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Status Replies posted by Darklight

  1. does anyone have any recommendation for a aint virus/spy ware program

  2. dont waste your time on the new resident evil game for the 360 took me one day to finash the whole game talk about short

  3. torn between 3 chicks who wants me whats a guy to do hate that i have to making up my mind

  4. looks like iam going to be broke again 350 for my new apartment 80 for my phone bill 100 for my replacement 20 for my probation officer and somewhere in between food :( on the upside my date lastnight went amazingly awesome

  5. looks like iam going to be broke again 350 for my new apartment 80 for my phone bill 100 for my replacement 20 for my probation officer and somewhere in between food :( on the upside my date lastnight went amazingly awesome

  6. looks like iam going to be broke again 350 for my new apartment 80 for my phone bill 100 for my replacement 20 for my probation officer and somewhere in between food :( on the upside my date lastnight went amazingly awesome

  7. thinking about selling my copy of SFxT on amazon, because its highly disapointing & i ran thru it with akuma in like 10 minutes

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