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Everything posted by Montblanc

  1. Wait, that actually came from the Sonic twitter account? I can't tell if Sega is poking fun of themselves or the account isn't actually endorsed by Sega. Sanic The.jpg
  2. (I accidentally deleted my status)

    What was your favorite E3 conference? Mine's was Sony.

    1. Ganbare-Lucifer


      *Sony, Crash, enough. Sony wins this year.

    2. Montblanc


      Pretty much. And Crash seemed to have not changed much since his PS1 days aside from graphics and that's how I like it. 

    3. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      Because it's a remaster.

  3. Qupzilla is the worst browser ever. It literally always crashes. But the other popular and better browsers are CPU intensive on my computer so I have no choice.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Montblanc


      Kupo-po! Yes!

    3. Noside
    4. Montblanc


      Cant wait til he gets added in FFRK and probably FFW

  4. *Knock Knock*

    *Guy opens the door*

    I love you.

    1. Doomguy


      **Blasts person with Shotgun**



    2. Montblanc




      But I love you.

    3. Doomguy



      **Me uses CHAINSAW**

  5. I wouldn't count 3D fighting games. Unless you're like BaganSmashBros which only like 2 or 3 people are like them, I don't see people making 3D conversions of Pokken characters.
  6. That had a small amount of characters. But even then, it makes no sense. I expected there to be conversions of every Pokemon from Type Wild, a few other custom Pokemon based on popular Pokemon such as Pichu, Squirtle and Pikachu and that's it. Not every single Pokemon in the Pokedex entry. Jesus. Gotta catch'em all? More like Gotta Mugenize 'em all.
  7. Lol nope. But Touhou I sorta understand it having every character in MUGEN since it had an official fighting game(I think) as well as a smaller number of characters. But a cute RPG with 700+ characters like Pokemon? That makes no sense at all. Pikachu Pichu, Garchomp, Minun Jigglypuff Riolu, Lucario, Gardevoir, Pachirisu, Wigglytuff, Treecko, Charmander... I can be here all day if I wanted to. This is amazing.
  8. Ah, alright. Well, thanks for making this collection anyways. Probably the biggest and most well designed I've seen so far.
  9. On MediaFire, you are allowed to edit someone's files by "following them". You click on share. I was wondering if I could silently edit my own characters in this collection in this method. http://imgur.com/a3Oi9FN.png
  10. Hi, Garachomp Matt! I uploaded my characters to the MUGEN Archive and since there is no way for me to edit my characters on MUGEN Archive and they are now uploaded via Mediafire, I think it would be nice if you would add me as a follower (Being a follower will allow me to make edits in MediaFire) for my characters so I can begin making my updates and edits to them. I will PM you my Email.
  11. Since MUGENArchive is apparently having a DL issue, should I start uploading my MUGEN characters here instead?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TopKirby8305


      Yeah that place has hissyfits quite a bit don't it?  >.<;

    3. Flowrellik


      it just became a bad place so far. It used to be good to nab a char or stage but since the admins are going bullshit crazy, it's becoming just a horrible place.

    4. Montblanc


      Yeah. I can tell downloads are also getting pretty small ranging from 3 to 12 and if you're lucky, 3 to 30. I've never downloaded much there (But I upload a lot which is probably why the admins respects me there) so I didn't even know all of this stuff. All I know is that  downloads were getting lower.

  12. I'd like to introduce my new character, MarioTehPlumber. Definately not a rip off of Mario the plumber.
  13. Just 5 minutes ago I had a problem with MFFA's connection. I am just wondering if it was me or if there was some kind of maintenance going on?
  14. I don't play MUGEN but from the MUGEN videos I have watched out of curiosity, there is no good Luigi. So, lets look at Mario. Now look at Luigi. Difference? Luigi has a green mouth and is slightly taller in the Y scale. The rest of his features including the moustache that sells out their difference (Yeah, I know green sells their difference more) is not present and is replaced by Mario's iconic moustache. Basically, they're literally the same. Why is this okay to everyone?
  15. Or maybe from Mega Man Battle Network. It's like completely off of Pokemon's music style.
  16. The music in that trailer is so anime, it hurts.
  17. Always nice to go into a little more detail. Who knows how new they are. They migt be new or they'd be pros. Either way it'd be nice to know where to position sprites and stuff like that. You and Rice just said to use Explods.
  18. Step 1: Click on Explod Step 2: Use the position tool (Little ruler) Step 3: Change the second guy (P2) to the animation of the fire animation and position it to your liking. Step 4: Copy the X and Y coordinates to "pos" Step 5: Finish the rest and profit.
  19. Do you also have the original GIR by this person?
  20. Came to say hi.


    I like Rotom too. I love it's  evolutions. My friend and I had a good laugh at them a year ago.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PlasmoidThunder


      Rotom doesn't evolve though :}

    3. Montblanc


      What are these supposed to be then? rotom_all_by_water_frez-d9zwjum.png

    4. PlasmoidThunder
  21. Japan FFRK  added a bunch of new relics this month. I just started and I have 0 mythril. Living the dream.

    1. Laharl


      idk how JP runs their business but the global version was ridiculously greedy lol be careful.

    2. Montblanc


      I first signed up FFRK Global with 100 mythril so I doubt they're greedy. Maybe moneyhungry like 99& of every other Mobile games.

  22. Protagonists: Some character I am currently working on, KFM Antagonist: 720P KFM Yep....
  23. He took the blocky feel too literal. For example, the ear is a giant square, and Dib has no neck thus making the head... Well, a perfect square.
  24. Liking Cait Sith will get half of the FFVII fanbase triggered it seems.

  25. These sprites are actually nice and look a lot like the source shows. Other than lighting, most of them are perfect. Not a big fan of Johnny, Dib, and George. Keep up the good work.
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