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Status Updates posted by gui0007

  1. Planning to remade the CvS collection...


    1. Big Green

      Big Green

      You worked wonders with your MvC collection, So you get a thumbs up of approval.

    2. gui0007


      Thanks bro. I'll starting so. :)

    3. Sir Ghostler

      Sir Ghostler

      Awesome! Can't wait to see it, bro.

  2. Fixed some things in the collections and (FINALLY!) made a ROK signature. ;)

  3. Wow, i like that new MFFA!:awesome

    1. sonikun


      Me too. This new design is very sexy. I can get used to this.

  4. 天 MESSATSU!! 天

  5. Hokuto no Ken + AC/DC = YEAH!! ImI

  6. Damn, i'm without internet in these last days. But now, I'M BACK!! >:)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. gui0007


      Thanks fellas. :D

    3. Ryutaro


      Welcome back gui007 :D

    4. gui0007


      Thanks! I'm ready great things to come in this week. :)

  7. Yeah, i did it! MK3 stuff finished!! lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Galvatron


      Well he did his best though we know their are maybe more stuff he can add. :-P

    3. Krypto 'SAM' saiyaN

      Krypto 'SAM' saiyaN

      Congratz gui! Excellent - Shao Kahn's voice.

    4. gui0007


      @Doomguy Hahaha, you mad. XD

      @Galvatron It's more to come for sure. ;)

      @Shaolin Sham Thanks! :D

  8. Working on the MK3 stuff for the collection. It will took me a looong time to do this. :P

    1. Galvatron


      Take all the time you need man. I know you can get it done. :-)

    2. Doomguy


      There are next to no good MK3/UMK3 characters. Nothing but MKP.

    3. gui0007


      @Galvatron Yep, i'll working patiently for sure. ;)

      @Doomguy lol, that's true. :P

  9. AKAME!! :D

    1. Алексей


      Nice man. For a minuter there I thought you were playing as her. She's hard to play imo, but I suck at playing, so yeah lol.

    2. gui0007


      Lol. :D

      Yep Alexei, Akame is really a tough girl. Next time, i'll give a try on her.

  10. Remaking old collections...

  11. Check it out the updated MKX Screenpack!

  12. Thanks MFFA for the love! 200 videos of my channel! /o/

    1. Flowrellik


      yw! Now, wheres MM2 in higher res?


    2. CozySquirtle


      gui, I have a question: The one SP you edited for 1.0 "KOFM LV2", It keeps giving me an error when I select a WinMUGEN character. Do you know why that might be?

    3. gui0007



      Well, i waiting a response of OG about that bro. :P


      Depends if the char works in Winmugen only.

  13. Essa é pra galera do Brasil! Comecei meu bloco de notícias! https://www.facebook.com/gui0007news

  14. Essa é pra galera do Brasil! Comecei meu bloco de notícias!

  15. Hey MFFA people, don't forget to check my MUGEN videos here:

    1. Galvatron


      No prob Man! :-)

  16. "Keep burnin' till the end of the world!!" ImI

  17. "Just stay down, you weak!"

  18. "Go now! You have no match for me, punk!"

    1. Noside


      You have? 0.0

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