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Posts posted by Masterhand128

  1. 1 hour ago, KickStarHooligan said:

    your creations suck

    Dude, if you see some problem in this lifebar, please be respectful and constructive.

  2. Hey guys, here is the musics I use for my bosses battles:


    1.Okuu and  Ebi Fry Iku Nagae both by Margatroid.




    The music:



    I changed their custom music and the result was very good! :)


    2. Primeus by Ricepigeon.




    The music:




    This music is cool for this character and includes some aquatics sounds.


    3.Flame Holding Dragon by Ninnniku.



    The music:




    This music sounds like if you are facing against a dragon.


    4.Suwako´s hat(Aka Pyonta) by Ricepigeon.




    The music:




    This music is better than the original...Sounds like if you are facing against a devil character like this hat.


    5.Yukari Yakumo by Ricepigeon and edited by fhqwhgads7.




    The music:




    Reality was a sad attempt for making my own Fullgame but when I put this music the result was really excellent for a final boss. 


    And here is your turn, What BG music do you use for your own boss battles? ;)

  3. -The characters by Actarus(Aka Easychar) he made a badly made version of Peter Griffin.


    - The characters by Kingstar is similar to Actarus and he made his own badly version of Max Payne.


    -Maximus(LOL, his creator has the same name) this character has poorly made attacks, poorly animations and bad voice quality.

  4. Here is a screenshot of my next edited character:



    This edited chararacter will be Oktavia Von Seckendorff by Alice Magatroid (with his/her permission), for the moment this character is very early and I will make a future WIP Edit Thread in this forum(I will also make this thread in Mugenguild).

    I hope you will like this project and please be patient. :)

  5. I made a similar thread in Mugen Guild and now I´m asking your favourite edited character in Mugen Free For All.


    My favourite edited character is Ronald Mcdonald by Kishio and edited by Donalddesu.

    Because he has a lot of improvements, is very agile, he has crossover(I love this idea) references for  example a striker system(like Homer Simpson, Iron Man, Flandre Scarlet, The Joker, Kyubey...), cool moves like Shun Mc Satsu, Cheeze trap, "A living doll!", MC Laser, special intros, english voices clips...


    OK, and now is your turn. ;)

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