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Status Replies posted by Ori-Ori

  1. Remember when you could post topics in MugenFreeForAll?

    Pepperridge Farm remembers.

  2. I wish the forums would get fixed faster!  I want to post again!  >.<;;

  3. Man arrested for making terror threats at police station, said he was "looking for Mewtwo" on Pokemon Go. smh.

  4. Man arrested for making terror threats at police station, said he was "looking for Mewtwo" on Pokemon Go. smh.

  5. Man arrested for making terror threats at police station, said he was "looking for Mewtwo" on Pokemon Go. smh.

  6. I want to give Sonic Boom to the Pope.

  7. What do Hester Mofet and Louis Friend have in common?

  8. I want to give Sonic Boom to the Pope.

  9. I really need to rewatch South Eater.

  10. I need a goddamn beer...

  11. Hello nice to meet you I am undertale trash 

  12. Double Team raises your evasion, but can it evade hammers?

  13. If I banged my female self would that be called masturbation or incest


    What's the name of the song?


    What's the name of the song?

  16. Marvel wikia has turned everything pink. Maybe it is true when they say Marvel is officially comics for ladies now.

  17. Marvel wikia has turned everything pink. Maybe it is true when they say Marvel is officially comics for ladies now.

  18. Plank is the best character ever.

  19. So... how's Monday?

  20. So... how's Monday?

  21. So... how's Monday?

  22. So... how's Monday?

  23. #Temmieflacksaregoodforyou


  24. I'm back from our White Party Cruise, on the Ben Franklin Yacht, it was a relaxing 1st time experience, I danced, played some games, and had some great food.

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