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Status Updates posted by DuckMannnn

  1. If you're waiting for the waitor in a restaurant do you become the waitor by yourself

    Image result for hits blunt face

  2. I have to do an internship soon and still can't decide whether I should become a concept artist or a software engineer... I do prefer an art job (since I love anime girls o3o) but there aren't many available jobs that are rewarding and my drawing skills is pretty average. Becoming a coder or something like that isn't bad tho, the salary is pretty nice and the industry needs more people specialized IT...

    1. DuckMannnn


      specialized in IT*

      Fuck my English

      Should have taken the CAE test

    2. RobotMonkeyHead


      Just a thought, but in the long term it would seem easier to bring art skills into an established coding job than the other way around.

  3. If you're cleaning your vacuum cleaner do you become the vacuum cleaner


    1. Алексей


      Well, no. Are you cleaning a vacuum or a vacuum cleaner? You're the vacuum cleaner cleaner.

    2. NEON 7

      NEON 7

      Dat picture tho...No but seriously, that's a vewy gewd qwestion.

  4. Do you just ever nut on your hands and be like "Hello my child" then feel guilty for destroying its chances of becoming a normal functional living human being

  5. I live dangerously

    *proceeds to leave my Discord account's password intact despite rumours of a data leak*

    1. Galvatron


      its cool... but you know it best to have a new password handy every time things like that happens.


      Better be "safe then sorry" as folks say.... :-P

  6. 5 minutes into BlazBlue CT and I'm like "How the fuck do you play this game"

    So I proceeded to pick Noel because she looked cute then started spamming basic attacks against Easy opponents

    1. Darkflare


      Kinda like that.

      BTW, you can't finish off an opponent from a barrier burst combo which is why the life doesn't completely empty.


      Compared to the later entries in the series CT is......a unique experience.

  7. I think I'll stop spriting my OC... a lack of motivation and time isn't giving me any progression. At all.

  8. Skullgirls or Blazblue: Calamity Trigger? I have $20 to spend on Steam and the half of it will definitely be spent for Nekopara

    Blazblue looks more appealing to me but the problem is that it doesn't support multiplayer on PC and it's older

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Darkflare


      They're unsafe on block. They have to anticipate the opponent doing something for it to land.

    3. Ori-Ori


      We- okay, you got me again. Then again, the only MB experience I had where 9's Len and Kohaku so I shouldn't really be complaining.

    4. DuckMannnn


      I guess I'll just buy both Nekopara volumes and play with my meat bone xD

  9. So right now I'm thinking of making a fanmade sequel for Akame ga Kill's anime because the endings were loads of bollocks

    1. Infinite Kyo

      Infinite Kyo

      yeah I don't know what they were trying to do lol I was like "well that was....something" then I look online and people were saying the Manga had a different ending and I was like the fuck lol

  10. How many special moves should a normal fighting game character have?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DuckMannnn


      4 of my character's moves deals damage while the other 2 are more like movement ones

      I'd say 3 of them are counters, 1 anti-air, 1 that's kinda like a tall blast that protects him and also deals damage and 1 that makes him appear behind the opponent if hit, which pretty much gives him an oppurtunity to counter-attack

      The downside is that his specials doesn't really connect well, so I don't know if that makes him more balanced

      Plus his fighting style forces him to approach the enemy, which means that he can't really attack from a large distance

    3. DuckMannnn


      I could probably try to make the blast thing less taller so it won't act too much like an anti-air

    4. DuckMannnn


      He's a KOF-styled character btw

  11. Can anybody suggest me a Japanese first name that starts with "Muri-" or something like that and a surname that starts with "Kiri-"?? 

    1. RicePigeon
    2. Алексей


      I don't think you'll find Japanese names like that, especially not "Kri~." That's just not Japanese, lol.


      Murasaki Kurisumasu is pretty close to what you'll get, and that sounds ridiculous. XD

    3. DuckMannnn


      Well, the only Kiris I've found are Kirigaya and Kiriyama lol 

  12. So I just did rock climbing during school today and now my hands aren't working normally since my ring fingers keep closing themselves occasionnally

    1. DuckMannnn


      Meanwhile, I'm in vacation again starting from today. I wanna edit at least 20 sprites for my OC

  13. I need a full, cracked version of FL Studio

    I don't want to spend at least $99.99... so can anybody give me a link?

  14. I just saw a video of a girl destroying her boyfriend (who left to the beach for a few days with his friends)'s expensive anime figures and a PS4

    Now I'm scarred for life thinking about how the money spent on them was wasted 

    1. Tsuyori


      Damn...He's going to be pissed...He could've totally used the money for something else if he knew his Girlfriend was going to Destroy them...

  15. Another chillhop compilation, this time I selected a couple of my favourite OSTs from the anime Samurai Champloo. (rest in beats Nujabes)


    1. Zzyzzyxx


      Aruarian Dance, Genome, World Without Words, Mystline, man, I do love Samurai Champloo soundtrack, big thanks.


      However, I never watched the anime. I have to try it, someday.

    2. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ
    3. DuckMannnn


      @Rimu You should definitely watch it... I was hesitant before because its a pretty old anime but the story is amazing, the characters are lovely and the music is beautiful

  16. I cannot decide whether I should change my OC, Nightwalker's name into Kiri, 5moke or Nebel

    Kiri means fog, mist in Japanese

    5moke is basically... Smoke. With a 5 instead of S.

    Nebel means smoke in German.

    1. StrongestPotato


      Neville, it's close to "Nebel", and besides, a name like that could be the reason he chose to be called "Nightwalker"

  17. So... I got 12k views for doing jack shit and for overhyping my OC who isn't going to be finished anytime soon.

    Meanwhile I have 3 presentations, 2 books to read, 2 assignments and 2 tests to do


    somebody kill me pls

  18. Check out a chillhop compilation I made. There are 15 songs, hence ~45 mins. I dunno why did I name this playlist "Life" lol, probably because there was a part where I wanted to represent love, one that portrays the beginning of a new day and one that shows the lonely, meaningful nights


    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Str8 Dope, Yo! Listening and Just Chillin...ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”

    2. Galvatron


      Nice!.  :-)

      If you want in the future you can post your favorite albums on this Thread: http://mugenfreeforall.com/forum/186-music/


    3. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Now, see, THIS is what a modern Charlie Brown score should be. None of that little kid cartoon bullshit.

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