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Status Updates posted by gui0007

  1. Hey D ma'bruh, Happy Birthday! :D

  2. The 10th edition of MFFAWN is here!

    What you guys think about the new layout so far?

    1. Galvatron


      It Looks Awesome man! :-D

      good job!.



      im in love. WAY MORE professional

    3. gui0007


      @Galvatron @DJ HANNIBALROYCE

      Thanks fellas! All thanks to our Boss @RobotMonkeyHæd. ^ ^

  3. Kinda late, but Happy Birthday bruh!! :D :D

  4. Happy Birthday bruh! You're a true MUGEN hero!

  5. Phew, it's finally here fellas! :)


  6. Back doing some collections. :)
    And here's the "Best of Best" collections of all time. XD


    1. RobotMonkeyHead


      Sweeeet, your collections are always top notch man.

  7. The new edition of the MFFAWN will out tomorrow, because i'm at ALL THE ENTIRE DAY trying to record my New Year video and sadly my PC doesn't help me. I'm really sorry guys. :(

    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- It's All Cool, Yo! Happy New Year!! MFFA For The Win, Yo! ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”

  8. What a bunch of great releases i see in this 2016 X-mas. I'm so happy. :)

  9. My fella Swagga Kings is streaming some Darkstalkers vs. Street Fighter right now!

    1. Galvatron


      Awesome!... :-D

  10. MFFAWN #5 will come in few hours (or minutes. :P). Stay tuned!

  11. Happy Birthday bruh! :D

  12. Behold the new edition of MFFAWN!! >:) (if you guys don't check it out. :P)




  13. Happy (late!) B-day! XD

    1. Galvatron


      Thanks Man! :-)

  14. Because of a damn cyclone that passed in the region where I live, I ran out of energy in my house this weekend, so I was did few things in the forum due the internet that i use in a shopping is a shit. But don't worry, i'll do A LOT of things here this week, especially related to the MFFAWN, that'll be ressurected for sure. So, stay tuned. :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RobotMonkeyHead


      Holy shit dude, glad to hear your alright!  Are your family and friends good?
      Look, really don't worry about the Fawn man, MrStealYourWaefu or myself got that until you get everything sorted :) 
      Again, just glad to hear you're ok brotha.


    3. RobotMonkeyHead


      Still must admit I can't wait to see what you got in store tho.

    4. gui0007


      They're all fine. :)
      And yep, i'm ready some things next weeks.

  15. Happy Birthday!! :D

  16. Happy B-day fella!! (Hope i ain't too late. XD)

    1. White Ranger

      White Ranger

      Never too late, thanks bro. :)

  17. Updated my edit of UMK3, with the stuff from the newest version of borg117's MKP.
    Check in my Winmugen Conversions Thread! :)


  18. Happy Birthday ma'bruh!

    1. ShiroTori


      Thanks! Sorry I didn't see this sooner!

  19. Happy B-day Jessy!! :D

  20. Never too late for the party!
    Happy B-day Dizzy!! :D

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