everything posted by Montblanc

  1. Maybe I could do it myself. I'll loop the most "heavy metal" part of it. Looking at your BGM points, they seem a little confusing. One question I have is, how do you calculate Mugen's BGM start and end point from the actual song's timeline? (Let's say I want to loop 2:30 to 3:00 (Just picked random timeframes) )
  2. Brawl the Man (I bet this has already been thought up)
  3. I don't really care where it loops. This is for a friend who regularly plays MUGEN on Skype. I don't know how BGM looping works.
  4. I'm glad this guy is back. There's just so many topics, memes, and splices to use against this guy that we could be here all day. Hopefully someone will spam Niggerzbop at him. Too bad I don't have a mic... Or privacy for me to do it on my phone. Anyways, has anyone here made their own splices?
  5. Ow. My back is killing me, kupo.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Galvatron


      LOL! XD


      ...but seriously man! take it easy on yourself if you back is hurting ya...

    3. Montblanc


      Maybe it's from hunching my back so much. I never had a back ache before so it's weird to me.

    4. Galvatron


      Yeah sometimes it get'cha when you do that especially when you pull a muscle. :-P

  6. Alright. Let me get some stages first and I'll take a quick screenshot. Done.
  7. Montblanc, Kupo! Welp, 3 months of creating this little guy. I don't feel like it's fully complete but I think he's good enough to be played and I am desprate to share my characters to MFFA. Montblanc is one of the main characters of Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (Not a self character), a playable Moogle Black Mage (From the start. He can be any class for their race much like everyone else in the game.). He in Mugen is a Smash-esque character with a few gimmicks in hand including normal attacks. The sprites come from a single sprite found here: http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/d/da/Montblanc-ffxii-sprite.png/revision/latest?cb=20140814121710 The sprite was given brighter colors, a smile, a staff, and bigger and more detailed eyes. Also note that the AI will act weird. For some reason, I am not fit for this AI Smash character stuff so Montblanc would behave oddly in Ai. But not to the point of getting stuck all the time. Still fightable. He cheats and can be a little rascal though. Moves: Montblanc takes use of his canical class, and a personal second class I used for Montblanc on my playthrough of Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, which is Time Mage. Montblanc overall is quick on his knees but he doesn't do much damage (Compared to that SSBB styled Ness. Did I mention how OP that Ness was? Holy crap.) Neutral special: Magic energy: A 3 tier attack. Each tier has a different purpose. Tier 1 is Stop, tier 2 is Thundara, Tier 3 is Fira Forward Special: Haste: Makes some of your moves faster and changes your walkspeed and run speed greatly. Down special: Ice: Slow sweep move. unfortunately doesn't freeze opponents. (Don't know how to do that) Up special: None yet Final Smash: Death: (Not a summon)This Final Smash takes down 47% of your health making the spell true to it's name. In original source, Death will automatically KO opponents randomly. Death in here is not unpredictable. If your health is below 50, it's an automatic KO. As long as you are not on ground, you will not get caught by this. DL http://www.mediafire.com/download/k5fl9q14fjh3eh9/Montblanc.zip Screenshot:
  8. Would prefer a 2D MUGEN smash clone engine. Mugen 3D... Don't you know how hard it is to even apply a skeleton to a character? Anyways, I think it would be great to finally have Electbyte make a Smash Clone engine. The Smash scene is huge and Smash clones are sort of becoming it's own little genre so why not have a little engine based on that? Mugen has it's flat platform fighting and Smash Mugen has it's over the top fast paced platform fighting action. It'd also be good if Electbyte would make a basic AI for KFM or whoever the other guy will be and we could easily study and edit this AI in Fighter Factory. But that's off topic. I think that'd make a great topic imo.
  9. Since the person is a beginner, it's OK to use EoH but if I were him, I wouldn't release those characters to the public until they feel like they can base a KFM to a brand spanking new character or use other characters in the MVC style like DG's Mega Man or IMT's Wolverine since like Rice said, EOH is too buggy. You can also work on stomping the bugs while you're working on that character. If you want to start off with no style, try N64mario's template character.
  10. http://www.infinitymugenteam.com/infinity.wiki/mediawiki/index.php?title=List_of_character_templates http://gcnmario.free.fr/mugen/characters.html
  11. I don't get why it matters. MUGEN is fine as is in terms of popularity and Electbyte isn't making money out of the engine so they're not losing money. In fact, I think Electbyte would rather people to stop using it. That's just a guess since they keep on shutting down their site for some reason.
  12. Eating Papyrus' spaghetti fills you with determination.

  13. Constant Mugen videos of popular characters give good views and subscribers from those who don't know the game. It's normal. Flashy effects grabs people's attention.
  14. Is there some kind of war going on between MMFA, Mugen Wiki, Mugen Arcive and MMV or something, kupo? I'm confused, kupo.
  15. http://mugenarchive.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=28702
  16. My favorite Pokemon. I like Minun better tho.

  17. Took me a while to figure out how to enable status updates. Well, here I am. I will briefly introduce myself now:

    I am a huge fan of FFTA as you can see by the cute little furry thing on my icon, I am not a MUGEN player. I just upload characters self made (Was non-self made at first) on the MugenArchive. My intentions with signing on to various MUGEN sites is for conversation and to laugh/give my thoughts on unknown characters.

    1. Montblanc


      I also will be willing to look for lost or ignored MUGEN creations and upload them if I find the right topic to do that.

    2. Galvatron


      Cool! Welcome to MFFA Man!


      Glad for you to join the club :goodmood:

    3. SSBKing65✯


      Welcome to Mugen Free for All, Montblanc.

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