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Posts posted by Masterhand128

  1. I don´t recommend you Beanfan´s creations this creator unfortunately doesn´t accept feedbacks and you can find a lot of glitches other similars creators are Narayan and RyouWin .

    If you love Touhou Characters don´t download Kurogane´s chars or others similars creators because his chars are very cheap(Yes, they have bullet hell attacks).

    I also don´t recommend you to download Ironcommando´s character the majority of his characters are very cheaps, except Dancing Banana and his bosses.

  2. I heard the Deep Web is a site very used by the ‎governments for hosting their private documents also I heard the FBI closed a lot of ilegal websites from the Deep Web and I think is unlikely you can find Mugen stuff here.


    About NSFW, gore and vore Stuff you can find in any of these things like the web conventional, remember Kuromaru, Tendril, chars with gore effects like MK chars and a lot of vore edits(Like a edit of yoshi) were found here and not the deep web.

  3. "Good" excuse, Volzilla!:=D:

    Let´s remember, rhiggatwat wasn´t insulting to anybody, he is saying the feedback is the best method for fixing the problems for a any chars.

    The problem is this MMV doesn´t have a freedom of expression for saying the char x has a badly made hitboxes, is a spriteswap, etc...

    For this reason the majority of the characters from this site are really bad.

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