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Status Replies posted by Ori-Ori

  1. My reaction to Sword and Shield's final stages for the starters: meh. 

  2. My reaction to Sword and Shield's final stages for the starters: meh. 

  3. My reaction to Sword and Shield's final stages for the starters: meh. 

    1. Ori-Ori


      Yeah, but they're pretty bland (in my book anyway).

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  4. Is it me or is DeviantArt Eclipse unusable? I'm saying this because I can't use the search bar and only a few pictures of a gallery will only show up even when I press the "all" folder. Yep, Eclipse was a gigantic mistake.    

    1. Ori-Ori


      Maybe because you made an account before the update?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. Is it me or is DeviantArt Eclipse unusable? I'm saying this because I can't use the search bar and only a few pictures of a gallery will only show up even when I press the "all" folder. Yep, Eclipse was a gigantic mistake.    

  6. Thoughts on the new Yandere Sim update: P-O-I-N-T-L-E-S-S. Why would I want to join the Delinquents (which won't let you increase your reputation to the positives) when I can just befriend the students by doing their task? By the by, Sempai will reject you if you have low reputation, so yeah, shit trade-off.


    The update: 


    1. Ori-Ori


      And I used to be one of his defenders... I was a bland fanboy back then.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. Thoughts on the new Yandere Sim update: P-O-I-N-T-L-E-S-S. Why would I want to join the Delinquents (which won't let you increase your reputation to the positives) when I can just befriend the students by doing their task? By the by, Sempai will reject you if you have low reputation, so yeah, shit trade-off.


    The update: 


    1. Ori-Ori


      I can't believe I was a fan of him. I hope his white knights snap put of it. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. Well Golden Wind ended awhile ago and it was a... Golden Experience. I remembered people asking if Part 5 will ever be animated. Glad it did got an anime. But what should I watch next? Madoka Magica or Made in Abyss?  

  9. I have a feeling I'm not getting the 8th Gen Pokémon games. One of those reasons is that the new gimmick is just Mega Evolution but least interesting (it's just giant Pokémon). They really need to stop with these gimmicks, it's just making the game more unnecessary complex. Mega Evolution was fine, we didn't need Z-Moves and Dynamax.

    1. Ori-Ori


      I just feel that super moves in Pokémon is unneeded. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. I have a feeling I'm not getting the 8th Gen Pokémon games. One of those reasons is that the new gimmick is just Mega Evolution but least interesting (it's just giant Pokémon). They really need to stop with these gimmicks, it's just making the game more unnecessary complex. Mega Evolution was fine, we didn't need Z-Moves and Dynamax.

  11. Decided that my first Mugen creation will be Shou from the Touhou Project. I will use Minoo's sprites. 

    1. Ori-Ori


      At least the sprites themselves are nice to look at. That's the only thing I can give his creations thou.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  12. Decided that my first Mugen creation will be Shou from the Touhou Project. I will use Minoo's sprites. 

    1. Ori-Ori


      Yeah, just saw that when I was making a test palette for her. Everything's all over the place.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  13. Decided that my first Mugen creation will be Shou from the Touhou Project. I will use Minoo's sprites. 

  14. An english translation of Mother 3 is basically the Japanese version of Half-Life 3.

  15. I'm thinking of getting Fighter Factory Studio.

  16. After playing a bit of Smash Ultimate, I feel like replaying Brawl and 4. Why? Because I was disappointed with Ultimate and I found World of Light to be boring and frustrating. I just want another Subspace Emissary and Smash Run. Hell, I wouldn't mind if they had to shorten the roaster as long as we get more single player modes that are fun.


  17. It's shitty how Capcom is adding ads to a fucking non-mobile game. This is goanna be a new trend, is it?

  18. So Mumkey Jones' YouTube channel was taken down over false flagging... God YouTube went to shit when Google bought them. They need to fix their flagging system.

  19. Well, looks like YouTube Dashboard got a major update. Which means I'm stuck with the new layout I despise. Why was the option to go back to the previous layout removed? Why? 

  20. I have a feeling that Persona 3 is getting a remake.

  21. When will you remake your Hina and Yuugi in the Gensokyo Reloaded style? You remade Meimu from Darkflare (which is not more unique than the original), so why not the one you forgot to remake and the one you didn't complete?

  22. When will you remake your Hina and Yuugi in the Gensokyo Reloaded style? You remade Meimu from Darkflare (which is not more unique than the original), so why not the one you forgot to remake and the one you didn't complete?

    1. Ori-Ori


      Iku and Aya are confirmed. Suwako, however, isn't. 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  23. When will you remake your Hina and Yuugi in the Gensokyo Reloaded style? You remade Meimu from Darkflare (which is not more unique than the original), so why not the one you forgot to remake and the one you didn't complete?

    1. Ori-Ori


      He's pretty much done adding characters to GP. Besides, Minoo's sprites for those two are probably the only ones that looks accurate to Missing Power to Hisoutensoku, but he doesn't like working with those sprites.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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