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Status Replies posted by Darklight

  1. so, not that im really a fan,but i noticed our old one piece collection is gone... u guys down with me making a new one?

  2. 229 GB in 39,297 files, & thats just for all the MUGEN Chars in my Vault, FML

  3. sup sokna you have just been ip banned for constant attempting to evade ban buh bye

  4. i dreamt that i was a green unicorn.. am i normal..?

  5. I just now found this but Laharl you may or may not kill me. http://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/1952280

  6. I got Fallout 3 (Kind of late for me, but worth the wait if you ask me.) and Sonic All-stars Racing Transformed on saturday. I like Fallout 3 because of it's bigger map and weapons, and I like S&A-SR : Transformed because once you've completed the first 5 grand prixes, you get to play as your xbox live avatar (If you play on XBOX Live).

  7. I got Fallout 3 (Kind of late for me, but worth the wait if you ask me.) and Sonic All-stars Racing Transformed on saturday. I like Fallout 3 because of it's bigger map and weapons, and I like S&A-SR : Transformed because once you've completed the first 5 grand prixes, you get to play as your xbox live avatar (If you play on XBOX Live).

  8. I need more Mario spin-off games.

  9. Today's my birthday. I hope everything can get better this year and i'll try to always think positive.

  10. *yawn* Good Morning!

  11. does anyone have a character that is password protected i got a program to break them and i want to try it out to see if it works

  12. His is such bullshit!!!!!! I can't even get on my pc because of some random virus fuck....I need a repair disc....if that fails im done with mugen for good...what bulkshit

    1. Darklight


      just download a xp or what ever op system your using run it problem solves there a way to recover your lost data still even after wiping out everything

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  13. How many T.V.s where broken by the wii remote?


  15. Skype doesn't work, that's ridiculous...

  16. so depending on whats going down i might not be here anymore at least not any time soon

  17. Fallout FOUR!!!

  18. lol Again i have been mistaken as a girl in other Forum.

  19. Changed my avatar for the new pokemon game.

  20. AVGN's youtube channel was taken down.

  21. Where is that mugen 1.1?

    1. Darklight


      if its fan made then yeah they can if they so chose to no one is really stopping them and its not like there going to be a law suit since there is no profit to be made by doing so

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  22. Where is that mugen 1.1?

    1. Darklight


      you would think by now they would release it. to bad only a handful got a beta of it and none is willing to share it either

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

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