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Status Updates posted by gui0007

  1. Fire & Ice!


  2. Well fellas, MFFA is back on track!

    Don't know exactly what happend (host problem maybe...?) but thanks for your patience till got solved.
    Now i can back on my hard mission to update some stuff in the Collections section. 🙂

    1. Riku Minato

      Riku Minato

      Yup same here I didn't know why got suspended this great site but fortunately it's back on track.

  3. MFG still down. Had no idea what happens so if anyone with some info, will be welcoming since many users from there asked me what's going with MFG in my channel.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Noside


      It happened before and will get fixed eventually.

    3. YugaCurry


      I've been meaning to ask you myself. Looks like a server crash which takes time to fix cuz the site owner, Nunor himself has been AWOL for a while now. Like Noside said, it's happened before and MFG has been around for a while so I'm sure it'll be up in a few days, although it does feel weird when you get that 502.

    4. PlasmoidThunder


      It's not been Nunor for a long while. Valodim is the current webmaster.

  4. F i g h t       f o r      t h e      F u t u r e   !


  5. C   o   r   n   f   l   a   k   e   s     !   !




    Happy April Fools Day. 😉

  6. Happy Birthday!! 😉

  7. Released a new screenpack!


  8. The giant received a new update! 😉


  9. Finally got to update some of the Collection stuff! :v

    Started with these two.
    - Darkstalkers/Vampire Series


    - Cadillacs and Dinosaurs


  10. The SEGA Waifu! ❤️


  11. The Sensational She-Hulk!


  12. "I am the strongest woman in the world!"


  13. Happy birthday Dartz! 🙂

  14. A  R  R  I  V  E  D  E  R  C  I



    1. DXfactory


      Time to download

  15. Okay, Mugen Guild is down again. I want to know what happend this time. Is it because of the new server?

    1. DXfactory


      Probably a refresh of the system

  16. The Princess of the DeathSatan Empire!


    1. Genderless Child

      Genderless Child

      It's been official. Now we all done with the MVC special partners.

    2. DXfactory
  17. Happy B-day Toast! :3

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