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Everything posted by NijikakuFan61

  1. Tommy approached a random person, thinking of a question he could ask him. Tommy: Uh... excuse me, mister... Tommy drew a blank and decided to ask the first question that came out of his mind. Tommy: ...have I told you about our lord and saviour, Jesus Christ, yet? Tommy turned over to Agni to look for approval. Tommy: That's how I'm supposed to ask questions, right?
  2. Kyosuke: ...was it really necessary to be using "gangsta lingo" just to make yourself sound cool? I mean, you were trying to blend in so they could trust you, but couldn't you just have done it in a more low-key way?
  3. Affirmative. Tommy was definitely coming along. So, the first person I see I get to ask a question to, right? Tommy paused for a second, still walking the entire time. ...well... that's how it worked last time I asked questions to people...
  4. Alright, then! Let's go, Team 3! Tommy's face lit up at the idea of being able to help his own friends. I can't wait to be of assistance!
  5. Tommy: Um... I don't think I get it... could you explain again...? Tommy thought for a few seconds, then remembered some of what Agni had said. Tommy: Wait... am I supposed to ask questions about what these thugs we just saw are doing?
  6. Tommy: W - what would the worst be, then? Lions? Tigers? Bears? Snakes? Clowns? Lawyers? Tommy: ...what's so bad about lawyers? Wait 'til you're my age, kid. Then you'll understand why.
  7. Tommy thought for a moment, before releasing his personal opinions about how it had happened. Tommy: Maybe we were just lucky? I mean, depending on how Light and Dante answer, I could be correct... but who am I to speak opinions, considering my intelligence is... below average, so to say...
  8. BGM: All That You Are (x3) Yay! We did it, team! Tommy jumped into the air, celebrating. We were able to sneak past some guards without causing a fight! Isn't that just dandy!?
  9. Tommy got brave enough to stand up, still playing his guitar the entire time. Whomsoever I've cured... I've sickened now... whomsoever I've cradled... I've put you down... Frank simply looked at Tommy, amazed at his sheer bravery. I'm a search light soul they say... but I can't see it in the night! I'm only faking when I get it right... when I get it right...
  10. Kyosuke nodded, before getting into his drums and doing the drum beat to the song. Tommy: Now I'm doing time... 'cause I fell on black days... I fell on black days...
  11. Tommy saw the assistance Agni and Mirfah were giving him; he slowly started becoming less afraid of the guards. Tommy: Just when everyday seemed to greet me with a smile... sunspots have faded and now I'm doing time... Kyosuke helped his new friend out by whistling; meanwhile, Frank snapped his fingers just like what Agni was doing.
  12. Tommy pulled out his guitar. BGM: Fell On Black Days Tommy finally had the bravery to sing in spite of the danger he was in. Tommy: Whatsoever I've feared has come to life... whatsoever I've fought off became my life...
  13. Tommy: (still quietly) Guys! I'm scared! What's gonna happen if they find us!? Throw you to the hounds? Tommy: NO!
  14. Tommy hid behind his seat, sneaking his guitar under one of the seats so it wouldn't make him be a dead giveaway. Frank and Kyosuke hid behind their seats as well, guns out in case they got noticed. Tommy: (clearly scared, but quiet as a mouse) A - am I gonna die today? I - I don't wanna die young!
  15. Eh, I agree; in case it does happen, I choose Team 3. I choose Team 2; I think my photography might be fairly useful this time around. Team 1, just so I won't get annoyed by these two morons.
  16. Tommy, Frank and Kyosuke boarded the bus. Tommy pulled out his guitar once he got in, ready to perform some music. So, who's up for some good ol' fashioned guitar playing?
  17. Very well, sir! I'll make sure my big bro gets this gift! Tommy put the pouch in his pocket for safe keeping. Well, guys, I'm just as ready as you are! Let's get going, shall we?
  18. Tommy pulled out his guitar. So, who's ready for some good ol' fashioned guitar? I feel like this hasn't been used ever since I got into a hangout, and now that I have a drummer accompanying me, I think I can really amp up the music.
  19. I choose to investigate! Tommy turned to Edward and Frank. And you two are coming with me! Edward refused; he was going to the slums no matter what. ...as annoyed as I probably am gonna be... I'm investigating as well.
  20. OH BOY! LET'S GET GOING! I'M TIRED OF WAITING! ...I have a feeling that this is going to be an annoying friendship... just judging from your sheer excitement at the moment, it's just as likely that you act like this all the time. ...just you wait... Point proven.
  21. N - no. Trust me, lady; I'm fine. I've been in worse situations. Excuse me for a second, won't you? Kyosuke turned over to Tommy, ready to give him a full-out rant... until he noticed Tommy's guitar. ...is... is that a real guitar? Tch... yeah... I've been playing this guitar for a lo - OH MY GOD! You play an instrument too!? ...huh? I PLAY THE DRUMS! I CAN'T BELIEVE I'VE FOUND ANOTHER PERSON THAT PLAYS AN INSTRUMENT! MAYBE WE COULD START OUR OWN BAND! H - how did you just change moods so suddenly!?
  22. B - b - but he's my new friend! Lemme go before I put a bullet in your brain, goddamnit! That somehow distracted Tommy as he thought just how a bullet would hurt him. Kyosuke fell face first to the floor, but got back up. NICE JOB BREAKING MY FACE, DUMBASS!
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